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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers
Date Series Num Information
30 Jan 2011 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  I have this book (Lalla Rookh). I have looked and looked. i eventually found your site but still have not been able to locate this. as far as i can tell it was published in 1895....mind you that this is the only date listed in the entire book. any info you could tell me would be much appreciated.

A:  You can find your book here Vademecum Series with the 1895 published books. It is a reprint and has only nominal value.

29 Jan 2011 141

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  Hello,

We found this book while cleaning. It is in good shape. Is it valuable? Evangeline by Longfellow

Thank you for looking at this.

A:  Information about your book can be found here: ../series/series141.htm

It is part of the Petit Trianon Series which is a series of reprints of fiction, essays, poetry, classics, etc. It was published in 1897.

During that year this series featured a book cover with a number of different floral patterns on the right of the cover but with a never changing dot pattern on the left.

This book originally came in a labeled box.

Unfortunately there is not very much collector interest in reprints of this title. It has only nominal value.

28 Jan 2011 87

Favorite Series

Q:  An donation came to a local charity and I wish to possibly sell it for them. Another volunteer is also interested in it, but the charity needs a value for this book.....They have no Internet for this, so I'm volunteering my services..

One thing that was very interesting about the book is the great grandmother placed a letter inside it to give to her grandson and mentions that this was passed down through the years and she was giving it to him for Xmas. She mentioned it was a hard to find book and a valuable book. The story behind this was so sweet and it shows how some of today's youth really don't read the past history that much and treasure the past. Instead there is video games and other neat things in their life..It is a shame to not keep this old book, and he really didn't want it, so here it is at the donation site..I think that is one thing about the book more than anything was that letter and it's history and story behind the book.

Columbus and The Discovery of America..I wish to get a value on this book and where there is a good site to sell it. The only problem I see is the date page is detached, other than that it is in good condition. Any neat info would be appreciated also..I see the cover is different than what your web site pictured...

A:  Your book is part of the Favorite Series and was published between 1902-1910 (Format 2). ../series/series87.htm

Even in great condition this book is hard to sell. There just is not much interest in this title.

27 Jan 2011 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  Attached is this cover of my book. Emerson's Essays. Is this a reprint? I'm still looking on your web site but thought this may be faster.

A:  Your book was published in 1896. It can be seen here: Vademecum Series

26 Jan 2011 95

Gold Dust Series

Q:  Dear Expert! I have an old book "Gold Dust A Collection of Golden Counsels" that I received from my grandmother. It has a suede cover but no publishing date. Do you have any idea of it's age? Thanks...Mary

A:  Your book is part of the ten volume Gold Dust Series. (../series/series95.htm) This series of reprints was published between 1912 and 1918. This book originally all came in a labeled box.

Generally, these books have only nominal value.

25 Jan 2011 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  Would like to find more information regarding The House of the Seven Gables book that I own. Any help is appreciated. Thank you! Michelle

A:  Your book is from the Vademecum Series ( ../series/series179.htm ) and was published in 1898.

This series was very popular and consisted of various reprints of fiction, classics essays, poetry, etc. It originally was published with a labeled box. Because it is a common title, it has only nominal value.

24 Jan 2011 87

Favorite Series for Young People

Q:  Hi there, We were wondering if is copy of "THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS" has any value whatsoever? The book is very worn and was given as a gift to Hugh Sefton in 1902 as Christmas present.

A:  Ordinarily this title would be sought after because of the highly collectible nature of the Lewis Carroll Alice books. The books from this 19 book series (Favorite Series for Young People ../series/series87.htm) are much less common than those from the Young People's Library and those books frequently sell for more than $50. Unfortunately because your book is in such poor condition, only a novice book collector would pay more than a few dollars for it.

23 Jan 2011 58

The Boys and Girls Classics

Q:  Good afternoon,

Attached please find two photos of my book "Through the Looking Glass" published by Altemus. As you see, the cover has gilden writing and floral design. I am not sure of the year of publication; if it is a first edition; and its value. Could you assist? Thank you

A:  This book belongs to a series of reprints called The Boys and Girls Classics. You can see more about your book here: ../series/series58.htm

The books that have the gold gilt flowers were published between 1899 and 1902.

Most books in this series have only nominal value. The Lewis Carroll books are more widely collected and therefore of a higher worth.

Value is variable-generally $0-40.

21 Jan 2011 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  Hello! We are hoping to verify authenticity of this book (Carmen), and perhaps it's value. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

A:  Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1901. See: ../vademecum.htm

The picture on the cover was painted by Alphonse Mucha as part of his four painting Seasons Series. It is entitled Summer.

This book usually sells in the range of $0-25.

15 Jan 2011 146

Poems We Love Series

Q:  I have a important question to ask. My father gave me a book called "The Song of Hiawatha" by Henry Longfellow. The cover of the book is made of leather which is very frail and fragile. It has 219 pages with notes and vocabulary sections at the end. Inside the first pages is a drawing of "Minnehaha". It was published at The Henry Altemus Company. I was wondering if it could possibly be an original from 1855?

A:  Your book is part of the 10 book Poems We Love Series. It was published between 1912 and 1915. The covers have been seen in brown or green suede. The books originally came in a labeled box.

More information about your book can be found at ../series/series146.htm

It only has nominal value.

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