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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers:
Date Series Num Information
07 Jan 2010 48

Beauxarts Series

Q:  Can you help me identify this book? Can you tell me something of its value. Inside there is an inscription: "Florence Constance Kilbourn Xmas 1904 From Santa Claus Parkhill" that would be (Ontario, Canada).

A:  Your book was published as part of the Beauxarts Series between 1899-1901.
It has only nominal value.

05 Jan 2010 48

Beauxarts Series

Q:  I'm looking for any information about this particular copy of this children's book and the author. My copy is in great shape, no pages missing, the cover spotted but in tact. I believe it to be my grandmother's, and I'm wanting to pass this along to my granddaughter for her birthday.

I find limited info about the author. The book has no publishing date, although I read that the original story was told about 1889, and no listing for the illustrator. Some internet data suggests with was published in Scribner, but we know better.

Any information you can provide will be appreciated.

A:  Your book is part of the Beauxarts Series and was published in 1902. This series is comprised of numerous reprints.

Altemus published this title in numerous formats. A number of publishers printed this book before Altemus. Scribner did do an early edition but in fairness I am not sure who did the first edition. It may have been Blackie in London in 1894.

I have no independent knowledge about the author but looked up her obituary which appeared in the New York Times in 1936. There is much more about her life in various online sources. Click here for the obituary.

22 Sep 2007 48

Beauxarts Series

Q:  Please find inclosed three attachments showing you my copy of Oliver W. Holmes' poems published 1902 by your company. On your web site your answer to an inquiry on 27 jun 2006 shows a different photo. My copy has a presentation dated 1902 from a Madeline Hmas to a cousin Olive From. It has 168 pages with a index of other publication. The poem Cambridge Churchyard is on page 13 as well. The book is in fairly good condition as the photos shows; but if there is anything else you could tell me about this edition I would appreciate the information including possible collectors value.

A:  This book is the 1900 version of the Beauxarts Series. This series had several different covers over its short publication run. The inquiry on June 27, 2006 shows a cover from this series that was published in 1897. There is no inconsistency. It has very little, if any, collector interest or value.

28 Jul 2018 50

Belles-Lettres Series

Q:  A friend of mine works in construction and while on a recent job he saved a bag of books from going to the garbage truck. Inside that bag was this book, Nature and Art. We are curious to it's history, authenticity and value. Could some of those be determined by the photos I have provided?

A:  This book was published in 1896 and is part of the Belles-Lettres Series.

It is a reprint and only has nominal value.

20 Jul 2017 50

Belles-Lettres Series

Q:  I have a hard cover book "Conversation" by Thomas DeQuincey copyrighted 1896 by Henry Altemus. What can you tell me about it?

A:  Your book was published in 1896 and is part of the Belles-Lettres Series.

See: http://henryaltemus.com/series/series50.htm

This fifty title series contains only reprints.

Generally these books only have nominal value. In poor shape they have no monetary value.

25 May 2016 50

Belles-Lettres Series

Q:  I have in my possession a copy of Character, wondering what to do with it? Not sure how to grade condition, either. Any advice?

A:  Your book was published in 1896 and is part of the Belles-Lettres Series.

The titles in this series of leatherette books are not very collectible and have little value.

10 Apr 2016 50

Belle-Lettres Series

Q:  I was hoping to find out some information about this book (The Legend of Sleepy Hollow). It looks like a Belles-lettres series but I am having trouble finding out much. Is there anything you can tell me about it? If the copyright date really is 1896, etc. thank you so much.

A:  Your book is part of the Belle-Lettres Series.

This series of 31 books was published in 1896 and 1897. A number of different cover formats have been seen.

Your book was first published by Altemus in 1896 but the Altemus printing is a late reprint. The first edition of this story appeared in 1820.

21 Sep 2015 50

Belles-Lettres Series

Q:  This is one of thousands of books my son "inherited" when he purchased a neighbor's home after he passed. My researching brought me to your website....we are trying to get an idea of the value of some of these so when we bring in a dealer, or whoever, we have some idea of the value. You probably already know this is from the Belles-Lettres series #50. Conversation by Thomas De Quincey, approx 5"x7", silver on white, copyright 1896, 47 numbered pages. In great shape with a few marks on the back....maybe a stain or ?. We would appreciate any info you can give us as to a value. We are just getting started on this room full of books so there may be others of this series. Any suggestions as to good searching sites. We check Ebay but there's such a range of prices....and I read your piece about the pricing and all it takes into account.

A:  You have identified this book correctly. The 31 small books in this series were published in 1896-1897 with a number of different covers. See: Belles-Lettres Series

Even though your book is in nice shape, there is very little demand for the book in this series. It will be difficult to get more than a few dollars in an auction or direct sale.

30 Sep 2014 50

Belles-Lettres Series

Q:  Hello, We found several books in a box that have been passed down in my family. Among them, is "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" published by Henry Altemus. The publication date is 1896, though I know publication dates are not always accurate. Can you tell me a little more about this book/particular edition? I want to keep it in the family, but we are curious about it.

A:  Your book is part of the 31 volume Belles-Lettres Series. All of the books in this series are reprints.

The books were published in the 1896-1897 era. I have seen six cover formats so far. The other five are shown here.

It is a reprint and unfortunately only has value of the sentimental type.

15 Mar 2013 50

Belles Lettres Series

Q:  Can you help me with the age and possible value. I have found a lot of similar items but not this exact one.. Nature and Art. Ralph Waldo Emerson. There are no dates at all. None. There is a 507 509 511 513 Cherry street Philadelphia and a price of .25 per volume. The front cover is very nice in green and silver foil like printing. The corners are rough. The inside is perfect and the spine is in thread. Any info would be appreciated.

A:  This book is part of the Belles Lettres Series and was published in 1896.

The 31 titles in this series are all reprints and have little value. During the three year publication of this series six cover formats were published.

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