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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers
Date Series Num Information
15 Nov 2017 162

Sanspareil Series

Q:  I received this book from my mother. It belonged to my grandmother. I cannot find a date other than the handwritten inscription that it was given for Christmas in 1900. The title appears to be Addresses by Phillips Brooks.
Any information that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

A:  Your book was published in 1898 and is part of the Sanspareil Series. This is a publisher’s series that contained only reprints.

It originally came with a dust jacket. An example is shown here.

13 Nov 2017 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  I was wondering if it would be possible to determine when this edition of Marmion was published.

A:  Your book was published in 1908-1909. It is part of the Petit Trianon Series.

Originally it came within a labeled box. See here for an example.

It is a reprint with nominal value.

See http://henryaltemus.com/series/series143.htm

01 Nov 2017 185

Wee Books for Wee Folks

Q:  Hello, I have just come across a wonderful version of 1st American Edition Peter Rabbit Wee Books series. Green(ish) cover. I feel that the book is not complete as it says on the title page that there are thirty-one illustrations—I only counted 20+. The pages are also separated from the spine some by signatures (some not and individual pages)...rightfully so, it is over 113 years old. I’m wondering what the value is on such a rare find in this condition would be.

My question too is, how can I compare my books illustration and pagination to get the book in order (outside of knowing the story line). It seems as though the blank pages are counted in the folio.

A:  Your copy is not the true first edition. See here for information about the first and second editions: http://henryaltemus.com/peter_rabbit/peterrabbit.htm

In this shape the book has little or no value. These copies are not that rare.

The only way to order the pages is to compare them to a complete book. If you want to scan the pictures, I can put them in the correct order.

30 Oct 2017 75

Devotional Series

Q:  Good Afternoon, I am curious about this little book I have enjoyed reading. Addresses by Phillips Brooks.
I could not find a cover like this one on the Internet. It feels lovely in the hand-sturdy, and heavy for its size.

A:  Your book was published in 1895 and is part of the Devotional Series.

It originally came in a labeled box. It is a reprint and only has nominal value.

28 Oct 2017

Saalfield Reprint

Q:  I also was wondering how can you tell it's a reprint, it just seems so old, would you know when it was reprinted, I can't find a year or date on the book anywhere. The Pony Rider Boys in New England. I'm pretty sure there wasn't a dust jacket, I'll have to check, and if I do find the dust jacket how much is it valued. Thanks so much for your help. I'm clueless to how this works, just trying to learn. Thanks.

A:  Your book was published by Saalfield. That company did reprints of the earlier Altemus published editions. All the Saalfield reprints had dust jackets. This reprint was published in 1935 or later.

For more about the Saalfield reprints see http://henryaltemus.com/reprints/saalfield.html

Two Saalfield jackets have been seen for this series.

26 Oct 2017 162

Sanspareil Series

Q:  Would love to know a little more about this book. I have attached a couple of pics.

A:  Your book is part of a publisher’s series of reprints called the Sanspareil Series. It was published in 1898.

Originally it had a dust jacket. See here.

24 Oct 2017 182

Valenciennes Series

Q:  I was wondering how much you would think this is worth? I read you description about the book but could not see the pricing. Poems, Longfellow

A:  Your book is part of the Valenciennes Series and was published in 1898.

It is a reprint which is not in great demand by collectors.

It only has nominal value.

22 Oct 2017 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  I acquired this book, The House of the Seven Gables, recently and am wondering about the year it was published. I would be grateful if you could give me this information!

A:  Your book was published in 1908-1909. It originally came within a labeled box. See here. It is part of the Petit Trianon Series and is a reprint.

It only has nominal value.

10 Sep 2017 175

Three Volume Sets Series

Q:  Hi. I saw your blog and thought you might be able to help. I have a book by Ralph Waldo Emerson. It is “Essays, First Series.” It was published by Henry Altemus, and the stated date is 1894. I can’t find this particular printing anywhere. Can you tell me anything about it? Thanks so much!

A:  Your book is from the "Three Volume Sets" Series. It was published in 1894.

It originally came in a labeled box with two other titles. See here.

For more info about this series see: http://henryaltemus.com/series/series175.htm

In this shape it has no monetary value.

08 Sep 2017 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  No date?

A:  This book is part of the Vademecum Series. This series changed the cover year by year. This cover was published in 1897 and was seen in numerous colors. See:Henry Altemus Company - Vademecum Series (early numbering) 179

It was originally sold within a labeled box. See here for an example.

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