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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers:
Date Series Num Information
07 May 2010 131

Mother Goose Series

Q:  HI.. found your site.. I have this book (Aladdin) from my dad's collection & could not find any information on ebay or other sites.. just curious what feedback you may have..

A:  Your book can be found here: Series 131

It is part of the Mother Goose Series- Format 3. It is relatively common and originally came with a dust jacket. It generally does not sell for more than a few dollars.

04 Jun 2006 131

Mother Goose Series

Q:  I have a copy of Jack and the Bean Stalk and Other Stories that is not dated. I inherited it from my mother. She told me that it had belonged to her grandmother which would date back to the 1800's. I've attached pictures in hopes that you can tell me what year it was published and if it is a 1st Edition.

A:  Your book was part of the Mother Goose Series (#131) that was published for the first time in 1905. This series had four formats of which yours is the second. The second format differs from the first in that the background of the left hand side of the front cover is in white rather than in a color. This format was printed for several years starting in 1906. These books all came jacketed.

14 Jun 2006 135

Nathaniel Hawthorne's Works

Q:  I have Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter published Philadelphia Henry Altemus 1892. It is a small, hardcover book, appears to be red leather with a cameo of a woman on the front. Very good conditon. Can you give me an idea of value.

A:  This is a relatively common book despite its age. This book came in several different colors and originally had a dust jacket. It only has nominal value.

04 Jan 2019 137

One Syllable Series

Q:  I have had no luck of locating much info of this book. (Swiss Family Robinson) Any information I'd appreciate.

A:  Your book is part of the One Syllable Series (Format 2) and was published between 1904-1908. It originally had a dust jacket.

This title is a reprint and has nominal value.

See: http://www.henryaltemus.com/series/series137.htm

20 Apr 2017 137

One Syllable Series

Q:  I was wondering if you would know how much these books were worth (general ball park). The Swiss family Robinson was copyright in 1900 by Henry Altemus.
The Gulliver's Travels copyright in 1899 by Henry Altemus.
If you could help I would appreciate it. Thank you.

A:  Both of these books are part of the One Syllable Series. This 12 book series had four formats and this is format #2. The format 3 books were published between 1900 and 1908. They originally came with a dust jacket. (see here) In mediocre condition without a dust jacket they only have nominal value.

03 Oct 2016 137

One-Syllable Series

Q:  Can you help me with this book? I could not find it on your site. A Child's Story of the New Testament

It says 'copyright 1909' by Howard E. Altemus just prior to the contents page. After reading recent posts I'm thinking it has no value but would like to hear it from an expert.

A:  Your book is part of the One-Syllable series and is pictured here: http://henryaltemus.com/series/series137.htm

The One-Syllable Series contains 12 books and was first published in 1899. There are four formats in this series and your book is part of Format 4.

These latter books were published in the teens.

The book pictured does not have a very collectible title and without a dust jacket (shown here) only has nominal value.

02 Jul 2016 137

One Syllable Series

Q:  Hello, I have a copy of Gulliver's Travels. 1899 format 2 in good/fair condition. What might it's value be?

A:  This book is from the One Syllable Series. It is part of the later Format 2 (of 4) books and printed between 1905-6 and 1909.

It is a reprint and originally came with a dust jacket.

In this poor shape it has nominal value only.

The formats of this titles are shown here.

07 Jul 2015 137

One Syllable Series

Q:  Good Morning. I am looking for an appraisal on this book dated 1899, A Child's Story of the Bible. I am also interested in an effective way to sell it. It has been in my family since great grandparents and I am downsizing, but want to treat it with respect, not toss it in a book bin. Thank you.

A:  This book is part of the 12 volume One Syllable Series. There are four formats in this series and this book is part of Format 1. Format 1 books were published between 1900 and 1902.

This volume, #3 in the series, was dropped from the series after Format #1 and thus is the scarcest title within this series. Regardless because it is not very collectable, without a dust jacket it has only nominal value.

20 Oct 2014 137

One Syllable Series

Q:  I tried to use the website link but no luck so here goes. Looking for some info on the attached book. Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe. There is no date that I could find and wondered if you have any idea as to when this book was published. One photo and one PDF file are attached. For some reason my printer/scanner would not scan both. Would appreciate your input.

A:  This book is part of the One Syllable Series. This series was published in four different formats. Each originally had dust jackets. Your book is part of the second format published in the early 1900's. This particular book used an 1899 title page.

09 Aug 2022 140

Peep of the Day Series

Q:  Greetings! I looked through your website and couldn’t find a date for this book, "The Peep of Day". I checked for dates and addresses and checked the ads in the back, but I couldn’t find anything. I’m attaching a copy of the book cover as recommended. Thank you for your time!

A:  Your book is part of the Peep of the day Series http://www.henryaltemus.com/series/series140.htm

This book is a reprint and was published between 1918 and 1928 without any changes.

It originally had a dust jacket. See here.

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