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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers:
Date Series Num Information
07 Jan 2013

Non Series

Q:  Hey I had gotten this book (Grimm's Fairy Tales) for Christmas and I was wondering if you had information on it. Someone had written 1898 in the front cover but I wasn’t sure if that was the publishing date or not. Thanks

A:  This book was published in 1918. It is 333 pages and has numerous short tales with a number of colored pictorial illustrations. It is oversized at 8.25 x 6.

After 1922 Altemus reprinted this book with a new cover that has an appliqué. The new book has plain endpapers and the key dating point: At the base of the copyright page it says "Printed in the United States of America" indicating a post-1922 publication.

05 Nov 2012

Non Series #7

Q:  Hello, I'm trying to find more information about my book (Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales). I believe it is the Altemus 1918 non-series publication. Would this be considered a first edition? Please correct me if I'm wrong and give me any more information that I may be missing. Thank you!

A:  It is the non series Altemus publication. Since all the stories have previously appeared in other books, I do not think it can be called a first edition. However, it probably can be called the "First Edition, thus". It originally came with a dust jacket. It is of a similar format to Grimm's Fairy Tales which was also published in 1918 See: ../images/NS_64.jpg

29 Aug 2012

Non Series 128

Q:  I came across this book, She Who Will not When She May by Eleanor G. Walton 1898, at a flea market and it was so pretty, appeared to be old and was in such good condition that I decided to buy it. Based on what I've read on your site, I believe it to be a first edition. Are you able to confirm and can you tell me what it's worth? Would appreciate any other info you can provide as well. Thanks!

A:  Three editions of this book have been seen (Not including the ooze calf binding variant). The first edition is the only one that has the Henry Altemus not the Henry Altemus Company imprint.

For other methods to distinguish the various editions see ../images/NS_128.htm

26 Aug 2012

Altemus Bibles

Q:  This is the altemus bible i own, which one is it? if you happen to know, its picture b10 in ur bible listings.

A:  Currently I have documented 59 different Altemus Bible covers. Altemus published Bibles between the early 1870's and the turn of the century.

The Bible shown here has been labeled B10. There were 12 different Bible editions. B10 Bible covers have been seen with the New Popular Edition and the Cheap Pictorial Edition. The features and contents within the Bible are what distinguishes the different editions.

The New Popular Edition and the Cheap Pictorial Editions do not have:

Bible History and Analysis
Cyclopedia of the Bible
Dictionary of Names
Notes and commentary by Rev. Walter McGilvray

Other Altemus Bibles do have these features. To learn more about Altemus Bibles see See ../bibles/bibles.htm

15 Aug 2012

Non Series #124

Q:  I have the opportunity to buy a 1892 version of the scarlet letter. I know this was a very common print, I just want to make sure I am not missing out on an opportunity, this is a picture of the cover, I haven't seen this exact cover elsewhere on the web.... I would be greatly appreciative if you could give me a value as to what its worth.

A:  Altemus published the Scarlet Letter in numerous formats. In 1892 it published its non-series Scarlet Letter. The same cover style was printed in several different colors. Early in 1892 the Altemus Scarlet Letters did not include the 1850 "Preface to the Second Edition" which appeared in all the latter Altemus Scarlet Letter printings. Because this book is relatively common and a reprint, it has little value.

25 Feb 2012

Non Series #121

Q:  I have had this copy of Robinson Crusoe in my possession for over 30 years. I am interested in selling the book, now that I am older. I have attached some pictures. The book is in ok condition. As you can see there was tape put on the cover. I just want a little history of the book and would also appreciate knowing its value, if any.

A:  There are three different Non-Series Robinson Crusoes that were published prior to 1900. All have Henry Altemus as their imprint.

In 1892 the first two were published. Your book was published between 1892 and 1896. This large book (9.5 x 7.5) has "extra fine English cloth with Emblematic designs". It had numerous black and white line drawn pictures (120) by Walter Paget. The earlier books of this format had gold gilt lettering on the cover whereas the later books had silver gilt lettering. Original cost was $3.00.

For more information see ../images/NS_121.htm.

Because of its condition, your book will be hard to sell at any price.

05 Oct 2011

Non Series

Q:  I have a copy of Henryk Sienkiewicz's "Quo Vadis" published by Henry Altemus, copyright 1897. As you can see from the attached photo, it has a picture of a woman praying on the front cover. I have not seen this cover before. Can you tell me anything about this edition?

A:  Your book is the second American edition of this title. This was a huge seller for Altemus. I am including a picture of the first edition cover.

See: ../images/NS_116.htm

25 Aug 2011

Non Series #54- The Fairy Tale Book

Q:  Hi! Thank you for your website and provided information. You have done an awsome job setting this up. I bought this book (The Fairy Tale Book) a while back in Long Island NY in an old bookshop. Unfortunately, it is not dated. What can you tell me about it? Thanks for any information.

A:  This book was first published by Altemus in 1917 and reprinted for a number of years thereafter. See ../images/NS_54.jpg

Every now and then one comes up for sale. Depending on condition, I have seen prices vary from "no sale" to about $35.

31 Oct 2010


Q:  I would appreciate your help with a book I have "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. The book measures 4 1/4 X 5 1/2. I am stumped because it does not have Henry Altemus Company embossed on the cover; as I have seen in all the examples on your website. The cover is green. Could this be part of Dickens Complete Works - a reprint. Thank you.

A:  The words "HenryAltemus.com" are not actually on the books. Those words are placed on the pictures of books that appear on the website so that people will know where the pictures came from.

04 Jun 2010

Non Series #23

Q:  I have attached a picture of the Black Beauty book I have. Inside the book says copyright 1897 by Henry Altemus. I saw on the internet a discussion with someone else that has this book. Just wondered if you all came to any conclusion of a value on it?

A:  I believe that this book has only nominal value when it has no dust jacket. The dust jacket is pictured at ../images/NS_23.jpg

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