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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers:
Date Series Num Information
17 Dec 2017 101

Grolier Series

Q:  Hello, I was wondering if you could give me any info on this copy of THE RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. Any info would be help full I believe it's cover is suede?

A:  The Grolier Series is a 28 volume group of ooze-calf covered titles. They are all reprints which were published by Altemus in 1904.

Green, brown and red color covers have been seen. These books originally came within a labeled box.

12 Nov 2023 110

In His Name Series

Q:  I don't see a reference to this book (Royal Invitation for the King's Children) with this cover and am wondering if you could tell me more about it. There is no copyright in it but I see a green covered version was published in 1912. Can you help me?

A:  This book is part of the "In His Name Series". Published in approximately 1910.

See: In His Name Series

15 Jan 2020 110

In His Name Series

Q:  Is there any history on this book (Morning Bells) such as Publish date and value? Thank You

A:  This book is part of the In His Name Series. See: Henry Altemus Company - In His Name Series 110
Your book was published between about 1905-1910.
In great shape it has little value. In this condition, in my opinion, it has no monetary value.

09 Mar 2016 110

In His Name Series

Q:  Back in 2007 my ex husband and I bought a house in North Brookfield Massachusetts and we were remodeling and in one of the walls we torn down found this book (Jessica's Mother) in it. I was wondering if you had any information about this I have attached photos hopefully it helps thank you.

A:  I believe your book is from the In His Name Series.

Your book is from the first format of this series. In this format the right half of the cover had one of 16 flower pictures. A better picture of an example of this cover is shown here.

Unfortunately it is in terrible shape. If you are wondering if you have discovered a hidden treasure (as everyone hopes for), this book is not it. In this condition it has no monetary value.

19 Sep 2015 110

In His Name Series

Q:  I have a book called, The Creation Story by William E. Gladstone. There is a stamp on the inside front cover of the shop that sold it: JONES & WATSON - Jewelers, Opticians, Magazines, Books - KIRBYVILLE, TEXAS. I have attached a picture of the cover and the copyright page. Can I rely on this as the proper copyright - 1896 - or is there another date I should use?

A:  This book was published as part of the In His Name Series in the 1904-1907 time frame.

This is a Format 3 book. These books came with a dust jacket that lists the titles of the series on the jacket front. There were four different covers-each with a different flower and rectangular idyllic picture. See here.

These titles are hard to sell at any price.

30 Oct 2011 110

In His Name Series

Q:  Hi, Trying to do some research to determine the value of my book (Eternal Life). Just says Henry Altemus so I'm assuming it is pre 1900. "Copyright by Henry Altemus 1896". Am I correct in assuming this is also publication date? Thank you so much for your help. I was so delighted to find your site.

A:  Your book can be found here: ../series/series110.htm

Although the Altemus copyright of this book is pre-1900, it was published in the early 1900's. Note that it says Henry Altemus Company at the bottom of the title page. Altemus incorporated in 1900.

Unfortunately most of the titles from this series of reprints are not widely collected and when they sell, it is for just a few dollars.

02 Nov 2009 110

In His Name Series

Q:  Hello, I inherited the attached book and after my dog ripped the first page I started to do some research on it (after putting him in the kennel of course)…but can’t find any info on it. There is no publication date except there is a date someone wrote (1908) by hand on the interior. When was this book published? Do you know anything about ‘Little Pillows’? It isn’t listed anywhere in the site. I assume it’s part of the reprint series?

A:  This book is part of the In His Name Series, Format 2. There are 16 possible flower picture. Yours is #10 Lily of the Valley. It was published in the 1903-1904 range. This book originally had a dust jacket.

04 Jun 2006 110

In His Name Series

Q:  I received a lovely little Henry Altemus volume for Christmas called Evening Comfort, arranged by Elisabeth Robinson Scovil, copyright 1898. What can you tell me about this book? Thank You.

A:  Your book is part of the In His Name Series (Series # 110). The series was published between 1901-1912. The book pictured here is in Format 3- volume 28 out of 46. In order to determine the year of publication, the book's dust jacket is necessary. At the earliest it was published in 1903.

10 Jun 2011 113

Juvenile Quartos Series

Q:  Hi, I was going through some of my grandmothers hand me downs and came across this book (The Story of Little Black Sambo). I have been searching the internet but cannot seem to locate this particular book.

Can you please provide me with some detail on it? Is it rare? With all the Black Sambo books I've found I cant imagine it would be but I am interested in some detail on this book and why I cant find it on the internet?

Thank you for your time.

A:  Altemus published this book in 1931 and later David Mckay did a reprint edition of this exact book. You can find this book on this website here: ../series/series113.htm.

It is quite uncommon because Altemus stopped publishing books in 1932 so your book was only in print for a short time. I trust your book is the oversized format at about 7 x 9.

Although it is not a first edition, it is still quite a nice book.

15 Feb 2023 114

Kipling Series

Q:  I am wondering if this book is worth anything? The Three Musketeers

A:  This book is part of the Kipling Series and was published in 1899.
It is a reprint.
It has nominal value.

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