Questions & Answers |
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02 Jan 2012 |
177 |
Uncle Jim's Bible Stories Series
A: This book comes from a four book series, Uncle Jim's Bible Stories Series written by Hartwell James. It was first published in 1916. All the books of this series were first published with dust jackets.
I have seen this title with an applique (paste-on) on the front cover. This picture is included for comparison purposes.
See ../series/series177.htm for more information.
Without the dust jacket this title has only nominal value.
01 Jan 2012 |
163 |
Sanspareil Series
Q: Can u tell me anything about this book (Black Beauty)? there are only 4 illustrations. the only color page is opposite the author page. no date. engraved cover.
A: Your book is from the Sanspareil Series and was published in 1899. This is a publisher's series of reprints. It consists mainly of fiction, poetry, essays, etc. It originally came with a dust jacket.
See ../series/series163.htm
Since the books of this series are all reprints, except for a few special well collected titles, their value is only nominal.
30 Dec 2011 |
58 |
Boys and Girls Classics
Q: I was wondering if you could tell me anything about this book? It has no date what-so-ever, but from your website I am guessing it to be about a 1901-1903 publication of Black Beauty? My copy has an ink splot on the cover.
A: Your book is part of the Boys and Girls Classics Series. See ../series/series58.htm
These books were published between 1899 and 1906. You can date this book more closely by looking at the ads and then at the section on the site above which gives a dating flowchart.
It is a reprint and is relatively common. Initially this book came in a labeled box.
29 Dec 2011 |
179 |
Vademecum Series
Q: Good morning - Attached please find pics of The Scarlet Letter published by Henry Altemus. However, inside the book, at the beginning, are the preface and introduction to Natural Law in the Spiritual World by Henry Drummond, up to page 12 and then the next page is page 33 of The Scarlet Letter. Have you ever seen anything like it?
A: I have seen mistakes like this but not this exact one.
I suspect someone at the factory was not thinking clearly.
The book is an 1898 publication from the Vademecum Series. ../series/series179.htm
23 Dec 2011 |
127 |
Love and Friendship Series
Q: I have a book (The Courting of Dinah Shadd) from my grandmother's estate, and I would like to give it to my son and daughter-in-law. A copy of the cover is attached. The book is in good condition, and was given to my grandmother at some point before 1907 as a Sunday School gift from her teacher. I have researched as much as I can from your website, and would like to have an approximate value, or any additional information you have have, to include with notes in the book.
The only writing in the book is the notation by the teacher to my grandmother of the gift.
A: Information about your book can be found here: ../series/series127.htm
It is a reprint and this title is not in great demand.
It only has nominal value.
22 Dec 2011 |
58 |
Boys and Girls Classics (old)
Q: I was reading up on your information on the Henry Altemus Company books.. and was wondering if I could email you some pictures so you can help me with the age of the book. The title is Through the Looking Glass, and there is no date. Any information you can give me would be appreciated.
A: Your book belongs to this series-Boys and Girls Classics (../series/series58.htm).
These books were published between 1899 and 1906.
Altemus incorporated in 1900 so since the imprint on your book is Henry Altemus Company it was published no earlier than 1900.
Since it is inscribed 1902-your book was published between 1900 and early 1903.
For a more exact dating look at the site noted above. There is a dating section.
Appreciate that the vast majority of Altemus' Through the Looking Glass books carry an 1897 copyright.
On Ebay these books are listed as being published in 1897. These listings for the most part are wrong.
21 Dec 2011 |
179 |
Vademecum Series
Q: I have been having a hard time finding information and pricing for this edition of John Ruskin's Sesame and Lilies. Would you happen to know anything about it?
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1897. The books of this series are all reprints.
See ../series/series179.htm
Your book only has nominal value.
10 Dec 2011 |
158 |
Riviere Series
Q: Hello, I have attached some photos of the book (Nature, Addresses and Lectures) I have questions about. I found this years ago in an old abandoned house and thought it looked really old. I was just curious you could tell me if its worth anything (monetarily) and about how much. Probably going to hold on to it for awhile but was just curious if it was valuable.
A: Your book is a reprint and was published in 1901 as part of the Riviere Series. This series consisted of only 87 books and is therefore one of the smaller Altemus publisher's series. All of the titles are reprints. Originally the books came with a dust jacket. The plastic like purple flower is somewhat difficult to find in great shape.
More information can be found at ../series/series158.htm.
It only has nominal value.
05 Dec 2011 |
203 |
Yuletide Series
Q: To Whom it may concern,
I have a very old Henry Altemus publication of Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol. It was given to me by my 92 year old Mother. She received it from hers who was 101 when she died. I don't think for a moment that the signature is authentic but I would like to know more about it.
I have attached some photos of this book for you to peruse. I hope you may be able to shed some light on it's history.
A: This book is part of the Yuletide Series which was published between 1912 and 1916. See ../series/series203.htm
The books of this series originally came within a labeled box. Since Dickens died in 1870 the signature, as you guessed, the signature is not authentic. Generally this book sells between $10-25.
01 Dec 2011 |
115 |
La Belle Fleur Series
Q: I have taken the liberty of attaching very bad photos of a book left to me by an Aunt. The book is titled “Drummond's Addresses” and seems to have a copyright date of 1891. Any information you could offer me on this book would be greatly appreciated.
A: Your book was published in 1901 as part of the La Belle Fleur Series.
See ../series/series115.htm
It is a reprint and only has nominal value.