Platt and
Munk Series #110- Colorful Story Books (
110-A The Little Sallie Mandy Story Book
110-B The Little Folks Animal Story Book
110-C The Fairyland Story Book
110-D The Little Black Sambo Story Book
110-E The Peter Rabbit Playtime Story Book
110-F The Bedtime Animal Story Book
Cloth. The earlier editions have a full front cover multicolored book
appropriate illustrative applique. Later books have a line drawn
illustration on the cover. The later books have a multicolored cover
matching dust jacket. 10.25 x 8.125. First published in 1935.
1. The Story Books include abridged versions of the original Wee Books
and have many but not all of the original illustrations.
2. In the Platt and Munk catalogue a 7th book Alice and Wonderland and
Through the Looking Glass is included in this series. It does not
appear that this was a reprinted Altemus title.
3. The Little Sallie Mandy Story Book reprints 5 Wee Books- 4 of which
were reprinted by Platt and Munk and one which was not- Little Sallie
Mandy's Christmas Present.
4. Peter Rabbit's Playtime Story Book included 5 books- Tale of Peter
Rabbit, Went A-Fishing, Holiday, Little Girl, and Wedding Day.
5. The Little Black Sambo Story Book includes 6 books, the four
reprinted by Platt and Munk from Altemus as well as Bear's Den and
6. The Bedtime Animal Story Book has 4 books from the Altemus Bunnie
Bunniekin Series. These books were not reprinted by Platt and Munk. The
stories are Old Red Reynard the Fox, Hootie Toots, Little Mousie
Mousiekin and Flapsy Flopper.
7. The Little Folks Animal Story Book also includes books from the
Little Bunnie Bunniekin Series by Altemus. These books are Little
Bunnie Bunniekin, Little Lambie Lambkin, Little Dearie Dear, Little
Squirrelie Squirreliekin.
8. The Fairyland Story Book includes six books from the Wee Folks
Cinderella Series (
By 1942 series #110 was discontinued. Book 110A was reprinted in 1942
as 102A. Book 110D was reprinted in 1943 as 102B.

110E |

110F |

DJ- Later edition |

Later edition |
#102-Colorful Story Book Series
102A- Little Sallie Mandy Story Book-1942
102B- Little Black Sambo Story Book- 1943
are the two books from series 102.

