Questions & Answers |
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23 Dec 2010 |
85 |
Famous Red and White Books
Q: Hi, I just bought this book at an auction. It was among a lot of books. Can you tell me anything about it?
I can send you other pictures if you need them.
A: Your book is part of Series #85. See ../series/series85.htm
This was one of Altemus' early series. Despite its age, this book is fairly common and has only nominal value.
22 Dec 2010 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Hi I have a copy of Thoreau's Walden published in 1899 by Altemus publishing...
I couldn't figure out what series this book was from.
I am thinking about selling this book, and was wondering if I am in possession of a rare or valuable book?
A: Your book can be found here ../series/series180.htm with the 1902 volumes.
It is part of the Vademecum Series.
It is neither rare nor valuable.
21 Dec 2010 |
188 |
Wee Folks Cinderella Series
Q: Attached is a picture of the front of a book I received that was my father’s. Published in 1921 by the Henry Altemus Company the book is titled, “The Old Time Story of the Three Bears” by Kenneth Graham Duffield. It is written in rhyme. I didn’t find it in your list of books. Any info on the history, etc. would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
A: You can find your book here: ../series/series188.htm
This ten book series consisting of various fairy tales originally was published beginning in 1921. Books were added until 1923. Thereafter the books were reprinted a number of times. All the books originally came in dust jackets.
20 Dec 2010 |
64 |
Children's Gift Series
Q: I looked on your website to see what book I have and the front cover is not the same of any other Robinson Crusoe cover you show on your website. Just wondering how I can find out more about the book I got through my family. See attached image of book cover. Each page has a fancy light blue border with black printed font.
A: I believe the book picture you have sent is exactly like the one here: ../series/series64.htm.
This series of ten books all originally came with dust jackets and in nice condition are very collectible.
19 Dec 2010 |
202 |
Young People's Library- Format 1
Q: Hi, I recently found this book at a local Library book sale. I really liked the inlay and engravings etc, and with a copyright of 1895, I imagine it has it's own story. Not that it matters but I was curious that maybe it was worth something? I could not find it online, so I wondered what you make of it. Thank you.
A: Your book is part of the Young People's Library- Format 1. You can find it shown here ../series/series202F1.htm as #5.
Although it is an early or first edition of this title (check the ads to see which), it is not in the best shape and has little collector interest.
Although sometimes I am quite surprised at the prices that certain books sell for, your book generally would only sell for a few dollars if it sells at all.
16 Nov 2010 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Dear Sir, I am hoping you can help me with a Henry Altemus Company edition of Abbe Constantin. There is no publication date inside the book and I am trying to get an idea of the age and value of the book and if you could supply the date it would be a help. A photo is attached.
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series. It is a reprint and thus has only nominal value.
It was published in 1907.
See: ../vademecum.htm
15 Nov 2010 |
186 |
Wee Books for Wee Folks Series
Q: I have this book and was trying to find out information on it and to see what it's value might be. I tried looking it up on your site and really did not find much info on it so anything you can assist me with I would appreciate it. I am attaching the front cover picture as well as another from inside. It has copyright, 1920 by Howard E. Altemus on one of the pages.
thanks for any information you can give me.
A: Your book is part of Series #186 Wee Books for Wee Folks. (../series/series186.htm)
This title was part of this series only in 1920. Thereafter it was part of Series #187-Wee Folks Bible Stories Series.(../series/series187.htm)
Yellow lettering was seen on the Wee Books between 1918-1920.
14 Nov 2010 |
78 |
Dore's Masterpieces
Q: Hello!! I was at a flea market today and picked up a copy of The Dore Bible Gallery. The book caught my eye due to a number of things I had learned in passing from my grandfather, who was an antiquarian bookseller. After some web surfing, I came upon your page and was surprised at what I discovered regarding this book.
The picture of the book can be found on your page here:

The advertising flyer, shown at this link, is still in the book:
I am contacting you in hopes you can help me with some information. Is there a way to determine the exact printing date? There is no date on the cover, or even the preface. How many copies were printed in the various years? Is the inclusion of the flyer that was normally distributed with the book, influence the value, or help in determining when it was printed? Was this volume originally boxed?
Any other tips, clues or information regarding this book you could provide or give me advice about, would be very very appreciated.
A: The book you have did originally come within a box. It was printed between 1889-1900. There is nothing that distinguishes an earlier book from a later book.
I do not have print number runs. But none of the Dore books are especially hard to find. Although I believe that all of the Dore books had an advertising flyer within the book, I cannot prove it.
There is quite a range in prices for this book. The flyer has no effect although I would think it should.
This title sells for between $25-75 in most instances. I frequently see asking prices of $200-300 but these books seldom (if ever) sell. Occasionally I see the individual prints for sale in a book that has been parted out. I have never seen an individual print from the book sell for much at all.
If I can be of any other help, please let me know. |
13 Nov 2010 |
179 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Hello, I have a Nathaniel Hawthorne book which I believe it was published by Henry Altemus in Philadelphia. I attached photos of the book from the outside and some inside. I really just wanted to know a little bit more about the book, the history and what the value of the book is.
A: Your book is a reprint and is part of the Vademecum Series.
More about your 1898 book can be found here: ../series/series179.htm
It only has nominal value.
04 Nov 2010 |
48 |
Beauxarts Series
Q: would appreciate any info you might have (Romance of a Poor Young Man)
A: For information on your book look here: ../series/series48.htm
It was published between 1899-1901.
It is a reprint.