Questions & Answers |
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22 Apr 2017 |
176 |
Trevose Series
Q: I was wondering if you could tell me the age of my little copy of The King of the Golden River. It is a very plain cover, which looks like none of the others on your site save A Shropshire Lad.
Thank you for any information you can give me.
A: Your book is part of the seven volume Trevose Series. These reprints were published between 1915 and 1933 and originally came boxed.
A representative series picture is shown here:
There is no point that distinguishes an early printing from a later printing.
20 Apr 2017 |
137 |
One Syllable Series
Q: I was wondering if you would know how much these books were worth (general ball park). The Swiss family Robinson was copyright in 1900 by Henry Altemus.
The Gulliver's Travels copyright in 1899 by Henry Altemus.
If you could help I would appreciate it. Thank you.
A: Both of these books are part of the One Syllable Series. This 12 book series had four formats and this is format #2. The format 3 books were published between 1900 and 1908. They originally came with a dust jacket. (see here) In mediocre condition without a dust jacket they only have nominal value.
12 Apr 2017 |
150 |
Popular Series of Famous Authors
Q: Greetings, I came across your website in a search for info about a book that has been passed down through my husband’s family. It is an edition of Drummond's Addresses, with 8 stories. Approximate measurement is 4-1/2 x 6 inches. A handwritten inscription reads "To Lizzie from Alice. Christmas 1893."
I've attached photos. Can you tell me anything about this book? I didn't see this particular cover on your website. Is there any resale value?
A: This book belongs to the seven title Series #150 Popular Series of Famous Authors. This titles previously had been published as a non series book. This is the only Altemus series that uses this particular left sided cover decoration. These books originally had dust jackets.
For more information see:
10 Apr 2017 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I recently acquired a book that I can't locate anywhere. It is WEIRD TALES, 1899. What I am finding is that every copy I've seen and every other frontispiece illustration used in this printing does not match the one I have. I've seen other sellers date this at 1895, when I think it is actually 1899.
The copyright page says 1895, but the illustration says 1899. The illustration is a ghastly color version of the ape cutting a woman's head off. I have not seen this in color anywhere else but in the book I have.
Can you tell me about it and it's possible value?
I am a new collector and after perusing the Altemus website, I am a big fan. All of your books are beautiful!
A: Your book is from the Vademecum Series and was published in 1899. This cover format was published in a number of different colors (some examples are shown here) and sold within a labeled box.
All of the books in this series are reprints. Therefore the value of these titles is somewhat limited. On the other hand, there are Poe completists out there who want every Poe format. One of them might feel this book is worth a bit. Hard to say.
04 Apr 2017 |
179 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Hi, A good friend found this Black Beauty Book, and gave it to me as I have always loved it, and was wondering the age and value. There is an inscription dated 1989. Here are a few pictures.
Any help would be appreciated.
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1898.
It is a reprint. This format originally was sold within a labeled box.
The cover has been seen with a number of different colors. Some are shown here.
02 Apr 2017 |
146 |
Poems We Love
Q: I have a copy of "Lucile" that appears to be Velvet Calf with gold on top. It’s in fairly good condition I'd say (I’m not any expert) with just the bottom of the book cover being bent a little probably from being upright on a shelf. I lay it flat. It is clearly green but is faded on front.
Something I find quite interesting is there are multiple pages that appear to be uncut on the bottom edge. The front simply says "LUCILE" embossed in gold and a gold embossed harp in the lower right corner.
I believe this may have been part of a box set? Could you possibly give me some information on this book?
A: Your book is part of the ten title Poem's We Love Series. All of the volumes were published between 1912 and 1915 and are reprints.
They originally came within a labeled box. An example is shown here.
30 Mar 2017 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Can you please advise when this little book was published? The Song of Hiawatha. Thank you so much. I found one similar to the cover but was about Carolina.
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series. The titles in this series are all reprints.
This volume was published in 1902.
28 Mar 2017 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Here is a picture of my mothers book - A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Could you please tell us a little about it.
A: This book was published as part of the Vademecum Series in 1900 and is a reprint.
It originally came within a labeled box.
The cover has been seen in multiple different colors.
It has nominal value.
22 Mar 2017 |
58 |
Boys and Girls Classics
Q: My wife recently found a copy of Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol for me at a bookstore in Raleigh, North Carolina, and I'm interested in knowing an approximate date of publication. Attached are pictures of the cover, binding, and the inside plate, which holds the only publishing information.
The book is obviously in poor condition, but I'm fascinated by the little tome. =)
The publisher given is "Henry Altemus Company", but there are no dates anywhere inside.
I couldn't find a picture of this particular volume on your website, and there are no dates that I can find in the volume, although there may be some front matter pages missing.
A: This book is part of the 40 volume Boys and Girls Classics Series. All of the titles are reprints and were published between 1899 and 1906. Each book originally was sold within a labeled box.
Your book can be found here:
Information about dating your book is on this page.
20 Mar 2017 |
179 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I came across this book but I can't find a date on it or info on value anywhere. Can you please help me out?? Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series was published in 1895-1896. All of the titles in this series are reprints. This format appeared in a number of different color covers during its short print run. Some examples are shown here.