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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

If you have a question about Altemus books that you'd like answered please click on the Questions link at the bottom left of this page.

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Questions & Answers
Date Series Num Information
26 Sep 2010 37

Altemus Library

Q:  Hello, I stumbled upon your website trying to find information about a book I have acquired. It is "Tales from Shakespeare" by Charles and Mary Lamb. The only date I can find is 1894. I might be looking to sell it. Do you have any information or know if it is worth anything? I have attached photos.

A:  Your book is part of the Altemus Library. See ../series/series37.htm It originally came with a dust jacket.

Unfortunately in poor condition it really has only nominal, if any, value.

25 Sep 2010 74

Dainty Series

Q:  Dear experts, here is some pics.of a book young robin hood. copy right.1900 can you tell me anything more concerning this book?

A:  Your book is part of the Dainty Series.You can find out more about it here: http://www.henryaltemus.com/series/series74.htm

It is part of the last format (5) of this series published at the end of its print run in around 1908-1909. It originally had a dust jacket.

It has only nominal value.

24 Sep 2010 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  I have a copy of the Scarlet Letter published by the Henry Altemus Publishing Company and My late Uncle thought it was published about 1850. It is in very good shape. Thanks

A:  Actually your book was published in 1904. The early date is on the preface which Altemus reprinted.

See: ../series/series180.htm

When Altemus reprinted the classics, it frequently reprinted the entire text including the preface. Thus, it is easy to confuse the date of publication with the date on the preface.

It has only nominal value.

23 Sep 2010 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  I saw your description on your site referring to Gold Dust as not being published in the 1890's. I beg to differ. I hold in my hand a copy of Gold Dust and inside it specifically says "Copyright 1897 by Henry Altemus".

A:  This book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1898. ../series/series179.htm

The reader is confusing the Altemus copyright date from the date of publication. But in addition we are not sure where she got the idea that we did not think this was published in the 1890's. Perhaps she saw a mention of a later 20th century Altemus version of this title.

22 Sep 2010 196

World's Classics Series

Q:  Hi, I am trying to figure out what time period this book (Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin) is from, when it was published and any information you can tell me about it. Here is a copy of the cover. Thank you.

A:  Your book is part of the World's Classics Series (#196) ../series/series196.htm

These books were first published in 1912 and reprinted until 1916. Red, brown and green suede covers have been seen. Originally they came within a labeled box.

20 Aug 2010 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  Hello. I found this book (The Scarlet Letter) while cleaning out my recently deceased great aunt's house. The cover is not in the best of shape but the inside is perfect other than a natural discoloration of the pages. I was wondering if you could tell me about it as I could not find it on your site. Any information about it or its worth would be greatly appreciated.

A:  Your book can be found here Petit Trianon Series with the 1905-1906 books.

In average shape without the original box it has only nominal value.

19 Aug 2010 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  Would like to find more information regarding The House of the Seven Gables book that I own. Any help is appreciated. Thank you! Michelle (Photos Attached)

A:  You can find your book pictured with the other 1898 books here: Vademecum Series

It has only nominal value.

18 Aug 2010 99

Golden Treasury Series

Q:  I found this (John Ploughman's Talk) in a box of books given to me recently. It's priceless to me, since Spurgeon is one of my favorite authors. In other words, I don't care so much about whether or not it has inherent value, but I would like to know a little about it. Best I can tell, it's from the Devotional Series? 1896? The copyright date inside is 1896. Couldn't find this cover (in particular) on the Devotional Series page, but is there anything else you can tell me about it?

A:  Your book can be found here: Series 99

It is not part of the Devotional Series but rather part of the Golden Treasury Series.

17 Aug 2010 58

Boys and Girls' Classics (old)

Q:  Hello,
I found your website while doing a search on the Henry Altemus book A Child's Garden of Verses. I am not a collector so I don't know much about the book. I can't find a date on this. I have attached a few pictures. Can u tell me is this rare? How much it might be worth? and maybe what year it might be?? I appreciate any help you can give me

A:  Your book was published between 1899-1902. To pin it down better see Boys and Girls' Classics Series 58

In poor shape it has no value.

16 Aug 2010 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  I have a copy of “The Lays of Ancient Rome”, by T.B. Macaulay published by Henry Altemus Co. No copyright and no publication date. I have attached a copy of the cover (giant oak on path with red cover). From my search through your site I think I can determine that the publication date is 1903. Is that correct? Thanks for your assistance.

A:  You are right. It is part of the Vademecum Series (Series #180).

See ../vademecum.htm

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