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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers
Date Series Num Information
28 Nov 2011 202

Young People's Library

Q:  I have this copy of Grimm's Fairy Tales from 1898 but I have not seen one with this particular cover on-line. I would like to sell it but it's hard to tell what it's worth when I haven't seen another like it. Would you be able to tell me more about it and who I might call to find out its worth? The fabric is quite torn on the binding.

A:  Your book is part of the Young People's Library Format 4.

It is pictured here: ../series/series202F4.htm

It was published between 1923 and 1933. The copyright is not the same as the publication date with your book.

Without the dust jacket it has only nominal value.

27 Nov 2011 92

Gem Series

Q:  I recently purchased a book (The Crown of Wild Olive) by Author John Ruskin, which was published by Henry Altemus Company in Philadelphia. I did not see this title mentioned on your website as being one which was published in 1893, when the publishing company did a number of volumes in English calfskin. However, my volume is bound entirely in English calfskin, and it has a gold leaf imprint on the cover as well. Additionally of interest, several of the pages are also not separated (meaning that the publisher did not cut apart the paper after the paper was folded over and bound). I've attached a few photos to show you what I mean.

I was researching the publishing company so that I could best determine a publication year for my volume. I am a collector and do not intend to sell it, however I like to catalogue my books with their publishing information. Please let me know if you have any thoughts or comments on the publication date.

A:  Your book is part of the Gem Series and was published in 1913-1914.

See ../series/series92.htm

Altemus published this title numerous times. If you put the title into the index, you will see a listing.

Altemus did not publish any books with the soft ooze calf (like your book) in 1893.

26 Nov 2011 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  I cant seem to find information on the book "Rab and his Friends" with a Mucha painting likeness on the cover. I found it at a consignment shop for $5 but the cover's worn - inside pages are very clean.

Anyway, your site is only site I found with related info.... would someone know if they worth anything or should I just shelf it? a pic is attached.

A:  Nice book but unfortunately it has no real value. (less than $20)

It is part of the Petit Trianon Series (../series/series143.htm) and was published in 1901-1902.

For what it's worth it is one of six Mucha covers that Altemus "borrowed".

See ../artists/artists-Mucha.htm

14 Nov 2011 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  Hi: I was wondering if you could give me any information on publishing date, etc of Volume l & volume ll of Longfellow's Poems. Here are pictures of the books.

A:  Your book was published in 1905-1906 as part of the Petit Trianon Series (../series/series143.htm).

It is a reprint as are all of the books from this series.

Without the original box this volume only has nominal value.

13 Nov 2011 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  Greetings, I have come across an old book and it seems to be dated from 1842 and published by Henry Altemus. The book is titled “RAB AND HIS FRIENDS,ETC.” Please see the attached photos. If you like I can take some better quality pictures.

I was curious as to whether or not it had any value or if you could provide me with any information. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

A:  Your book is part of the Vademecum Series and was published in 1896. The 1842 on the title page refers to the date that Altemus and Company was founded.

It is a reprint and only nominal value. See ../series/series179.htm for more information.

12 Nov 2011 167

Standard 12 mos. Series

Q:  Hi, I was trying to research a book by Henry Altemus: Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Its the 167 series. It has a pictorial cover in silver and inks. Would you happen to know what this book would go for or valued at? The book is in great condition. Please let me know.
Thank you and your website has been a great help. I just though I could ask you on its value. Or if you don't know where I could get an answer for my question.

A:  Of all of the Altemus reprints of Alice in Wonderland, it is my opinion that this is the best. A beautiful decorative binding in a solid 1895 publication. This series published the combination Alice book in two formats. I am including a picture of the other format (maroon cover with a silver gilt decorative pattern).

See Standard 12 mos. Series for more information on the series.

The value is somewhat unpredictable. The individual Alice books from the Young People's Library which are as common as trees in a forest frequently are bid up to $50-100 even without dust jackets. This book is much scarcer and of a much better quality than that book. A price of $150-200 is not unreasonable.

11 Nov 2011 185

Wee Books for Wee Folks

Q:  My husband found this book while cleaning. thought it was interesting. tried finding this book, I could only find the peter rabbit book that looks like this.
I did check other web sites and ebay, but nothing on this cover!! I took pictures of the cover, spine, inside cover, second page, title page, copy right page and back cover hope I didn’t take to many pictures, sorry if I did!! was curious.

A:  Your book is the Altemus first edition of Nursery Tales. It was published in 1904. Originally it came boxed.

For more information about your book see ../series/series185.htm and ../wee_books/index.htm.

10 Nov 2011 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  Hello, I have an Altemus book of Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter. IT looks very old with the preface to the 2nd edition 1850. However, there is no date as to when this edition came out. I am thinking late 1800s. Pics attached, thanks for your help.

A:  When Altemus published this title, it reprinted the book in its entirety-including the earlier dated preface.

Your book is part of the Vademecum Series (../series/series179.htm) and was published in 1897.

09 Nov 2011 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  The attached photos are of a book I have: Longfellow's Poems Vol. II. I've had this book for a long time, but don't know where I got it. It has three black & white pictures (art) on slick or photo type paper. Can you tell when it was published and if it has any value...no, I'm not trying to sell it, I keep books like this!

A:  When Altemus published this title, it reprinted the book in its entirety-including the earlier dated preface.

Your book is part of the Petit Trianon Series (../series/series143.htm) and was published in 1901-1902.

08 Nov 2011 162

Sanspareil Series

Q:  I recently came across 2 books at a sale and was intrigued by their covers. Both were published by Henry Altemus, Philadelphia. They are in very good condition, but I can't find a date. The information on the website informed me they were published before 1900. Would you be able to supply me with more information? The one on the left is "Essays" by Lord Francis Bacon and the one on the right is Sesame and Lilies by John Ruskin.
Thank you.

A:  I have included both pages where you can find both of your books.

This site is for the Sanspareil series. Your book (on the right) is an 1898 book. ../series/series162.htm

This site is for the Vademecum Series. Your book (on the left) is an 1897 book. ../series/series179.htm

Both books are part of an Altemus publisher's series. They are reprints and only have nominal value.

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