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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

If you have a question about Altemus books that you'd like answered please click on the Questions link at the bottom left of this page.

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Questions & Answers
Date Series Num Information
21 Feb 2010 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  I was given an old book (The Lady of the Lake) and I wondered what you could tell me about its age.

A:  You can find your book here with the 1904 books.

Series 180

It is part of the Vademecum publisher's series which is comprised of reprints.

The flowers seen on the cover are on of four possible flower pictures found in the 1904 books.

20 Feb 2010 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  Can you please tell me something about this book (Courtship of Miles Standish)?

A:  Your book can be found here with the 1907 books.

Series 143

It is part of the Petit Trianon Series. This publisher's series is made up of reprints of classics, poetry, fiction, etc.

This book originally came in a labeled box.

It only has nominal value.

19 Feb 2010 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  I have attached pictures of a book I have called "Jessica's First Prayer and Jessica's Mother" by Henry Altemus Company with no date of publication anywhere. Any info you have on it would be appreciated.

A:  Your book can be found with the 1905-1906 books here: Petit Trianon Series

It originally came in a labeled box.

It is a reprint in the Petit Trianon publisher's series.

It only has nominal value.

18 Feb 2010 91

Gem Series (earlier)

Q:  We have a Henry Altemus Company book that we can’t find on your website. The book is The Vicar of Wakefield. The title page has “Philadelphia Henry Altemus Company” printed in red type. Can you tell us about its date of printing? Approximate value?

A:  Your book can be found here: Gem Series

It has only nominal value.

(Of note is that shortly after this reader's question was answered she placed this book on Ebay with a minimum bid of $35. Of course, barring a miracle it will sell at nowhere near this price. Predictably it received no bids.)

17 Feb 2010 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  Dear Expert: I have just found an old book, Black Beauty, and the publisher is Henry Altemus Company. I cannot find a publishing date and all pages appear to be intact with some damage to the cover and the binding. There is a notation on the front cover back of No. 49. Could you please enlighten me as to the date of publication. Should I spend money with a conservator to have it restored? My appreciation for your assistance in advance.

A:  Your book can be found here with the 1903-1904 books. Petit Trianon Series

Most of the books of the publisher's series are reprints and have only nominal value.

It would not be worth getting restored.

16 Feb 2010 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  Hi - Attached are some pictures of "Black Beauty" book I have. Based on your site, I believe it may have been printed prior to 1900 as it only shows "Henry Altemus" & not "Henry Altemus Publishing". Is there a way to determine the exact date & possible worth of the book? Thank you in advance for any insight/information.

A:  Your book was published in 1898. It is part of the Vademecum Series.

You can see it here: Series 179

As a general rule most of the reprints done by Altemus as part of this publisher's series have only nominal value.

15 Feb 2010

Non Series #3

Q:  Hello, I have attached a scan of the cover. I have tried to do some research on this version of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass but I have yet to come across this cover. It does say Henry Altemus Company on the inside so I can assume it is after 1900 but it looks different than the one published in the Little Men and Women Series #125. This book does not has a dust jacket and is in OK condition. I would really just like to learn a little more about this.

A:  This version of Alice/Through was not part of a series.

You can see a copy with its jacket here Non Series #3

This format is more uncommon than the Little Men and Women Series and the Young People's Library (#202) Series Alice's.

I believe it was published in the mid to late teens and then reprinted for a number of years thereafter.

14 Feb 2010 78

Dore's Masterpieces

Q:  Hi. I'm curious to find out how much this book might be worth. Any information you could tell me would be greatly appreciated.

A:  This book sells for between $25 and $125 as an average. Your book is not in the best shape so it probably would go on the low end of that range.

This format was published between 1889 and 1900.

This book is very common but people buy it frequently to sell the illustrations individually.

How successful that venture is would just be a guess.

For more about the series see: Dore's Masterpieces

13 Feb 2010 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  I have a book of The Scarlet Letter. Written by: Nathaniel Hawthorne and published by Henry Altemus Company. On the first page it has the preface. Below the word preface it says "To the second edition". After the preface introduction there is a date (SALEM, March 30, 1850). Attached is a picture of the front of the book. I am just curious if this book is worth anything. I know it was bought on October 9, 1903. The person who bought it wrote the date on the back page and why she bought it. The measurements of the book are: 6 1/2 inches x 1 inch x 4 1/2 inches if that helps any. I have looked for many hours online trying to find a book with the same cover. Please help me.

A:  Information on your book can be found here: Vademecum Series and at Series 180

It was published in 1903. Altemus published this title in numerous formats. When it did, it reprinted the entire book including the early dated preface.

Thus, every edition of this book that Altemus reprinted has the "second edition" preface from the original 1850's book.

It has only nominal value.

12 Feb 2010 164

Shakepeare's Plays

Q:  I have a format 3 complete series of William Shakespeare published by your company. I have all 39 books in perfect condition. I think they have just been sitting on a shelf and never opened until I looked inside tonight the binding is crisp and has that new book feeling. Can you tell me if these are rare, any approx. value, and where I might sell them.

A:  This set is quite common although they are not usually seen in great shape like yours.

When sets sell, most often they bring no more than a few dollars per book.

If you have the original labeled box, they are worth a lot more.

See Shakepeare's Plays for more details.

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