Questions & Answers: |
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02 Jul 2013 |
58 |
Boys and Girls Classics
Q: I am trying to figure out the publishing date of this book (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland). I have read your website, but things do not match up because this was given to my aunt’s mom in 1900. I have included the front cover pic as well as publisher page but it oddly shows no date. I have never seen a book without a date?
Thanks for any info.
Appreciate it very much.
A: Most books of this era have no date.
It is part of Series 58 Boys and Girls Series. This series published books between 1899 and 1906. Because your book's title page says Henry Altemus Company and since Altemus incorporated in 1900, we know that it was published in 1900 or later. The inscription from Xmas 1900 tells us it was published no later than that date. Thus a 1900 publication is presumed.
22 Jun 2013 |
58 |
Boys and Girls Classics Series
Q: We believe we have a copy of The Prince of the House of David by Rev. J.H. Ingraham. l from the La Belle Fleur series 1899. We would like to know if we are correct, and if so, what might such a book be worth. Pictures are enclosed. Thank you.
A: Your book is actually from the Boys and Girls Classics Series.
It was published between 1900 and 1906. It originally came within a labeled box.
In this condition it has no value.
27 Aug 2012 |
58 |
Boys and Girls Classics (old)
Q: Greetings, I would like to request some information about the following book: I thank you in advance for your time.
The title is VIC & the full title inside the cover reads THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A FOX TERRIER written by Marie More Marsh. The Copyright states "1892 by Francis J. Shulte".
The publisher is Henry Altemus - Philadelphia
The spine itself is in very good condition. A little shelf wear is all.
There are two blank pages at the start of the book. The book has 184 numbered pages. Following those numbered pages, there are sixteen pages dedicated to “Publications Of Henry Altemus Company”. There are five blank pages at the end of the book.
The book was originally done with gold cover, gilt letters, and color drawing on front of the hardcover. As you can see in the photos I am including, a large portion of those qualities still exist.
I have actually read the book and found it quite interesting! The story is told from the view of the terrier. He actually "talks" in first person to the readers.
A: Your book is part of the Boys and Girls Classics Series. See ../series/series58.htm
It was published in 1899 and originally came in a labeled box. The 1899 editions of this series are quite uncommon. They are distinguished from the 1900 and later editions by their title page imprint. The earlier 1899 books have the Henry Altemus not the Henry Altemus Company imprint.
The books with the gold gilt design may be more attractive than those without but no more valuable or scarce. The comparison book without the gold gilt pattern is shown here.
01 Jun 2012 |
58 |
Boys and Girls Classics Series
Q: Hello, I have looked all over your site and cannot find the cover similar to the Black Beauty book we own. Attached is a picture of the cover. The book has no missing pages but does not have a published date page.
On the title page it has
Philadelphia Henry Altemus Company
Which according to your site it was published after 1900. Can you give us an idea of its age and value?
A: You can find your book here: ../series/series58.htm
It is part of the Boys and Girls Classics Series which was published between 1899-1906. Based on the ads in the back of the book you should be able to date this book rather easily. (Look at the chart at the link above.)
Your book is a reprint and generally only sells for a few dollars.
30 Dec 2011 |
58 |
Boys and Girls Classics
Q: I was wondering if you could tell me anything about this book? It has no date what-so-ever, but from your website I am guessing it to be about a 1901-1903 publication of Black Beauty? My copy has an ink splot on the cover.
A: Your book is part of the Boys and Girls Classics Series. See ../series/series58.htm
These books were published between 1899 and 1906. You can date this book more closely by looking at the ads and then at the section on the site above which gives a dating flowchart.
It is a reprint and is relatively common. Initially this book came in a labeled box.
22 Dec 2011 |
58 |
Boys and Girls Classics (old)
Q: I was reading up on your information on the Henry Altemus Company books.. and was wondering if I could email you some pictures so you can help me with the age of the book. The title is Through the Looking Glass, and there is no date. Any information you can give me would be appreciated.
A: Your book belongs to this series-Boys and Girls Classics (../series/series58.htm).
These books were published between 1899 and 1906.
Altemus incorporated in 1900 so since the imprint on your book is Henry Altemus Company it was published no earlier than 1900.
Since it is inscribed 1902-your book was published between 1900 and early 1903.
For a more exact dating look at the site noted above. There is a dating section.
Appreciate that the vast majority of Altemus' Through the Looking Glass books carry an 1897 copyright.
On Ebay these books are listed as being published in 1897. These listings for the most part are wrong.
11 Jun 2011 |
58 |
Boys and Girls Classics
Q: I got your contact information from the Internet ( Can you tell me anything about the attached edition of Black Beauty?
Thank you for your time.
A: Information about your book can be found here: ../series/series58.htm. It is part of the Boys and Girls Classics Series. This series of forty reprints can be found with and without the gold decorative gilt pattern seen on your book cover. On the series page you can see how to date your book by checking the ads in the back of the book. It was published between 1899 and 1902.
It is a reprint and has only nominal value.
30 Apr 2011 |
58 |
Boys and Girls Classics (Old)
Q: Hello! I have a copy of Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson (photos attached). I was both surprised and pleased to learn that this might be valuable. Can you give me any more information than is included on your website about this book and its value? I have learned so far that it is included in the Series 58 - Boys and Girls Classics (old). It seems to be Format 2, according to your website's information.
A: You have identified the correct series. It is Format 4 however. It was published by Henry Altemus Company not Henry Altemus. (See ../series/series58.htm). Unfortunately I do not think it is a valuable book. Treasure Island was reprinted by hundreds of publishers in this era. Although many of the formats are quite nice (like yours), they have very little value on the collector's market.
For an interesting look at many Robinson Crusoe reprints see
This book generally sells for between $0-10.
05 Mar 2011 |
58 |
Boys and Girls Classics (Old)
Q: Any information that you can provide on this particular book (Two Years Before the Mast) will be appreciated.
A card found inside the book indicates it was a Christmas present in 1901.
A: Information about your book can be found here: ../series/series58.htm
This series of 40 books consisted mostly of books for juveniles in addition to a few classics.
Based on format your book was published between 1899 and 1902.
It is a reprint and has minimal value.
23 Jan 2011 |
58 |
The Boys and Girls Classics
Q: Good afternoon,
Attached please find two photos of my book "Through the Looking Glass" published by Altemus. As you see, the cover has gilden writing and floral design. I am not sure of the year of publication; if it is a first edition; and its value. Could you assist? Thank you
A: This book belongs to a series of reprints called The Boys and Girls Classics. You can see more about your book here: ../series/series58.htm
The books that have the gold gilt flowers were published between 1899 and 1902.
Most books in this series have only nominal value. The Lewis Carroll books are more widely collected and therefore of a higher worth.
Value is variable-generally $0-40.