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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers
Date Series Num Information
29 Dec 2018 202

Young People's Library Format 3

Q:  Hello, I've found an interesting book (Grimm's Fairy Tales) and I'm having a hard time finding a date for the publishing (or honestly any information about it). I was wondering if you could help or even know of a person who could. Thanks.

A:  Your book is part of the Young People's Library. It is a Format 3 book.

There is a flowchart on this page which can help you date your book.

Originally it came with a dust jacket.

It is a reprint with nominal value.

27 Dec 2018 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  I found this book (Holmes' Poems) year ago in an antique store, I can't find any publishing date and was wondering if you could enlighten me! Also, I would like to know it's value if possible.

A:  Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1899.

All of the titles in this series are reprints.

This book has nominal value.

25 Dec 2018 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  Please help with this book.

A:  Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1899. It originally came within a labeled box.

See: Vademecum Series (later numbering) Series 180

It is a reprint as are all of the titles in this series.

It only has nominal value.

23 Dec 2018 78

Dore's Masterpieces

Q:  Hello and good day, I have a copy of Dante's Inferno, however, I have been unable to locate any reference to the copy I have. It has an unusual cover. Could you be so kind as to provide any additional information on this issue. Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.

A:  This series of very elegant volumes which were illustrated by Gustave Dore were published between 1889-1903. See: Dore's Masterpieces Series 78

There were six different formats all of which either came boxed or in dust jackets.

This title is from Format #5. It was first published in 1892.

On the left of the cover is vellum with a gold gilt decorative pattern. The right side has the title in gilt with various underlying colors.

This format came with a red canvas dust jacket. See here.

21 Dec 2018 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  Hello, I was wondering if you might be able to tell me the year this book (Black Beauty) was printed and if it has value (so that I know if I should take special care of it--was in the family so won't be sold).
Thank you in advance!

A:  Your book was published between 1909 and 1912 as part of the Vademecum Series. See: Vademecum Series (later numbering) Series 180

All of the titles in this series are reprints. Your book has nominal value.

During these years the books originally came within a labeled box. An example is shown here.

19 Dec 2018

Non Series #112 Poor Boys' Chances

Q:  Hello, In my possession I have a first edition, first impression of the John Habberton book, Poor Boys' Chances. I’ve had it in my possession for 21 years, or all of my life. The book's binding is now in poor condition, but it still has great value to me. I wanted to find out more about the printing and number of copies published. Do you have this information? The site has a very small amount of info about it, but was still interesting. John Habberton is not credited on Wikipedia and other sites for writing this book, so I assumed it was published in very limited quantities. It has been a source of great inspiration to me. Thank you for any information you can offer.

A:  Below is the section on this book and its author. I hope you find it helpful.
Non Series #112 Poor Boys' Chances

17 Dec 2018 189

Wee Folks Peter Rabbit Series

Q:  Just curious if this is a first or later edition Peter Rabbit's Christmas. Details include Copyright 1917 by Howard E. Altemus, says Wee Books for Wee Folks on the top of the title page. Page 64 has small blue & black illustration for "The End". Thank you! Kindest regards.

A:  Between 1917 (when this book was first published) and 1920 the cover lettering was red. Beginning in 1921 the cover lettering was dark green/ black.

Thus, your book is a first edition.

It did have a dust jacket. It is shown here.

15 Dec 2018 115

La Belle Fleur Series

Q:  I discovered this book (Black Beauty) and was wondering if it has any value. There are some condition issues and I would like to know if it would be worth restoring. Thanks.

A:  Your book is part of the La Belle Fleur Series and was published in 1901.

All the books in this publisher's series are reprints.

The books in this series originally came with dust jackets. An example is shown here.

Because of the poor condition, it has no monetary value. It would not be worth the money to restore it.

13 Dec 2018 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  I found this of my grandmother's (Natural Law in the Spiritual World). I can't find anything online or a definite date. I was hoping someone would know more about it, what year it could be from, etc. Thanks in advance!

A:  Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1896.

This title is a reprint with nominal value.

11 Dec 2018 58

Boys and Girls Classics

Q:  Hello,
This was our Grandfather's book. Pretty sure he bought it new when he first came to this Country from Norway, sometime around the turn of the 19/20th century.

Indications (inside) are it was printed by Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia, Copyright 1899. Size is 6.5" x 4.25". Book is complete and fully readable but in frail, degraded condition.

In looking at hundreds of covers for this title, I have not yet found one with the image shown here. Seems unique.

I'd like to know when it was actually printed and anything else you may offer, including info on the cloth-bound cover.

With much appreciation.

A:  Your book is part of the Boys and Girls Classics Series. See: Henry Altemus Company - Boys and Girls Classics (old) Series 58

The books of this series were published between 1899-1906. Altemus incorporated in 1900, so your book has to have been published between 1900 and 1906.

The cover was designed by the Decorative Designers Firm.

On the website there is a flow chart that will enable you to date the book exactly by looking at the ads in the back.

Your volume is a reprint and has minimal value.

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