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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers:
Date Series Num Information
01 Aug 2021 0

Essays of Lord Bacon

Q:  Recently I came into possession of an older Henry Altemus print, "The Essays of Lord Bacon." From what I can find online, it appears to be in the Sanspareil Series, but I am unsure because the marbled cover and binding seem different from the examples on your website.

I have included photos of the title page, as well as the cover and spine. Any help identifying this book would be greatly appreciated.

A:  Your book is either from the Altemus Library (Henry Altemus Company - Altemus Library Series 37), the Laurel Series (Henry Altemus Company - Laurel Series (Two volume sets) Series 119), or the Fairmount Series (Henry Altemus Company - Fairmount Series 83).

In order to determine the exact series the book belongs to you would need the box which the book originally came in. The boxes were labeled with the book title and series name. Unfortunately the boxes are rarely found.

03 Apr 2013 0

Platt and Munk Wee Books for Wee Folks

Q:  Hi…. I have what appears to be a set of Wee Books For Wee Folks published by Platt & Munk, most of which have a copyright date of 1935 although not all. There are 28 books. I’m not sure if they should have dust jackets or if they came without them. The books are in a little bookcase which has no markings but seems to be made for them. And of course I am wondering what their value would be.

A:  They all came with dust jackets originally. But when they were sold as this bookcase set, I am not certain that the jackets were included. It looks like you have the later reprints. For a general review of the Platt and Munk reprints see ../reprints/platt.html

You obviously have a nice set although the absence of any dust jackets does reduce the value significantly.

The Sambo and Peter Rabbit books are the most collectible.

Although I cannot be certain, I believe your little book case is original and was made for the set. I say that because I have one that is identical with most of the books that are in your set.

Value is a hard question. Your set is great and looks to be in wonderful shape. Having said that the interest is somewhat limited. Certainly $100 is not unreasonable and perhaps more if the right buyer happens to see them. Appreciate that if you sell them separately a number of them will be very difficult to unload at any price.

30 Jul 2010 12

Doris Force Series

Q:  I noticed you have a biblio for the Doris Force books, and you have the last 2 dated at 1932. However I have a copy of Doris Force at Barry Manor (fine in a near fine dj) by Donohue and the copyright info is "MCMXXXI, by H.A. Co." Obviously that is 1931. How did that discrepancy come about?

A:  The copyright of Barry Manor is 1932.

As you can see Altemus had the original copyright in August of 1932.

Donohue reprinted this book several years later. They probably just copied the date down wrong!

17 Jul 2014 22

Meadow-Brook Girls Series

Q:  Can you tell me what edition and possible value? The Meadow-Brook Girls by the Sea

A:  The titles in this six book series were first published in 1913 and 1914. The first two formats have the same cover as your book. They are distinguished by the dust jackets. See: Meadow-Brook Girls Series

The third format has a full cover appliqué. The third format was published beginning in 1924. The first two were printed between 1913-1924.

Without a dust jacket, the books of this series have little value. In poor shape, they are hard to sell at any price.

The various jacket formats are shown on the series page.

22 Aug 2011 34

Young Engineers Series

Q:  Hello, I obtained this book from an estate sale (The Young Engineers in Mexico). Was wondering what the worth was and if it is a desirable collectible. I have attached photos for your review. Thank you very much.

A:  This book is part of the Young Engineers Series (../series/series34.htm). This is part of the third format of this series and was published in the mid-late 1920's. Without a dust jacket these Altemus juvenile series books seldom sell for more than a few dollars. Because your book is not in the best shape, you most likely will have difficulty selling it at any price.

14 Jun 2014 37

Altemus Library

Q:  I have a book by Sir John Lubbock called the Pleasures of Life dated 1893 complete can you tell if this is rare and what is it worth?

A:  This book is part of the Altemus Library. This series is interesting because it is the only Altemus publisher's series that has a different cover for each title. The series is also the earliest of all the Altemus publisher's series. The books were printed between 1892-1895. These books all originally came with difficult to find dust jackets. A couple of examples from the series are shown on the series page.

All of the titles however are reprints and unless the author or particular title is especially coveted, the books have little value. Your book is not very collectible and is in poor shape. It has no real monetary value.

25 May 2014 37

Altemus Library

Q:  Hopefully this will be a quick one for you: can you help me identify this copy of Cranford?

I spent some time on your fantastic site and figure that it's part of the Altemus Series, but I would be so grateful if you could confirm this and give me even a ballpark estimate of its value. I have looked around all the usual book selling sites, but every copy I've found seems to be dated a few years later than mine.

A:  Great book. It is part of the Altemus Library. This is the first Altemus edition of this title although still a late reprint.

The Altemus Library was the first of the Altemus publisher's series. What makes it a bit more interesting than some is that each title has its own unique cover. These books came in dust jackets although the jackets are quite hard to find. Some are pictured on the website.

I think it is a nice book but that is because I am into Altemus stuff. Price can be pretty tough to predict. It will either not sell at all or go for less than $20. But you never know…

A picture of another Cranford and an example of a dust jacket are shown on the series page.

01 Jun 2011 37

Altemus Library

Q:  Hi, I recently found this old copy of Ralph Waldo Emerson's Emerson's Essays (First Series) and I cannot seem to find it on your website. According to the first page it was printed in Philadelphia by Henry Altemus in 1892 and I was just wondering if you had any information on it. Attached is a scan of the cover.
Thank you for your time.

A:  Your book is pictured as #6 on this page. ../series/series37.htm. The Altemus library was Altemus' first "publisher's series". All 41 books are reprints of various works of fiction, poetry, essays, etc. Interestingly, it is the only publisher's series in which each book has a different cover design.

Since your book is a reprint and in poor shape, it has only nominal value.

26 Sep 2010 37

Altemus Library

Q:  Hello, I stumbled upon your website trying to find information about a book I have acquired. It is "Tales from Shakespeare" by Charles and Mary Lamb. The only date I can find is 1894. I might be looking to sell it. Do you have any information or know if it is worth anything? I have attached photos.

A:  Your book is part of the Altemus Library. See ../series/series37.htm It originally came with a dust jacket.

Unfortunately in poor condition it really has only nominal, if any, value.

11 Jun 2007 37

Altemus Library

Q:  I have a small book called, Chesterfield's Letters? It is gray with a silver and red coat of arms on the front? On the edge of the book it says Altemus, and inside there is a script that says Letters, Sentences and Maxims - Lord Chesterfield Henry Altemus Philadelphia. Then there is a page that feels different from the other pages that has a picture of Philip, Earl of Chesterfield? It has a piece of what looks like onion cloth protecting that page? The next page says; Letters, Sentences, and Maxims by Lord Chesterfield, Philadelphia, Henry Altemus 1892. 302 pages. What can you tell me about this book?? Is it rare?? Is it of any value??

A:  I assume the book you are referring to is the one I have pictured below. It is part of the Altemus Library, a series published in the early 1890s. It is neither rare or valuable.
You never know what someone will find worth spending money on but if you get more than nominal value for this book, you should consider yourself fortunate.

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