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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers:
Date Series Num Information
18 Aug 2018 202

Young People's Library, Format 1

Q:  Hello I have been given some of my great grandmothers books and was told my copy of Through the Looking Glass is a rare first edition version one. I have attached some pictures could you confirm this for me and possibly direct me to the best place to sell such an item?

A:  Your "Through the Looking Glass" is not a first edition. It is one of a myriad of reprints published in the 1890's.

It is the first Altemus edition of this title. It is part of the Young People's Library, Format 1 and was published in 1895.

See Young People's Library Series 202 Format 1

Because of condition, its value is significantly limited.

04 Aug 2018 202

Young People's Library

Q:  Hello. I would like a bit of info as to the value of this book. It seems to have only one printing? Please and thank you.

A:  Your book is part of the Young People's Library, Format 2. There are four formats in this series. The easiest defining feature is the spine.

Format 2 spine

Format 2 was published between 1898 and 1902. Your book was published between 1900-1902 because the Henry Altemus Company imprint was used on the title page beginning when Altemus incorporated in 1900.

Aesop's Fables was published in each format.

See Format 1

Your book has nominal value.

18 Jul 2017 202

Young People's Library Format 1

Q:  Hello, I have an old Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, I have looked endlessly for the exact copy but was not successful. I was hoping you could help me out, thank You! It's a 1896 edition and it stumps me.

A:  Your book is part of The Young People’s Library, Format 1. Alice was first published in this series in 1895. Based on the ads your book was published in late 1897/ early 1898.

This is usually a book that is in great demand although in this shape, that would not be the case.

12 Dec 2016 202

Young People’s Library

Q:  I have a copy of this book in my possession, I was wondering if it is valuable? Uncle Tom's Cabin. This inside jacket says Copyright 1900.

A:  You have shown a book from Series 202 Young People’s Library. With slight color variances this cover is #30 in both Format 2 and Format 3. Format 2 books were published between 1898 and 1903 and had a distinctive spine pattern. Format 3 books are published between 1903-1923 and also had a particular spine decoration. Without a dust jacket neither has significant value.

See http://henryaltemus.com/ypl/index.htm for more details.

17 Sep 2016 202

Young People's Library Format 3

Q:  Just trying to get a worth on its version of you can help with that. A Child's Garden of Verses

A:  This book is part of the Young People's Library. Format 3 books were published from 1902-1923. All the the titles in this series are reprints.

This book without a dust jacket has little, if any, value. See http://henryaltemus.com/blog/?p=1553.

28 Jul 2016 202

Young People's Library

Q:  I have a copy of an Altemus 1895 format 1, Alice in Wonderland - Through the Looking Glass that has a blank spine but it refers to Gulliver's Travels on the inside ad page so I believe it is a second edition.

I'm trying to determine the book's value. Attached are photos of the cover and ad pages. Can you assist or me point in the right direction of whom I should contact? I truly appreciate your assistance.

A:  You have described your book perfectly. It is part of the Young People's Library, Format 1. This format was published between 1895 and 1898.

The early, absolutely first printing of this format list only to Through the Looking Glass. The later 1895 versions list to Gulliver's Travels (your book).

The two Lewis Carroll books in this series are in great demand. They are reprints but have very nice covers and numerous illustrations.

A $25-75 price range is reasonable.

16 Jul 2016 202

Young People's Library

Q:  Hey there. I recently purchased this at an antique store and am inquiring of its value. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!! Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There

A:  This book is part of the Young People's Library, Format 1. This format was published between 1895 and 1898.

When this book sells, usually it is in the $25-50 range. Recently a copy sold for $115.

10 Jul 2016 202

Young People's Library, Format 1

Q:  GOOD EVENING-I think I have a rare & scarce & valuable book? I was going to put it on Ebay but decided to do more research and then found your info. I hope you can help me.
I have a ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND by Lewis Carroll beige/silver-tone hardback. I think dating from 1895. Could be one of a combination of two. Says on top of title page: ALTEMUS YOUNG PEOPLE'S LIBRARY. With 42 black & white ink illustrations. PHILADELPHIA HENRY ALTEMUS (has NO dust jacket)
I have found out tonight that the fact it says: HENRY ALTEMUS dates it to the correct date-1895 It is a smaller book 4 7/8" x 6 3/4" Has the Silver lettering on front with colored INK figures going diagonal from top left corner to lower right corner starting with Cheshire Cat-mouse-cards-and then Rabbit & Turtle on bottom. Haven’t found one online? In good shape for it’s age. Scuffing of corners-inside front cover is a pen scripted personal signature. Spine pulling away some. Some warping of some pages.

A:  Your book is from the first format of the Young People's Library. Since there is no date on the title page, it was published between 1896-1898. Looking at the ads and using the chart on the website- http://www.henryaltemus.com/series/series202F1.htm- it should be easy to date the book exactly. It is not the earliest edition of this format that was published in 1895.

This book is not uncommon and usually sells on Ebay for between $25-75. The last two sold for $21 and $35.

16 Jun 2016 202

Young People's Library

Q:  Hello,
Thank you very much for being out there with needed information. I actually read this book last night with pleasure, first time since the late 40’s probably, at that time with less pleasure, and this morning it occurred to me that it might be valuable. No marks on it of any kind. Robinson Crusoe
Is it worth anything?

A:  This book is a reprint as are all of the titles in the Young People's Library. Unless it is a very collectible book (e. g. Alice in Wonderland) or has a nice dust jacket, the volumes in this series have little monetary value.

For more information see: http://www.henryaltemus.com/series/series202F3.htm Examples of this title's dust jackets are shown there.

05 Apr 2016 202

Young People's Library

Q:  I have a book entitled Lives of the Presidents of the United States, 1896 copyright by Henry Altemus. It is listed as book 13 on your list. It is blue cloth, with Altemus' name on the spine. The Presidents range from George Washington to Benjamin Harrison. The book is in fairly good condition, except the spine is loose, but still attached. The original cost of the book is listed inside as .50. I am eager to learn if this book is considered antique and if so, what is the estimated value.

A:  This title was published in the Young People's Library between 1896 and about 1913. Three different formats have been seen.

The books can be dated by noting the last president mentioned in the text. The earliest book therefore ends with Grover Cleveland while the latest book notes Woodrow Wilson.

I have not seen a book which lists only to Harrison who finished his term in 1893. Since this title was not published until 1896, it is hard to know why your book does not list Cleveland.

See http://henryaltemus.com/blog/?p=832.

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