Dust Jacket |

102A |

Dust Jacket |

102B |
Little Dots for Little Tots
Box 61A includes 61A-E. These books have
a 1939 copyright. The covers are made of a soft cardboard. The books
are 8 x 6. The five books originally were published in Altemus’ Series
#144-Piffle Dot Drawing Books-First Series (
and Series #145 Piffle Dot Drawing Books-Second Series
61A- Billy Spot's Puzzle Dots
61B- Little Dots for Little Tots
61C- Piffle's Mother Goose Dot Drawing Book
61D- Piffle's Dot Puzzles
61E- Piffle's Pastime Dot Drawing Book
Series #61B-Dot to Dot Drawing Books
#61B- Dot Drawing Books Boxed
Box 61B includes books 61F-61J. These books have a 1939 copyright. The
covers are made of a soft cardboard. The books are 8 x 6. The five
books originally were published in Altemus’ Series #144-Piffle Dot
Drawing Books-First Series (
and Series #145 Piffle Dot Drawing Books-Second Series (
61F- Willie Wuzzle's Picture Puzzles
61G- Piffle's Circus Dot Drawing Book
61H- Piffle's Peter Rabbit Dot Drawing Book
61I-Piffle's Picture Puzzles
61J- Piffle's Zoo Zoo Dot Drawing Book
The Big Box of Dot to Dot Drawing Books (No. 161)
includes all ten of the above books. This box has a 1940 copyright.
Drawing Book Series (
was in part republished by Platt and Munk as Series #037 Dot Drawing
The Altemus series consisted of 10 books. The Platt and Munk Series
consisted at its peak of five books. The Altemus books which were
reprinted by Platt and Munk were first published in 1928 and 1929
whereas the reprinted series first appeared in 1935.
Dot Drawing Series by Platt and Munk
037A. Little Black Sambo Magic Drawing Book
037B. Little Small Red Hen Magic Drawing Book
037C. Three Bears Magic Drawing Book
037D. Three Little Pigs' Magic Drawing Book
037E. Little Sallie Mandy Magic Drawing Book
Format: The books were published with limp board covers with full color
pictorial book appropriate pictures. The early books (until 1940) were
7.5 x 10.25 and later editions were 8.0 x 10.25.
Series notes:
1. Books A-D were first published by Platt and Munk in 1935. Book 037E
was added to the series in 1940.
2. The books were sold separately or boxed in sets of four.
3. Between 1940 and 1946 the box contained a random group of four out
of five books.
4. Between 1935-1939 the books had 32 pages. From 1940-1945 there were
24 pages. After 1946 there were 16 pages.
5. In 1946 The Little Red Hen Magic Drawing Book was deleted from the
series and the Sallie Mandy book was renumbered as 037B.
6. The covers of the books were changed for the 1946 edition.
7. The boxes were labeled: Fun with Dots for Little Tots and were
numbered as #137.
Munk Series #115- Story Book Series
Platt and Munk reprinted both books from Altemus Series #172. These
books are compilations of various Wee Books. See
115A- The Peter Rabbit Story Book
Green cloth. Full cover applique with a multicolored picture of Peter
Rabbit walking. Illustrated pictorial end papers.10 x 8.
First published by Platt and Munk in 1935. This book consists of 14
Peter Rabbit stories. 12 of the 14 stories are from Platt and Munk
reprinted Altemus books. Two (Old Witch Woman and Went A-Fishing) were
never reprinted by Platt and Munk in book form.
115B- The Wee Folks Bedtime Story Book
It is presumed that the Platt and Munk edition of this book is
identical to the Altemus version but without seeing this book that
cannot be confirmed.
for Wee Folks Series
Altemus' Wee Books for Wee Folks Series
was one of its most popular series.
Altemus published the
Wee Books in a number of smaller sub-series and finally in one large
series. Beginning in 1935 Platt and Munk reprinted many of the Wee
Books with an emphasis on the Peter Rabbit books.
The first Platt and Munk format was identical to the Wee Books from the
original Altemus series except that the cover surrounding the applique
paste-on has been seen in several different colors- green, red, orange,
blue. (The original Altemus books only had grey cloth.) The end papers
of this earlier edition are the same as the latest Altemus endpapers.
They have a colorful picture of a number of people and animals in a
circle. The dust jacket matches the book cover and is also identical to
the Altemus jacket except that the Platt and Munk book number is on the
lower left of the cover.
The second format has a line drawn illustration on the cover. In this
format the cover is mostly the same for each group of Platt and Munk
books. That is, all the Peter Rabbit covers are the same , all the
Little Black Sambo covers are the same, etc. The exceptions are #600-45
Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes and 600-50 to 600-53 the Bible Stories each
of which have a different cover in the second format.
The end papers are plain. The dust jackets are the same as seen in the
first format.
The paste-on/applique covers of these books can be seen in the various
Wee Books series pages. Put the name of your title into the search box
to find it.
#600 Wee Books for Wee Folks first reprinted in
600-1. Tale of Peter Rabbit
600-2. Peter Rabbit Went To Sea
600-3. Peter Rabbit at the Farm
600-4. Peter Rabbit's Christmas
600-5. Peter Rabbit's Easter
600-6. Peter Rabbit Went to School
600-7. Peter Rabbit's Birthday
600-8. Peter Rabbit Goes a Visiting
600-9. Peter Rabbit and Jack-the-Jumper
600-10. Peter Rabbit and the Little Boy
600-11. Peter Rabbit and the Little Girl
600-12. Peter Rabbit and the Little White Rabbit
600-13. Peter Rabbit and the Tinybits
600-14. Peter Rabbit's Holiday

600-10 |

600-11 |

600-13 |

600-14 |
first format
Platt and Munk books have been seen in various colors. Also note the
Platt and Munk identifying number on the bottom left of the dust
jacket. The Altemus book has no comparable identifying number.
earlier format
has this pictorial endpaper. This is identical to the last Altemus
second format
Platt and Munk books no longer have the applique on the cover. This
cover is common to all the later Peter Rabbit’s.
Little Black
600-26. Little Black Sambo and the Baby Elephant
600-27. Little Black Sambo and the Tiger Kitten
600-28. Little Black Sambo and the Monkey People
Here are the first and second Little Black Sambo formats. Multiple
cover colors have been seen with each.
Sallie Mandy
600-36. Little Sallie Mandy and Tommy Whiskers
600-37. Little Sallie Mandy and the Shiny Penny
600-38. Little Sallie Mandy at the Farm

600-35 |

600-35 |

600-36 |

600-37 |
600-41. The Three Bears
600-42. The Three Little Kittens
600-43. The Little Small Red Hen
600-44. The Night Before Christmas
600-45. Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes (added to series in 1939)

600-40 |

600-40 |

600-41 |

600-41 |

600-42 |

600-42 |

600-44 |

600-44 |

600-44 (Later) |

600-45 |
Wee Folks
Stories from the Old Testament
600-51. Wee Folks Stories from the New Testament
600-52. Wee Folks Life of Christ
600-53. Little Prayers for Little Lips
1938 Platt and
Munk was publishing these books in four book boxed sets.
The box sets were advertised at $1.39 each
Box numbers and which book numbers they contained are noted below.
601- #1,2,3 and 10
602- #6,7,8, and 11
603- #25-28
604- #40-43
605- #35-38
606- #50-53
These boxes are very scarce. Here is box #606. The books within it are
numbered 600-50 to 600-53. As is obvious, the box has a generic
decoration/picture unrelated to the subjects of the book within.
1942 each box had only three books. $1.05/each. Book and box numbers
are shown below.
650a- #1-3
650b- #6-8
650c- #9-11
650d- #12-14
650e- #26-28
650f- #36-38
650g- #40-42
650h- #43-45
650i- #50-53
Here is a three book box. It is 650G.
The books still have the appliqué on the front cover.
The back of the jacket is blank. This is a set from 1942.