Questions & Answers |
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04 Apr 2012 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: Hello, I am inquiring about the value of this book, "The House of Seven Gables", Altemus, Philadelphia. The illustration is dated 1899. Please advise.
A: Your book is part of the Petit Trianon Series and was published in 1899. During this year the books all had the same pattern on the left side of the cover. The right half of the cover had numerous floral designs or decorative patterns.
See ../series/series143.htm
Because it is a reprint of a widely available title, it is worth only a few dollars.
20 Mar 2012 |
127 |
Love and Friendship Series
Q: I came across your website when I was researching the worth of this book (Rip Van Winkle). The copyright date on the inside cover is 1896. Being that old, I would consider it to be in good shape. However it is signed from a teacher to her student on the inside cover and I am not sure what that does to the worth of a book. I am just curious to know what you think this book is worth.
A: Your book is part of the Love and Friendship Series. ../series/series127.htm. This cover design was seen in the Format 1 books which were first published in 1901.
These books had a stereotypical design on the left of the front cover. On the right was one of sixteen flowers. Your book has the daffodil on it.
Without the dust jacket it only has nominal value.
16 Mar 2012 |
180 |
Vademecum Series
Q: We just stumbled upon this book (Walden) and thought maybe it could be worth something. It appears to be complete and in pretty good condition with the exception of one loose page. Can you tell us more about it and maybe a possible value?
A: Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published between 1909 and 1912. Originally it came within a red labeled box.
For more on this series see ../series/series180.htm
As with all the books of this series, it is a reprint and has only nominal value.
12 Mar 2012 |
75 |
Devotional Series
Q: I am having a difficult time finding any information on the attached pictures of the book THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. I am only finding this title with various other covers. Could you direct me where it is that I could find the year and value of this please?
A: This book is part of the Devotional Series (../series/series75.htm) and was published between 1901-1904.
As with all the books in this series, it is a reprint and without the original labeled box it only has nominal value.
11 Mar 2012 |
84 |
Fairy Tale Series
Q: I have this book (The Jeweled Sea by Hartwell James) it is in good condition and looks like your picture number 3. I was wondering if it is worth anything?
Thank You.
A: This book is part of the six volume Fairy Tale Series. All six books were written by Hartwell James and illustrated by John R. Neill.
See ../series/series84.htm for more details.
These books are in demand primarily because of the Neill illustrations. Neill illustrated a number of the Wizard of Oz books and his work is very collectible. This series in dust jackets are especially uncommon.
10 Mar 2012 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: I have in my possession the book pictured below by Washington Irving, called "Knickerbocker's History of New York Complete". There is no date on the copyright page. Any information on this book will be appreciated. I am helping a friend to sell it.
A: Your book was published in 1903-1904 as part of the Petit Trianon Series.
The covers of this series changed every year or two. In 1903-1904 the Petit Trianon Series had the pedestal on the left side of the cover. This pedestal is either in blue, pink, beige or soft leather. On the right half of the cloth covers is one of 16 flowers. The beige colored covers are the most common.
See ../series/series143.htm
The books of this series are all reprints and consequently have very little value.
09 Mar 2012 |
47 |
Beauxarts Series
Q: I just acquired a copy of "Precept Upon Precept" by Henry Altemus, Copyright, 1897. I would like to know more info on this print, if it's a first edition, the value, etc. It's in pretty good condition too.
A: Hello. Your Book is part of the Beauxarts Series and was published in 1898.
See ../series/series47.htm.
As with all the the books of this series, it is a reprint and only has nominal value.
26 Feb 2012 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: I've attached a picture of the front cover and the title page of Black Rock - A Tale of the Selkirks by Ralph Connor. Published by Henry Altemus Co. of Philadelphia. The intro was by Prof. George Adam Smith L.L.D. Page following intro says Black Rock and offers a short description of the story with the initials of C.W.G. at the end.
There doesn't seem to be a copyright mark to distinguish the publication. Is this a first publication? 1898? As you can see, the front cover is not in pristine condition. Value?
Thanks for any info you may provide.
A: Your book is part of the Petit Trianon Series and was published in 1905-1906. See: ../series/series143.htm
The book of this series are all reprints (no first editions) and originally came in a labeled box. Generally unless the title is a special one, the books do not sell for more than a few dollars (at best).
Your book is also in rather tough shape so I suspect it will be a hard sell.
25 Feb 2012 |
Non Series #121
Q: I have had this copy of Robinson Crusoe in my possession for over 30 years. I am interested in selling the book, now that I am older. I have attached some pictures. The book is in ok condition. As you can see there was tape put on the cover. I just want a little history of the book and would also appreciate knowing its value, if any.
A: There are three different Non-Series Robinson Crusoes that were published prior to 1900. All have Henry Altemus as their imprint.
In 1892 the first two were published. Your book was published between 1892 and 1896. This large book (9.5 x 7.5) has "extra fine English cloth with Emblematic designs". It had numerous black and white line drawn pictures (120) by Walter Paget. The earlier books of this format had gold gilt lettering on the cover whereas the later books had silver gilt lettering. Original cost was $3.00.
For more information see ../images/NS_121.htm.
Because of its condition, your book will be hard to sell at any price.
20 Feb 2012 |
47 |
Beauxarts Series
Q: Hello. I'm doing research on this old Henry Altemus book, Black Beauty. Your website has been very informative. It looks like this is a format 1 cover, and pre-1900. I would greatly appreciate any help you can provide for more information and its value. Here are some pictures for your consideration.
A: Your book was published in 1897. It is part of the Beauxarts Series.
See: ../series/series47.htm
It is a reprint of this very famous title which was first published in 1890 by the American Humane Society.
Although your book looks to be in great shape, the reprints of Black Beauty are so common that they rarely sell for more than a few dollars. Of course, you never know when someone just has to have this particular copy.