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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers
Date Series Num Information
02 Nov 2014 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  Hello, I sent you this email a few days ago, before posting this book on eBay, but I think you may not have received it via Outlook, so I'm trying again.

I can’t seem to find this floral binding with its beautifully decorated front and rear boards, and spine, for Bab Ballads anywhere on your outstanding, invaluable Web site. So it's up on eBay now, and I'd appreciate any information you can give me on it.
Thanks so much!

A:  I did not receive your previous email. Sorry.
Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1896. A sample book cover is shown on that page.

Your title is a reprint and has nominal value only.

01 Nov 2014 198

Wyncote Series

Q:  Good evening! Just hoping to get some information on this edition. A Child's Garden of Verses. No date. 137 pages, 4 color plates, many black and white (looks like) block illustrions. There's a lot of screwiness out there on amazon and ebay etc. I just trying to be exacting. Thank you in advance for your time.

A:  Your book is part of the Wyncote Series. It originally has a dust jacket.

This series of reprints was first published in 1927 and reprinted until 1933.

27 Oct 2014 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  Hi, I recently picked up a beautiful copy of Hawthorne's "Twice Told Tales" published by Altemus, but am unable to find any information on it, can you identify it and give me an approximation of its value? Thank you.

A:  This book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1897. It originally came within a labeled box. It is a reprint and only has nominal value.

The 1897 Vademecum books came in a number of colors. Some are shown here.

26 Oct 2014 120

Library of Standard Authors

Q:  I have a copy of Paul and Virginia, I was told it published in 1890. There is no date of publication in the book. On page four there is an inscription that it is part of a series including
"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Paul and Virginia.”
The following page is the table of illustrations. The cover is below. Do you know publication date?

A:  Your book was published in 1897-1898. It is part of the ten volume Library of Standard Authors' Series. The books in this series have been seen in several different color covers.

25 Oct 2014 47

Beauxarts Series

Q:  Hello, The name of this book is Coming to Christ. I am enclosing a picture. Please tell me the age and the value of this book.

A:  This book is part of the Beauxarts Series and was published in 1897. This is one of many Altemus publisher's series of reprints.

Each year the cover was changed to enhance sales since the decorative cover was as important as the subject material. This book only has nominal value.

This cover has been seen in a number of colors.

21 Oct 2014 167

Standard 12 mo. Series

Q:  Hello, I was reviewing your website http://www.henryaltemus.com and decided to contact you regarding the series 167 "Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass" pictorial cover. I have a blue cloth cover with silver, red and orange colors on the front dated 1895. It also has gilt text block at the top. It is in fair shape but solid reading copy with floral end plates. This issue is more likely the "best made and most valuable" you stated. I'm a bit confused about selling this book. What would be your best guess for selling this book?

A:  In 1895 Altemus published the Carroll books for the ?rst time. Two combination books (Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass) were published in two different series. Within Series #167 Standard 12 Mo. the book was printed in two different formats. One book has crushed levant with a silver decorative pattern on a maroon cover (Other colors have been seen). The other book has a wonderful pictorial cover in silver and inks (Your book). These books are 7.5 x 5.5 and probably Altemus' best made Alice books. My opinion notwithstanding, these two books should be the most valuable of all Altemus Carroll's. They are very scarce and are the first Altemus combination books. This pictorial cover format is especially unique.

20 Oct 2014 137

One Syllable Series

Q:  I tried to use the website link but no luck so here goes. Looking for some info on the attached book. Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe. There is no date that I could find and wondered if you have any idea as to when this book was published. One photo and one PDF file are attached. For some reason my printer/scanner would not scan both. Would appreciate your input.

A:  This book is part of the One Syllable Series. This series was published in four different formats. Each originally had dust jackets. Your book is part of the second format published in the early 1900's. This particular book used an 1899 title page.

19 Oct 2014 202

Young People's Library

Q:  Hello, I found this book (Through the Looking Glass) at an estate sale and was wondering if you could give me any information about it at all? It's a hardback Blue in color. Altemus on the binding. The inside cover is dated 1895. I have attached a photo of the book and one of its title page. Thank you for your time.

A:  This book is part of the first format of the Young People's Library.

It is the first of the Altemus Alice individual titles. See ../alice/alice.htm

I think you have one of the better Altemus Alice books. The later 1897 and on Young People's Library editions frequently are sold for $50 and up. Your book is scarcer and in my opinion overall nicer. It is not unreasonable to think $50 or more. But since there is no true market price, it could sell for a lot less or a lot more.

18 Oct 2014 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  Hello, The attached photo is of a book I found at a flea market a few years ago (The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin). The inside title page says Henry Altemus and 1895 at the bottom. I’m just wondering if it has any value? Thanks in advance!

A:  This book is part of the Vademecum Series.

All of the titles in this series are reprints. This series was published between 1894 and 1926. In the early years the cover format was changed yearly. In 1895 the basic cover was seen in a number of different colors. Shown here.

Since this reprint title is not in great demand, the book only has nominal value.

06 Oct 2014 92

Gem Series

Q:  Not sure what I have here and can't find much information on the books with suede covers. No date inside that I can see. All pages intact, tattered edges, no tears on pages, overall fair cond I would say. Representative Men

A:  Your book is part of the Gem Series and was published in the 1913-1914 era. It originally came within a labeled box. This title is a reprint.

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