Henry Altemus published Alice in Wonderland and
Through the Looking Glass in separate volumes and combined books.
Mistakes regarding editions and dates are commonplace. This section
will review all of the Altemus Alice's. For more detailed information
click on the individual series links.
Of course, Altemus only published reprints of these titles. They were
printed as combination books as well as single titles beginning in
1895. These titles appeared in 27 different series as well being
published as non-series books. Within the series there are numerous
formats and variants. I have seen one Alice in Wonderland book which I
am sure is part of a series but which one is not clear. This book is
discussed at the end of this article.
A. The first Alice books published by Henry Altemus
In 1895 Altemus published the Carroll books for the first time. Two
combination books (Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass)
were published in two different series. Within Series #167 Standard 12
Mo. (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series167.htm)
the book was printed in two different formats. One book has crushed
levant with a silver decorative pattern on a maroon cover (Other colors
have been seen). The other book has a wonderful pictorial cover in
silver and inks. These books are 7.5 x 5.5 and probably Altemus' best
made Alice books. My opinion notwithstanding, these two books should be
the most valuable of all Altemus Carroll's. They are very scarce and
are the first Altemus combination books. The pictorial cover format is
especially unique.
The other early combination book was published in Series #120 The
Library of Standard Authors (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series120.htm).
This book is identical, except for the cover, with the other 1895
combination book from Series #167. As late as 1897 the Alice book from
this series still had 1895 on the base of the title page. Several
different color covers have been seen.

167 |

167 |

120 |

120 |
B. Series #202 Young People's Library Books
In 1895 the first Altemus Carroll's of the individual titles were
published. The two books were part of Series #202 Young People's
Library Format 1. The 1895 edition has 1895 at the base of the title
page. Books without this date are later editions. As the years went on
the Alice's were published in Formats 2-4 of the Young People's
Library. These latter books mostly had the copyright of the 1897
edition on the title page and are frequently touted as the very rare
first Altemus edition. The truth is that they are neither the first
Altemus edition nor are they rare.
Here is an example of the above. As you can see, the copyright of 1897
is on the title page. Clearly though this is a 1900 or later book
because of the Henry Altemus Company imprint.

1 (1895-1898) |

2 (1898-1902) |

3 (1902-1923) |

4 (1923-1933) |
Each of the four different formats of the Young
People's Library was published during certain years. The formats can
easily be distinguished by their spines.
Thus any Alice/ Looking Glass book which is part of the Young People's
Library can instantly be dated within a range. Using the ads in the
back of the book and looking at the dating rules here: http://henryaltemus.com/ypl/index.htm
the exact date can be determined.
The most frequently made error in describing Alice/ Looking Glass books
is when 2nd and 3rd Format books are definitively stated to be rare
Altemus 1897 first editions. The bottom line however is that these books
are not the first Altemus editions, not rare, not published in 1897 and
certainly not valuable.
Remember (as noted above but reasonably emphasized and repeated) that
since Altemus incorporated in 1900, any Format 2 or Format 3 book that
has Henry Altemus Company at the base of the title page is from 1900 or
later. Thus by definition no Henry Altemus Company book can be a “first”
Altemus edition.

1 |

1 |

2 |

2 |

2 |

3 |

3 |
Note that the covers of the Format 2 and 3 books
are very similar. Thus the cover may not help you distinguish an 1898
Format 2 book from a 1920 Format 3 book. The spine and the ads must be
studied to date these books.

4 |

4 |

4 |

4 |
C. Other Alice's with copyrights of 1897
but published much later.
There are several other Alice's that have the 1897 copyrights but were
published much later. Frequently these books are advertised as being
1897 Altemus first editions but clearly they are not.
Series 57: Boys and Girls' Classics (new). This series of fifteen books
was published between 1908 and 1926. Confusion about these books exists
because these volumes' interiors are identical to the Young People's
Library Format 2 books (including the title page that says Young
People's Library). Thus not only are the books misidentified as to date
but also as to series.
The covers are made from a number of different linen swatches. Some
examples are below. For all possible pictures see
Series #200. The Young Folks' Quarto Series
and its successor Series #64. Children's Gift Series
both list the copyright as 1897. Series #200 was published in 1912 and
Series #64 was published between 1913 and 1920. The Alice/ Looking
Glass books of both series are the same. They are large (8.5 x 6.5) and
each page has light blue decorative illustrations surrounding the text.
See http://henryaltemus.com/series/series200.htm
for more details.

