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20 Aug 2014 |
48 |
Beauxarts Series
Q: Hello, can you please provide information on this books information including authenticity rarity and value. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
A: Your book is part of the Beauxarts Series and was published in 1902.
It originally came within a labeled box. An example of the box is shown here.
Because this is not a title that is in any demand, this book will be a hard sell for more than a few dollars.
23 Jan 2014 |
48 |
Beauxarts Series
Q: I have had this book (Weird Tales) for many years and cant find a publishing date but think because of the cover, am guessing it was published between 1899-1901 . Also was wondering if there is any value to this book. Thank you for any insight you can provide.
A: You are correct about the publication date. Your book is from the Beauxarts Series and was published between 1899 and 1901.
It is a reprint and in great shape would only be worth a few dollars. In poor shape, it will be hard to sell at any price.
01 Jan 2014 |
48 |
Beauxarts Series
Q: I have had this edition of Paradise Lost for a while now. I attempted to look it up and think that it is a 1902 Beauxart series, but I cannot find any similar items online. Could you verify that information for me, and possibly tell me a bit more about it? Thank you for your time and consideration.
A: You are correct about the series and the year of publication: Beauxarts Series - 1902
It was originally sold within a labeled box. An example is pictured.
It is one of a myriad of reprints of this title that were published by numerous publishing houses in the 1890-1910 era.
Since the title is quite common, it has little value to most collectors. The exception might be someone who really likes the cover design or a person who collects this title and does not have this edition.
26 Sep 2013 |
48 |
Beauxarts Series
Q: Hello, I recently came across a large collection of rare books. This book (Tanglewood Tales) is part of it. It is listed as Altemus from 1898. Any ideas? Thank you so much.
A: This book was published as part of the Beauxarts Series between 1899-1901. It originally came within a labeled box. This format was printed with a number of different color covers. Some are shown on the series page. All of the titles in this series are reprints.
29 May 2013 |
48 |
Beauxarts Series
Q: i bought this book (A Christmas Carol) and would like an appraisal. thank you
A: This book is part of the Beauxarts Series and was published in 1902. It originally was published within a labeled box. It is a reprint and although a nice book, has very limited value. Reprints of The Christmas Carol were published by numerous publishers and are very common.
21 Nov 2012 |
48 |
Beauxarts Series
Q: Came across this book (The Courtship of Miles Standish) when I was bring out the "Good Dishes" for Thanksgiving Day. Belonged to my husband's Great Great Great Aunt from Hampton NH. Looked on your site but did not see any thing that matched.
A: This book is part of the Beauxarts Series and was published in 1902. As with all of the books in this series, it is a reprint with relatively little value. It originally came within a labeled box. For more information see ../series/series48.htm.
06 Feb 2012 |
48 |
Beauxarts Series
Q: I am very interested in obtaining more information on this book (A Christmas Carol). The copyright date is 1899. I did not find this book front format in your listed designs. Thank you very much.
A: This book is part of the Beauxarts Series. This publisher's series of reprints was printed between 1897 and 1902. During this time frame there were four different covers. Your cover was published between 1899 and 1901. I have seen five different colors with this decorative pattern.
As with all of this series' books, it is a reprint. Nonetheless, many Dickens' collectors are interested in these decorative books. Thus, the value would be quite unpredictable.
04 Nov 2010 |
48 |
Beauxarts Series
Q: would appreciate any info you might have (Romance of a Poor Young Man)
A: For information on your book look here: ../series/series48.htm
It was published between 1899-1901.
It is a reprint.
30 Sep 2010 |
48 |
Beauxarts Series
Q: Hello, I recently purchased Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan. It is a Henry Altemus publication, Images of the book's front cover, inside cover and some back pages are attached. However the title page is missing, so I do not know the publication date. Would you be able to help out with this missing info.
A: Your book was published between 1899-1901 as part of the Beauxarts Series.
See ../series/series48.htm.
30 Jun 2010 |
48 |
Beauxarts Series
Q: Hello, Recently I went in my attic to clean up and I came upon this old book titled "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland". I looked in the book and it appears to be very old. Also a previous owner of the book wrote the date 1901 inside of one of the pages. I was wondering what the value is of this book? Also what was the publication date? I sent you a couple of pictures attached.
A: This book was published between 1899-1901 and was part of the Beauxarts Series. (../series/series48.htm)
It is a reprint and most of the books of this series have only nominal value. Occasionally however, since there are many "Alice" collectors out there this title may sell for $20-30.