Questions & Answers |
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13 May 2010 |
179 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Good Morning – Could you please assist me in some background on this book (Uncle Tom's Cabin)? I see on your website that it was one in a series. The one pictured on your site looks different than mine. Thank you,
A: I think if you look at the 1894 book covers here ../series/series179.htm, you will see that your book is the same as the other Vademecum Series books of 1894. Your book is a late reprint of this title. It is relatively common and only has nominal value.
12 May 2010 |
64 |
Children's Gift Series
Q: Howdy, I just found an old Altemus book: Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. It's got a different cover from the ones I could find on your website and doesn't seem to be part of a "young people's library" based on the lack of spine decoration. It's dated 1897, but obviously might not be from that early. It has four color plates and numerous Tenniel illustrations. (Color do not seem to be Tenniel.) No Tweedle Dee and Dum on the cover - rather it's the queens and Alice.
Any idea what series this is from? Or what year it was published?
A: What applies to Alice applies to Through the Looking Glass. This answer was given as a response previously.
False description of Alice in Wonderland book on Ebay
I received two questions about a particular book up for auction on Ebay. The price was going through the roof but the description of the book was totally inaccurate.
Regarding Alice in Wonderland 1897 'rare' edition
That is the sale I am interested in, and rather relieved to hear you say that it is not all it is cracked up to be. I'm just beginning my foray into antique books, having purchased a few as gifts for friends and such, I've become quite fond of collectors items. You mentioned certain statements in the description that were inaccurate, and I was curious as to what these are. I am tremendously interested in eventually getting my hands on a copy of Alice in Wonderland but, as you have pointed out, there are a lot of people out there willing to pay far too much, and I'd rather learn it before burning 2-3 times the value of the book. Any information you can provide is deeply appreciated.
I became the highest bidder and came across your review on a site with a reference to your email to explain further some incorrections in the description? please elaborate for me as i do not want any ill bidding or buyers remorse and would appreciate your expertise.
A: First. Since Henry Altemus incorporated in 1900 to become Henry Altemus Company, any book with the imprint Henry Altemus Company has to be published in 1900 or later. You will see on one of the pictures that this is the case.
The copyright of this book comes from an 1897 edition that Altemus did publish. Altemus published this title in a myriad of formats-most all were actually published prior to this edition.
Go to my and put Alice in the Title Search to see all of the many formats.
This book is part of either Series #64 or #200 (they are the same series except for a name change).
See: ../series/series200.htm and ../series/series64.htm.
These books were published between 1912 and 1920.
This book is not the "rare" Altemus first edition although I have to say that even if it were, it would not command this type of money.
The first Altemus editions actually were published in 1895. See ../series/series202F1.htm
This book (or one just like it) had been on Ebay for several years. The description at that time was very similar to this description. Whether this is the same seller or someone just using that description is unclear to me.
I certainly do not know everything but I have studied Altemus and its books for many years and maintain the website about Altemus.
I wrote an article last year about the Altemus "Alices" for the Lewis Carroll newsletter.
This is a nice book but its description is incorrect. In my opinion it is not worth near the present bid price. But I guess if a buyer pays this kind of money, it is worth the price to him/her.
10 May 2010 |
195 |
Worldly Wisdom Series
Q: Hello! I am curious about the value of this little book (Worldly Wisdom from Shakespeare) I’ve had for several years. It’s in pretty good shape, considering its age. The pages are loose, but it appears they are all there. Someone cut a rectangle out of the front endpaper (see picture) and the cover has what appear to be water stains in a pattern that suggests the book may have been used as a coaster.
A: This book is not uncommon and generally sells for only a few dollars.
See Worldly Wisdom Series ../series/series195.htm
09 May 2010 |
63 |
Children of the Bible Series
Q: I have a copy of the Children of the Bible series The Boy Who Would Be King. The date of Copyright is 1905. I have included a copy of the cover from your website and wondered what it would be worth. It is in relatively good condition - there is a small tear on the bottom right corner, but all pages are there with no rips, or writing.
A: The books of this series are not in very high demand. Without a dust jacket this title has only nominal value.
08 May 2010 |
47 |
Beauxarts Series
Q: Hi, I did not see my book on your site. Can you tell me from these images which series it belongs to? These images are low res. If you need better resolution let me know.
A: Your book can be found here with the 1898 books. Series 47
It is part of the Beauxarts Series which is a publishers series of reprints. It was published in 1898.
07 May 2010 |
131 |
Mother Goose Series
Q: HI.. found your site.. I have this book (Aladdin) from my dad's collection & could not find any information on ebay or other sites.. just curious what feedback you may have..
A: Your book can be found here: Series 131
It is part of the Mother Goose Series- Format 3. It is relatively common and originally came with a dust jacket. It generally does not sell for more than a few dollars.
03 May 2010 |
82 |
Ever New Books for Young People
Q: Good evening. I was curious as to how much a book like this is worth. It does not have a dust cover. It has slight wear but is in good shape.
A: Your book is part of the Ever New Books for Young People Series.
It is one of the more uncommon Altemus Series. As you can see on the site, I still do not have most of the books in this series (because of their scarcity). These books are slightly different from the much more common Young People's Library books because they are slightly larger and they have the little squiggle design at the base of the front cover.
Even with this scarcity your book does not have much value ($5-15). A Black Beauty collector might pay more.
26 Apr 2010 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Hello was just checking on the age and value of this book. The book is really good shape.
A: Your book was published in 1899. It is part of the Vademecum Series. See Series 180
25 Apr 2010 |
163 |
Sanspareil Series
Q: Hi - My mother recently gave my 7 year old the attached book. He is very fond of it and carries it everywhere. I am worried that it may be more valuable than she readily is aware and should be reshelved. Could you possibly take a look and let me know the history in regards the book?
A: Your book was published in 1899 as part of the Sanspareil Series. See Series 163
It only has nominal value so carrying it around won't hurt its value.
24 Apr 2010 |
162 |
Sanspareil Series
Q: I found this in my company’s leave-one-take-one book pile. It’s one of yours. John Ruskin’s Queen of the Air. I have no use for it but if you do lemme know. I like your site.
A: Your book was published in 1898.
See Sanspareil Series