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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

If you have a question about Altemus books that you'd like answered please click on the Questions link at the bottom left of this page.

We recommend that those inquiring about the identification of a particular book format send pictures along with their question.


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Questions & Answers
Date Series Num Information
22 Nov 2012 162

Sanspareil Series

Q:  I have two books that I would like to know what they are worth and what they are. I have sent pictures of both their covers and first page. The Pathway of Promise has a copyright of 1896 and says it is by the same author of The Throne of Grace. The Imitation of Christ says it is by Thomas A’Kempis, but does not list a copyright. I would really appreciate whatever you could tell me. Thank You

A:  The Altemus book is part of the Sanspareil Series and was published in 1898. It originally came with a dust jacket. This is a typical publisher's series. All of the its titles are reprints. ../series/series162.htm

I am including here a picture of a representative dust jacket. This book only has nominal value.

21 Nov 2012 48

Beauxarts Series

Q:  Came across this book (The Courtship of Miles Standish) when I was bring out the "Good Dishes" for Thanksgiving Day. Belonged to my husband's Great Great Great Aunt from Hampton NH. Looked on your site but did not see any thing that matched.

A:  This book is part of the Beauxarts Series and was published in 1902. As with all of the books in this series, it is a reprint with relatively little value. It originally came within a labeled box. For more information see ../series/series48.htm.

12 Nov 2012 69

Classics Series

Q:  Hi, we have "The Chimes" marked 31 on the binding. No dates. Searched your blog with no luck. Can you tell us anything about it? Thanks.

A:  Your book is part of the Classics Series. See ../series/series166.htm

It was published in the 1909-early teens era. In fair shape without the dust jacket it has little value.

07 Nov 2012 47

Beauxarts Series

Q:  Hello I just picked up this Black Beauty book, it has no date inside, a little girl wrote her name and date 1888. The inside reads Henry Altemus Philadelphia.
Was hope you knew more about it. Thank you.

A:  Your book was published in 1897 as part of the Beauxarts Series. See ../series/series47.htm

It originally came within a labeled box. All of the titles in this series are reprints.

05 Nov 2012

Non Series #7

Q:  Hello, I'm trying to find more information about my book (Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales). I believe it is the Altemus 1918 non-series publication. Would this be considered a first edition? Please correct me if I'm wrong and give me any more information that I may be missing. Thank you!

A:  It is the non series Altemus publication. Since all the stories have previously appeared in other books, I do not think it can be called a first edition. However, it probably can be called the "First Edition, thus". It originally came with a dust jacket. It is of a similar format to Grimm's Fairy Tales which was also published in 1918 See: ../images/NS_64.jpg

03 Nov 2012 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  Hi, I have a small blue "Poems" by Edgar Allan Poe book copyright 1895 by Henry Altemus, Philadelphia. Do you have any information regarding this book?

A:  Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1896. See ../series/series179.htm. During this year this series' books came in a number of different colors. It originally was published with a labeled box. All the books in this series are reprints.

25 Oct 2012 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  Hi there, Another copy I couldn’t identify (Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam). Pls help.

A:  Your book is part of the Petit Trianon Series. As with all of the books in this series, it is a reprint. It was published in 1905-1906 and originally came within a labeled box. I am including a picture of what the box looks like. See ../series/series143.htm for more information.

20 Oct 2012 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  Can you tell me anything about this book? The title is The Blithedale Romance by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It was published by Henry Altemus in Philadelphia.

A:  Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1896. It originally came in a labeled box. It is a reprint and only has nominal value. See ../series/series179.htm for more information.

18 Oct 2012 184

Waistcoat Pocket Series

Q:  This little book (Songs of Shakespeare) is published in 1906 by Henry Altemus Company. I could not find any info on the web about it. I would like to have more info like its value on the open market today, part of a series etc?

A:  Your book is part of the Waistcoat Pocket Series. See ../series/series184.htm.

This book is a reprint and was originally published with a labeled box. It only has nominal value.

16 Oct 2012 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  I have had this book (Black Beauty) for about four years and it came from an estate. The handwritten inscription inside dates it as a 1903 Christmas present. Would you be able to verify when it was printed? If so, do you know it's current value?

A:  Your book was published in 1903 and is part of the Vademecum Series. All of the titles in this series are reprints.

In 1903 the books of the Vademecum Series had one of several colored covers with the same basic cover template. Any one of more than 40 paintings have been seen on the front cover.


It only has nominal value.

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