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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers
Date Series Num Information
30 Jun 2009 184

Waistcoat Pocket Series

Q:  can you tell me anything about this book, i think its the fifth edition, it has 107 pages and 1 illustration in the front and is it worth anything 4 3/8x2 7/8 suede i think. and is it worth anything?

A:  This series (Waistcoat Pocket Series) of 10 books had three formats, the last of which is where this books belongs. Limp velvet with gold gilt script writing. All of the books originally came in a labeled box. An example of the box is shown here.

Unfortunately the titles are not very collectible and without the box the book has little value.

As an aside, this book was reprinted from an earlier edition and is not, in fact, the "fifth edition".

22 Jun 2009 180

Vademecum Series

Q:  Hello- I have a copy of copy of Nathaniel Hawthorne's , A Wonder Book - publisher Henry Altemus Company. There is no publishing date but an inscription and date: Margaret Waggener, "Xmas 1894" with additional date 1904.

The cover is grey cloth, with two short inset columns (top right and left sides) with daffodils in yellow and red. In between the columns is a very ornate design that has worn off the yellow coloring.

Can you give me any history information? Do you know what it's value would be?

A:  This is another publisher's series book. This is a 1905-1906 Vademecum Series title. The books of this series are perhaps the most common of all publisher's series books and this is one of the most commonly found covers (years).

The cover has been seen in a number of colors and 4 different applique flowers have been seen.

Because the title and format are not widely collected, the book has only nominal value.

I am unsure what the significance of the inscription of 1894 is except to note that it has nothing to do with the date of this book.Series 180

20 Jun 2009 130

Marqueterie Series

Q:  I am trying to find out anything I can about this book the little lame prince by mulock copyright 1899 by henry altemus i have enclosed a photo any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated thanks john

A:  This is another publisher's series book. This time from Series #130. The Marqueterie Series. This series has 149 volumes- again all reprints. This series was published only in 1899. In addition to the Poe titles, the Lewis Carroll books -Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass are occasionally in demand. The Marqueterie Series

18 Jun 2009 181

Valenciennes Series

Q:  I am looking for information on this book.  I was wondering what year it was published.  It is Dream Life by IK Marvel. Thanks.

A:  This book is from the Valenciennes Series. One of the Altemus publisher's series (Series 181), it consisted of 81 books-all reprints. These books originally came in a labeled box. The series was published for several years. This book is the 1897 iteration. None of the titles of these reprints are especially valuable but occasionally the Poe or Kipling titles bring a few dollars.

16 Mar 2009 58

Boys and Girls Classics (old)

Q:  Hello, I have a copy of a Henry Altemus Alice in Wonderland through the looking glass. I was trying to estimate how old it was out of curiosity. I was unable to find it through your website, except as a picture on the home page. It has the walrus and the carpenter on the cover. Any information would be grand.

A:  This book is part of the 40 book Boys and Girls Classics Series. The books of this series all have the same basic front cover design with different pictures. Some have gold gilt patterns within the laterally placed rectangles.
The date of an individual book can be worked out by studying the ads. This is explained at Series 58 in detail.

24 Sep 2008 65

Christmas Gift Series

Q:  I am writing to you to ask for your assistance in a book.
I have this book by Holmes and can find it nowhere on your website. I am looking for an approximate value. I have attached a picture of the front and side of the book. All of the pages inside are in excellent condition. It really looks great on the inside. The outside has some stains. I would appreciate any information you may be able to provide.

A:  Your book is part of a series which has not been uploaded onto the website as of yet.

The series is the Christmas Gift Series and was published in about 1907. The books originally came in a labeled florally decorated box. I have seen books colored pink, brown and light green. Initially within the box there was an attached piece of holly on the front cover. See below.

All of the books of this series are reprints and so to sell one for more than nominal dollars ($5-10) you need to find someone who specifically collects that title or author or someone like me who collects anything that Altemus published.

With many Altemus books that have no major collector interest, people list on Ebay with a starting price of $4.99 or 9.99 and see what happens.

Pictured here is the front cover of the box.

21 Mar 2008 162

Sanspareil Series (earlier numbering)

Q:  We have a book, The Autocrat of The Breakfast Table, by Oliver Wendell Holmes, copyright 1897, any help or information would be greatly appreciated.

A:  Your book was published in 1898 as part of the Sanspareil Series. It is a reprint. For more information, see: Series 162

20 Mar 2008 153

Quiet Hour Series

Q:  Hello,
Please send information you have on this book.

A:  Your book is part of the Quiet Hour Series. Information about this series can be seen at Series 153.

17 Mar 2008 99

The Golden Treasury Series

Q:  I have included a photo of the front board of 'Brooks' Addresses'. I was able to find a similar cover on the site, but not exactly the same. I would very much appreciate your assessment.

A:  Your book is part of Series #99 The Golden Treasury Series. This series was published for several years beginning in 1899. Your book was part of the 1899 edition. I have seen it in green as well as red. This series has not been added to the website as of yet.

16 Mar 2008 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  I have a second edition of The Scarlet Letter put out by Henry Altemus Company. I have not been able to locate any information from the book, other than it being a second edition. On your website I have not been able to locate any other book that looks like it. I was wondering if you could deliver some information about the novel for me?

A:  Actually your book is not the second edition of this title. Altemus reprinted the second edition plates in totality-including the preface.

Your book is part of the Petit Trianon Series and was published in 1906-1907. It originally came within a labeled box.

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