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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers
Date Series Num Information
11 Apr 2011 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  I have the Emerson Essays - second edition - dated 1899

I've looked through your site and not able to find a value for it, any help you could give would be appreciated.

A:  Your book can be found here: Petit Trianon Series It was published in 1899 and is a reprint. There are no book values listed on the site.

Although I can give you a rough idea of what this book has sold for over the past 10 years or so, frequently the prices paid are so unpredictable that my opinion is rather meaningless.

But regardless of that, in my opinion your book only has nominal value.

10 Apr 2011 198

Wyncote Series

Q:  Each Christmas as I get this book out (A Christmas Carol) I try to find some information about it. My guess is it is from 1910 because of the illustrations but I am not sure. If I missed any information on your site, I apologize. Sometimes all that information is overwhelming to someone not used to working through all of the headings. I send this with the hope that you can tell me more about this book.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,

A:  Your book can be found here: Wyncote Series. It was published in 1927.

The books of this series have a number of possible small symbols on the lower right of the cover.

Here is a picture of the dust jacket that originally went with your book.

08 Mar 2011 143

Petit Trianon Series

Q:  i am looking for the value of Uncle Tom's Cabin published in Philadelphia by Henry Altemus Company. It is not dated and in good condition. I have done several searches but cannot find this book with the cover i have. Thank you for any information you may offer.

A:  Your book can be found with the 1907 Petit Trianon books. See ../series/series143.htm. These books originally came within a labeled box.

There are a lot of collectors who are interested in the various reprints of this title.

Probably you would get between $10-30.

07 Mar 2011 127

Love and Friendship Series

Q:  i've had this book since 1975. the title is "laddie" copyrighted in 1897 by henry altemus. i was wondering about the history of the book. also wondering what a book like that is worth.

A:  Your book can be found here: ../series/series127.htm

This series of 33 books originally came with dust jackets. There are five different formats that evolved over the 11 year publication history (1901-1912).

Since it is a reprint of a not very collectible title without the original dust jacket, it only has nominal value.

06 Mar 2011 188

Wee Folks Cinderella Series

Q:  I am wanting to learn more about this book (Jack and the Bean-Stalk), published as stated by the Henry Altemus Company Philadelphia. I've looked around on your site, but can't find this particular book. I appreciate any information you can provide. Thank you!

A:  Your book can be found here: ../series/series188.htm

The ten books of this series-Wee Folks Cinderella Series- have the same format as the Wee Books for Wee Folks Series.

This series' little books are all fairy tales.

Without the dust jacket it has nominal value.

05 Mar 2011 58

Boys and Girls Classics (Old)

Q:  Any information that you can provide on this particular book (Two Years Before the Mast) will be appreciated.

A card found inside the book indicates it was a Christmas present in 1901.

A:  Information about your book can be found here: ../series/series58.htm

This series of 40 books consisted mostly of books for juveniles in addition to a few classics.

Based on format your book was published between 1899 and 1902.

It is a reprint and has minimal value.

04 Mar 2011 179

Vademecum Series

Q:  Hi I have a book written by sir walter Lubbock printed in Philadelphia by henry altemus preface is dated January 1887 by kent down it has clovers all over the front cover I’ve sent 2 pictures

Can you help me with a value and year published?

A:  Your book was published in 1897. See: ../series/series179.htm

It is a reprint as were all of the books of this publisher's series of essays, poetry, classic fiction, etc.

It originally came in a labeled box.

It only has nominal value.

03 Mar 2011 130

Marqueterie Series

Q:  Is this book of any value (Autocrat of the Breakfast Table)? It is in relative good shape. do you know how many were published? thank you

A:  This series of 149 volumes was published in 1899. See ../series/series130.htm

All of its volumes are reprints and except for a few widely collected titles have little value.

Your book only has nominal value.

I do not know how many were published but it really does not matter. Rarity does not necessarily equate to value.

02 Mar 2011 75

Devotional Series

Q:  Can you please give any information regarding the attached picture of the Bible Birthday Book. Any information would be greatly appreciated!

A:  Your book was published between 1908 and 1924 as part of the Devotional Series.

See ../series/series75.htm

It originally came inside a labeled box.

It has only nominal, if any, value.

01 Mar 2011 56

Boys and Girls Booklovers Series

Q:  Can you identify this book (The Wanderings of Joe and Little Em)?

A:  This book is part of the Boys and Girls Booklovers Series. See ../series/series56.htm.

This series of 22 books consisted of children's stories. Many, including this one, were first editions.

The books had dust jackets and were published in this series between 1905 and 1907.

The author of this book, Albert Bigelow Paine, was best known as a biographer of Mark Twain. (http://www.twainquotes.com/19370410.html)

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