Publish Dates:
Topic: |
and Girls' Series of New Copyrights
1901 - 1902
Children's stories |
Formats: |
1 |
Title: |
Author: |
Year: |
Illustrator: |
1 |
Little Lady-Her Book |
Paine, Albert Bigelow |
1901 |
Wager-Smith, Curtis |
2 |
Caps and Capers |
Jackson, Gabrielle E. |
1901 |
Relyea, C.M. |
3 |
Tommy Foster's Adventures |
Ober, Frederick A. |
1901 |
Arthur, Stanley |
4 |
Polly Perkin's Adventures |
Liddell, E. Louise |
1902 |
Strehlau, C.A. |
5 |
Doughnuts and Diplomas |
Jackson, Gabrielle E. |
1902 |
Relyea, C.M. |
6 |
Wings and Fetters |
Kingsley, Florence Morse |
1902 |
Birch, Reginald |
7 |
For Prey and Spoils |
Ober, Frederick A. |
1902 |
Birch, Reginald |
Altemus Company
Cloth. Book appropriate multicolored line drawn picture on the cover.
Dust jacket is on brown uncoated paper. The dust jacket picture matches
the frontispiece. 7.5 x 5.
Series Notes:
1. The first editions of books #1-3 (the 1901 books) have decorated end
2. By 1902 the endpapers of all seven books were plain.
3. All the 1901 and 1902 editions have glossy frontispieces.
4. All of the books of this series (except for #6-Wings and Fetters)
starting in 1907 were part of Series #105 Little Men and Women Series. (http://henryaltemus.com/series/series125.htm)
5. The books of Series #105 Little Men and Women Series had plain paper
frontispieces. |
#4 Dust Jacket
#1- Front endpapers
#1- Rear endpapers
#2- Front Endpapers
#2- Rear Endpapers
#3- Front Endpapers
#3- Rear Endpapers
1901 Advertising Flyer
Tommy Foster's Adventures was
first published by Altemus in 1901 as part of the Boys' and Girls'
Series of New Copyrights. Folly in Fairyland was also first published
by Altemus in 1901. This latter book was the first title in the two
book Folly Series. Since both books first came out in 1901, a
reasonable assumption is that the flyer is from that same year. It is
7.125 x 3.25 which is the typical size of the Altemus one sheet
advertising flyers.
It is likely that most all Altemus titles/series had similar
advertisements. Unfortunately they are quite hard to find.
Advertising Flyer
1902 Advertising Flyer found
Within a Diplome L’Honneur Series book a one sheet advertising flyer
has been discovered. This series was only published in 1902 and both
books advertised on the flyer are also 1902 books.
As pictured below, on one side of the flyer is a picture of the
frontispiece from the book Gypsy the Talking Dog by Tudor Jenks. The
Jenks’ book was originally part of the two volume Jenks’ Talking Animal
Series (Series #111). Later, beginning in 1908, it was part of the
Little Men and Women Series (Series #125)
The other side of the flyer advertises Wings and Fetters by Florence
Morse Kingsley. This book was part of The Boy’s and Girl’s Series of
New Copyrights (Series # 60) published in 1901-1902. Of interest is
that the picture seen on the flyer does not appear in the book. This
book has an illustration page which lists the four glossy pictures
found within. None match the flyer’s picture. A puzzle to be sure.
The flyer is 7.25” x 3.25”.

Ad #1 |

Ad #2 |