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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers
Date Series Num Information
18 Aug 2012 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  I recently purchased a copy of Manon Lescaut by your publishing house. It has no date in it. I wonder if you could look at a few photos attached and let me know what date you think it was published and any other info you may have such as monetary value.

A:  This book was published in 1899-1900 as part of the Petit Trianon Series. See ../series/series143.htm

It is a reprint originally came in a labeled box. The left side of the cover has a stereotypical decorative vine design. The right side has various floral or other artistic patterns.

As of this time I have seen 27 different right half covers. A typical box is shown on the series page.

The books of this series only have value if the title is collectible. Your title is not and thus the book has only nominal value.

17 Aug 2012 172

Story Book Series

Q:  I don’t have a picture..trying to find a copy of a book that was my father’s. Circa 1920 It was a volume of the Peter Rabbit Stories, author Linda Stevens Almond. The cover was Navy Blue and had an illustration of Peter Rabbit on it. The book was about 8 x 10..maybe a little smaller, and about 2 inches, give or take thick. My mother had a yard sale back around 1977 and the book disappeared. I really would love to find a copy as I spent many childhood hours reading it. It contained many of the stories I see in singular..but I have yet to see the volume with many stories. Any help would be much appreciated.

A:  I believe the book that best fits your description is the one shown. It is part of the two book Story Book Series. ../series/series172.htm

It is a compilation of the first 14 books of the Wee Folks Peter Rabbit Series. It was first published in 1924. With the dust jacket it is quite scarce.

16 Aug 2012 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  Hi, Can you tell me about this book (Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam)?

A:  This book was published in 1908 and 1909 as part of the Petit Trianon Series. As with all the books of this series it is a reprint and originally came in a labeled box. This book represents the last years of this series which was published with numerous different covers between 1896 and 1909. Generally, unless the title is special in some way, the books do not sell for more than a few dollars.

See ../series/series143.htm for more information.

15 Aug 2012

Non Series #124

Q:  I have the opportunity to buy a 1892 version of the scarlet letter. I know this was a very common print, I just want to make sure I am not missing out on an opportunity, this is a picture of the cover, I haven't seen this exact cover elsewhere on the web.... I would be greatly appreciative if you could give me a value as to what its worth.

A:  Altemus published the Scarlet Letter in numerous formats. In 1892 it published its non-series Scarlet Letter. The same cover style was printed in several different colors. Early in 1892 the Altemus Scarlet Letters did not include the 1850 "Preface to the Second Edition" which appeared in all the latter Altemus Scarlet Letter printings. Because this book is relatively common and a reprint, it has little value.

14 Aug 2012 75

Devotional Series

Q:  Can you tell me the value of this copy of "Line Upon Line"? This is book number 27 in the series, in good condition. The attached photos show a good representation of its condition. Thank you for your time.

A:  Your book is part of the Devotional Series. This series of moralistic and religious books was a long running series published between 1895 and 1933. During these years there were nine different formats published. Your book is format 7, published between 1901-1904. This format originally came in a labeled box. Interestingly several different paste-ons have been seen within the cover template.

For more information see ../series/series75.htm.

Since your book is in poor shape and is a reprint, it has only nominal value.

13 Aug 2012 202

Young People's Library

Q:  I picked up this book from a second hand store about ten years ago and am wondering if you can give me some information about it. It is a Grimm's Fairy Tales from 1898 part of the Young People's Library. The spine was damaged when I bought it but I'm interested in having it repaired. I'm hoping to pass this onto my son when he's old enough to appreciate and take care of it.

Any information you can give me would be great. I paid $2.00 for it which to me is a bargain for such works.

A:  Your book is part of the Young People's Library. Based on the cover, it is a format 3 book published between 1902-1923. It originally came with a dust jacket. Except for a few titles the books of this series have little value and it probably is not worth getting the binding repaired. For more information see ../series/series202F3.htm.

12 Aug 2012 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  Here is a photo i copied from someone else (mine is in better condition, but i am without a camera at the moment). It is a green cover with gold and red on the front. My book has no date, no title, no nothing. It simply says "Poems" and at the bottom says e.a. poe. I know it is from 1897, but that is all i know. Is there a way to get a price for this book? thank you very much!

A:  Your 1897 book is from the Vademecum Series (../series/series179.htm). This series of reprints was published with different covers every year. This is the 1897 cover. It was published in a number of colors. It originally came in a labeled slip case box. This series' books generally have little value.

11 Aug 2012 55

Bo-Peep Series

Q:  Could you please tell me the value of this book (Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary)?

A:  This book is part of the eight volume Bo-Peep Series. The books of this series are large (8.5 x 6.75) and came with dust jackets. (Shown with the book). All eight books were published in 1905. Generally without a dust jacket they do not sell for more than a few dollars each.

06 Aug 2012 82

Ever New Books for Young People

Q:  I am attaching a picture of a book (Swiss Family Robinson) and I am trying to determine the publish date. Also if there is any info on the value. Thanks in advance.

A:  Your book is part of the Ever New Books for Young People Series. See ../series/series82.htm This 16 book series was published in 1915 and originally came with a dust jacket. Although this series' books look like books from the Young People's Library, they are slightly larger and have the little horizontal squiggle at the bottom of the cover.

These books are hard to find but scarcity has not helped their value. Without a dust jacket they seldom sell for more than $10-15.

02 Aug 2012 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  Looking for info on this book. Thanks.

A:  Your book is part of the Vademecum Series. See ../series/series180.htm. It was published in 1899. During that year the cover came in a number of different colors. The book was originally published with a labeled slipcase box.

The book is a reprint and only Treasure Island collectors would pay more than a couple of dollars for it.

I have enclosed several other color covers for your interest.

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