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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers
Date Series Num Information
23 Apr 2010 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  Can you tell me anything about this little book?

A:  Your book was published in 1901-1902 as part of the Petit Trianon Series. It original came in a labeled box.

See Series 143

The picture on the right of the cover was done by Alphonse Mucha, a well known Czech artist. It is called Poetry. See ../artists/artists-Mucha.htm

22 Apr 2010 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  Could you please tell me what year this Alice in Wonderland was published? I looked at the website but I was unable to find one that was close to what this one looked like. I have enclosed a photo of the front cover. If you need more photos or more info please let me know. Also any information on the value would be greatly appreciated.

A:  Hello,
Your book was published in 1903. See Vademecum Series.
Your picture is listed on this page as #7.

For more on the Vademecum Series see Series 180

Most of the books of this format have only nominal value. Alice in Wonderland books however are more widely collected than most. $10-35 would be fair I think.

12 Apr 2010 75

Devotional Series

Q:  I have a book from my grandmother. It is titled “Gold Dust”. I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about it. It does not have an author listed. I noted on your website that there was one Gold Dust series book that was anonymous. The name at the end of the preface is C.M. Yonge. The book was signed by someone who must have given this to my grandmother. He signed and dated it 1912. Thanks for your help.

A:  Your book belongs to the Devotional Series and can be seen at Series 75 as a Format 5 book.

This title was popular among all the reprint publishing houses. Since none of them paid any royalties this was one of the books that was published in a myriad of formats by different publishers in the late 19th and early 20th century.

This title is not widely collected and your book only has nominal value.

11 Apr 2010 74

Dainty Series

Q:  I would like to get some history on the book “The Children’s Shakespeare by Edith Nesbit, published by Henry Altemus Company, Copyright,1900. My wife and I just found this book in an old antique chest that use to belong to her Grandmother. I attached a couple .jpgs (cover and title page) for you to look at.

A:  Your book is part of the Dainty Series. A review of this series can be seen at Series 74. As you can see your book is a later reprint. Originally it had a dust jacket.

10 Apr 2010 202

Young People's Library (Format 1)

Q:  Can you tell me what the age of this book is (Through the Looking Glass)?

A:  This book was published between 1895 and 1898.

To determine which year it was published in you can refer to the small chart that can be seen at: Young People's Library (Format 1)

Let me know if you have any other questions.

09 Apr 2010 57

Boys and Girls Classics Series

Q:  Hi: Can you tell me what date the book in the attachment was printed?
Thank you,

A:  Your book belongs to this series:
Boys and Girls Classics Series

It was published in the early to mid teens.

The ads in the back can give a more exact date.

08 Apr 2010 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  I found this book (Cranford) in an abandoned storage and was trying to get some info on it's value when I came upon your website. Any help or info you might have would be appreciated.

A:  Your book can be found here with the 1899 books: Vademecum Series

Most of the books in the various publisher's series by Altemus have little value without the original box or dust jacket. This book falls in this category.

07 Apr 2010 163

Sanspareil Series

Q:  I am wondering if you can help me establish the value of Oliver Wendell Holmes’ “Autocrat of the Breakfast Table” published by Altemus in 1899 as a part of the Sanspareil Series (later numbering).

Cover from your own website (below) matches the cover of the copy I have.

A:  Although you have a nice book, it generally does not sell for more than a few dollars. Generally speaking, unless the title is in great demand (not here), these publisher's series reprints without original boxes or dust jackets have little value.

For more on this series see Sanspareil Series

06 Apr 2010 185

Wee Books for Wee Folks

Q:  Hi! Can you please tell me when this edition of The Tale of Peter Rabbit was published?

A:  Your book can be found here: Peter Rabbit

It was published between 1908-1917. It is the second edition of the second format of the Tale of Peter Rabbit title published by Altemus.

05 Apr 2010 87

Favorite Series

Q:  I have a copy of Alice in Wonderland from 1897. I was wondering what you could tell me about this book. It has forty-two illustrations in it, and looks like it is in good shape. I was wondering if it worth holding on too and passing down or is it a common book?

A:  Nice book. It is part of the Favorite Series (See: Series 87)

It was published in 1900 or 1901. Originally it had a dust jacket.

This Alice in Wonderland book is much scarcer than the very common Alice from the Young People's Library that seemingly is always for sale by someone on Ebay.

It's value can vary based on who sees the book advertised.

I would think $20-100 would be fair although I have seen it get no offers and have seen a price higher than $100.

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