Questions & Answers: |
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15 Jan 2011 |
146 |
Poems We Love Series
Q: I have a important question to ask. My father gave me a book called "The Song of Hiawatha" by Henry Longfellow. The cover of the book is made of leather which is very frail and fragile. It has 219 pages with notes and vocabulary sections at the end. Inside the first pages is a drawing of "Minnehaha". It was published at The Henry Altemus Company. I was wondering if it could possibly be an original from 1855?
A: Your book is part of the 10 book Poems We Love Series. It was published between 1912 and 1915. The covers have been seen in brown or green suede. The books originally came in a labeled box.
More information about your book can be found at ../series/series146.htm
It only has nominal value.
09 Mar 2010 |
146 |
Poems We Love Series
Q: The book, Thanatopsis and Other Poems, is in my possession and I would like more information on how much this book is worth. Please see picture attached. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
A: Your book can be found here-- Series 146
It is part of the Poems We Love Series. It originally came in a labeled box.
It has only nominal value.
30 Jun 2006 |
146 |
Poems We Love
Q: I have a small green leather-bound book copy of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, published by Henry Altemus Co but without a publishing date. The leather green except around the edges where it is slightly worn, and turned brownish. The title letters are in gold and there is a gold lyre printed on the cover. The tops of the pages are beautifully gilt in gold and in marvelous condition. The pages have not been cut apart and so the outer edges of the pages are uneven. Is this a printer's proof? It seems unlikely it would have been gilt. More likely, it has just not been fully cut. Any idea of its value? Any other information you could give me about this beautiful book? Date??
A: I believe that you have a book from the 10 book series- Poems We Love Series (#146) published in 1912 and reprinted until 1915. The books are occasionally found without page separation. These volumes are seen frequently and although you never know what someone will pay for something, they have little collector value. The exception would be if you had the box that the book came in originally.
I am enclosing a picture of the book format which I think you are describing.
09 Dec 2017 |
150 |
Popular Series of Popular Authors
Q: I found this copy of Drummond's Addresses at a flea market and I have struggled to discern what series it is from your website. The inside says Philadelphia Henry Altemus 1893.
Thank you so much!
A: This book belongs to the seven title Popular Series of Popular Authors. All of the books were published in 1893 and are reprints. They originally came with dust jackets.
14 May 2017 |
150 |
Popular Series of Famous Authors
Q: I am interested in the value of this book. Twice Told Tales. Thank you.
A: Your book is from Series 150 Popular Series of Famous Authors. This seven book series was published in 1893. All of the titles are reprints.
These books originally came within dust jackets.
Because the titles are reprints of a very reprinted title, they only are worth a few dollars each.
12 Apr 2017 |
150 |
Popular Series of Famous Authors
Q: Greetings, I came across your website in a search for info about a book that has been passed down through my husband’s family. It is an edition of Drummond's Addresses, with 8 stories. Approximate measurement is 4-1/2 x 6 inches. A handwritten inscription reads "To Lizzie from Alice. Christmas 1893."
I've attached photos. Can you tell me anything about this book? I didn't see this particular cover on your website. Is there any resale value?
A: This book belongs to the seven title Series #150 Popular Series of Famous Authors. This titles previously had been published as a non series book. This is the only Altemus series that uses this particular left sided cover decoration. These books originally had dust jackets.
For more information see:
30 Aug 2016 |
150 |
Popular Series of Famous Authors
Q: I found this book in a thrift store. "The House of the Seven Gables" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Published 1893. Could you tell me anything about it? Thank you.
A: Your book is part of the "Popular Series of Famous Authors".
It is a late reprint and was published in 1893.
In this shape it has no monetary value.
10 Jan 2014 |
150 |
Popular Series of Famous Authors
Q: I am trying to find out about this book (Drummond's Addresses). It is signed in front by person giving as a gift on December 25, 1893. Don't know if there is any collector value or not. If you could please advise I would appreciate it. Thanks.
A: This book is part of the seven volume Popular Series of Famous Authors.
This series was published in 1893. The left half of the covers have a stereotyped decorative pattern on the vellum. The right half has various designs and the author and title in gilt. The books have dust jackets. Drummond's Addresses is #1 in the series.
All of the titles in this series are reprints and consequently have limited value.
17 Aug 2013 |
150 |
Popular Series of Famous Authors
Q: Hello, I am inquiring about a copy of "The Scarlet Letter" that has been in my family for several generations. The condition of the book is very poor but it's something I would like to know more about. I have attached pictures of the cover, title page, and the two ad pages in the back. Please do not hesitate if there are other images you may need to determine more. Thank you very much for your time.
A: Your book was published in 1893 as part of the Popular Series of Famous Authors. This book was originally printed with a dust jacket. The cover usually has outlines and lettering in gold gilt, most of which is gone from your book. This title is a reprint and in this shape has little value.
26 Jul 2013 |
152 |
Printemps Series
Q: A book in my collection... I'm wondering of its value and rarity. I can't locate a quote on its value. (A Study in Scarlet)
A: Your book is part of the 25 volume Printemps Series. It was published in 1895.
All of the books in this series are reprints. Most sell for between $10 and $20.