1 |

1 |

2 |

D. The Publisher's Series.
Altemus published numerous series which consisted of reprints of
literature, poetry, essays, etc. What distinguished one series from
another was the beautifully decorated covers. Some had fine woven silk,
some had embossed designs in gilt while others had appliques of
beautiful European paintings. Alice and Through the Looking Glass were
published as part of a number of these series.
Generally the decorative cover changed each year for each series. In
addition the basic cover pattern in some of the series might contain up
to 40 plus different applique pictures or 16 different floral patterns
and have a number of background colors.
For more on the publisher's
series see: http://henryaltemus.com/publishers/index.htm
#48 Beauxarts Series (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series48.htm)

1899-1901 |

1902 |
#115 La Belle Fleur Series (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series115.htm)

1901 |
#118 L'Art Nouveau Series (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series118.htm)

1901 |
#130 Marqueterie Series (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series130.htm)
#143 Petit Trianon Series (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series143.htm)

1899 |

1899-1900 |

1901-1902 |

Mucha |

1903-1904 |

1905-1906 |

1907 |

1908-1909 |
#158 Riviere Series (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series158.htm)
The Riviere Series book is a combination book which includes Alice in
Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.

1901 |

1902 |
#163 Sanspareil Series (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series163.htm)

1899 |
#180 Vademecum Series (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series180.htm)

1899 |

1900 |

1901 |

1901a |

1902 |

1903 |

1904 |

1905-1906 |

1907 |

1908 |

1909-1912 |

1912-1913 |

1912-1913 |

1915 |

1917 |

1920s |
E. Other Miscellaneous Series
The Alice/ Looking Glass books were part of a number of other series.
In this section I will briefly review these books.
Series #58 Boys and Girls Classics (Old).
This series of 40 books was published between 1899-1906. A similar
format was used for Series #59 Boys and Girls Own Library,
a 39 volume
series published in 1909-1910. (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series59.htm)
Series #87 Favorite Series for Young
This series of 19 books was published between 1900-1910. The Alice book
has the copyright of 1896 while the Through the Looking Glass book has
an 1897 copyright.
The Format 2 books in this series have covers identical to those
found in the Young Peoples Library (Series #202). The title pages
however identify the series as the “Favorite Series”. Pictured below
are the Format 1 books. (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series87.htm)
Series #82 Ever New Books for Young People.
This sixteen volume series was published in 1915 and is quite scarce.
The covers of the books are the same as those of Series #202 Young
People's Library except this series' books are slightly larger
accommodating the decorative pattern seen at the bottom of the cover. (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series82.htm)
Series #186 Wee Books for Wee Folks.
These small (5.5 x 4.5) books are from one of the most popular Altemus
series. This series consisted of tales for toddlers. Books such as
Peter Rabbit,
Three Little Pigs and Little Black Sambo are seen here. The text is
found on one page with a nice color pictorial picture opposite the
text. Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1926. Through the
Looking Glass was published in the same year. (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series186.htm)
Series #125 Little Men and Women Series.
This series of 25 books was published between 1907 and 1925. The Alice
book is a combination book including Alice in Wonderland and Through
the Looking Glass. During the course of this series the cover picture
of the Alice book never changed but the colors on the cover did. See
below. (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series125.htm)
F. Non Series Books
In 1916 a large (11.25 x 8.5) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland book was
published. This book with the applique picture on the cover is quite
scarce. The earlier of this format's book had illustrated endpapers
while the later books had plain endpapers.
Two combination books with both stories were
published in 1915. These are also somewhat scarce and are shown below.




Jacket- earlier |

Jacket- later |