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The following information includes updates and addenda to the bibliography as well as corrections of errors (substantive, typographical, etc) found in the 1st edition of our Henry Altemus bibliography. You can review this section by the most recent entry or by the series number. Non series listings follow series listings.


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Updates, Addenda & Errata
Date Series Num Information
30 Apr 2007 65

Christmas Gift Series


In the bibliography it was pointed out that this very rare series was never noted in any Altemus catalogue or advertisement. At the time of the bibliography publication only 4 books were known to have been a part of this series. Also only pink covers had been seen. Pictured here is a book with a green cover.

New books found that are part of this series include:
Stepping Heavenward #25
Evangeline #10
Prince of the House of David
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

In order to know the number of the book definitively within the series the very rare box has to be present because that is the only place where the number can be found. So far the two numbers seen above as well as The Courtship of Miles Standish #7 are the only numbers known. It can be assumed that the books were ordered alphabetically.



05 Jun 2006 71

Conversational Dictionaries


The Altemus Conversational Dictionaries were 4 in number. It appears the first three books were published in 1896. French, Italian and German. The fourth- Spanish- was printed later-probably in 1903. The 1896 versions had end papers replete with praise for the first books. Later the end papers were plain.

Only one format: Cloth. Seen in burgundy, green, and light brown. Gold gilt title on the ribbed spine. 3 x 4.



12 Mar 2008 71

Conversational Dictionaries


In the bibliography these books are listed with anonymous authors. These books were edited by Richard Jaschke.

10 Jul 2006 72

Crestmont Series


The picture in the bibliography for this series is incorrect. The correct picture is shown here.



16 Mar 2007 77

Divinity Classics Series


New Boxed set seen.

Altemus published numerous books that originally came boxed. Most of the publisher's series of the 1890s as well as the Wee Books for Wee Folks 1904 books, Boys and Girls Classics and miscellaneous others came boxed. Most all of these boxes were for one book only. In the mid 1890s however there were some series that came with multi volume boxes. Nathaniel Hawthorne's Works (Series #135) came in a 5 volume box. The Three Volume Sets (Series #175) came with 3 book boxes.

The Divinity Classics (Series # 77). was published in 1894 with one three book box. In 1895 the Divinity Classics Series consisted of 13 two volume boxed sets. The first one consisting of books #1 and #2 is shown here. These multi volume boxed sets are extremely rare.



22 Dec 2006 82

Ever New Books for Young People


Change size of the book to 7.75 x 5.5

16 May 2007 87

Favorite Series


The first format books as noted in the bibliography have vertical lines surrounding an applique (paste-on) on the front cover. A book in this series has been found with horizontal lines.
Representative covers are shown below. Since not all of the books in format 1 of this series have been seen, I cannot be sure whether other patterns are extant.



07 Sep 2008 87

Favorite Series


This series of fiction/fairy tale books was published in two formats between 1901 and 1907. The first format which has either horizontal or vertical lines surrounding an applique has been thought to have only 18 books. The series is advertised with an 18 volume book list and each of the books has an advertisement for the series on the back of the title page with the same 18 books. On the top of the title page each book says Altemus' Favorite Series.

Imagine my surprise when the book below was found. It has the characteristic cover, title page and advertisement page for the Favorite Series. One problem however exists. It is never listed in any advertisement for the series-not in the book ads, Altemus catalogues or other book seller catalogues.

I am adding this book as #19 to the series but it just goes to show that there are many surprises even in areas where there should be none.



01 Dec 2005 90

Frank Schell Ballentine Books Series


Series 90 which includes two books was thought to always have purple covers. Today a book has been added to the picture section with the same cover pattern but in orange.



08 Jun 2006 121

Life of Service Series


Numbers 21-28 were added to the series in 1926-1927 in format 4.

Series #121-addendum
Life of Service
21. Gold Dust
22. Daily Food for Christians
23. Morning Thoughts-Havergal
24. Evening Thoughts- Havergal
25. Of the Imitation of Christ- A. Kempis
26. Line Upon Line
27. The Peep of Day
28. The Shepherd Psalm- Meyer

Format 4. Volumes 1-16, 21-28. Plain blue non decorative Cover. Gold script title in upper left of the cover. Purple Dust jacket matches the cover. Spine of the book has title in block letters.

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