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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers:
Date Series Num Information
23 Oct 2016 80

Eternal Life Series

Q:  I have a beautiful little white book "God's Word and God's Works" - Martin Luther. Inside is a picture of Martin Luther facing page with title by Martin Luther - Philadelphia Henry Altemus in red. Back of that page is copyrighted 1896 by Henry Altemus - Henry Altemus, Manufacturer Philadelphia. I find no specific information on this book. I do want to sell it. Could you give me a little background and value of this book?

A:  Your book is part of the Eternal Life Series and was published in 1896. The leatherette volumes in this series have been seen in a number of different cover formats. Some examples are shown here.

The books in this series have little, if any, monetary value.

16 May 2013 80

Eternal Life Series

Q:  I have 1896 Edition of The Lord's Prayer and the Ten Commandments by Dean Stanley

Can you give me some information and possible worth of this book. Thanks

A:  Your book is part of the Eternal Life Series

It was published between 1896-1898. This book has only nominal value.

03 Nov 2009 80

The Eternal Life Series

Q:  I have this book can you tell me anything?

A:  This book is part of Series 80- The Eternal Life Series. This book is #8 in that series and was published between 1896 and 1898. Books of this series have the leatherette covers. At this point in time eight different covers have been seen for each title. These books have only nominal value.

12 Feb 2017 82

Ever New Series

Q:  Can you help me with a copyright date for this book? Black Beauty

A:  Your books is part of the 16 volume Ever New Series and was published in 1915. The first Altemus publication of this title was in 1896 but it was published by other firms previously. All of the Altemus copies of this title are reprints.

The books of this series are identical to the same titles in the Young People’s Library except these books are a bit larger and have the decorative pattern at the base off the front cover. They are much scarcer also.

Here is the same title in the Young People’s Library -Format 3.

06 Aug 2012 82

Ever New Books for Young People

Q:  I am attaching a picture of a book (Swiss Family Robinson) and I am trying to determine the publish date. Also if there is any info on the value. Thanks in advance.

A:  Your book is part of the Ever New Books for Young People Series. See ../series/series82.htm This 16 book series was published in 1915 and originally came with a dust jacket. Although this series' books look like books from the Young People's Library, they are slightly larger and have the little horizontal squiggle at the bottom of the cover.

These books are hard to find but scarcity has not helped their value. Without a dust jacket they seldom sell for more than $10-15.

03 May 2010 82

Ever New Books for Young People

Q:  Good evening. I was curious as to how much a book like this is worth. It does not have a dust cover. It has slight wear but is in good shape.

A:  Your book is part of the Ever New Books for Young People Series.

It is one of the more uncommon Altemus Series. As you can see on the site, I still do not have most of the books in this series (because of their scarcity). These books are slightly different from the much more common Young People's Library books because they are slightly larger and they have the little squiggle design at the base of the front cover.

Even with this scarcity your book does not have much value ($5-15). A Black Beauty collector might pay more.

17 Mar 2015 83

Fairmount Series

Q:  Hello, I'm quite stumped on when this is made (Discourses of Epictetus). I haven't seen any other leather titles that quite look like this on your website. I would really appreciate any knowledge you have. My best guess is the mid 1890s but I'm not sure. Thanks in advance.

A:  This book is part of the Fairmount Series. The titles in this series which were published in 1894 and 1895 were all reprints.

This half calf cover volume with gold vein paper sides is relatively uncommon. These books originally came within a labeled box.

11 Mar 2012 84

Fairy Tale Series

Q:  I have this book (The Jeweled Sea by Hartwell James) it is in good condition and looks like your picture number 3. I was wondering if it is worth anything? Thank You.

A:  This book is part of the six volume Fairy Tale Series. All six books were written by Hartwell James and illustrated by John R. Neill. See ../series/series84.htm for more details.

These books are in demand primarily because of the Neill illustrations. Neill illustrated a number of the Wizard of Oz books and his work is very collectible. This series in dust jackets are especially uncommon.

24 Aug 2022 85

Famous Red and White Book Series

Q:  This book (Scarlet Letter) has been in our family for years. I would love any information about this.

A:  Your book is part of the "Famous Red and White Book Series". These books are all reprints and were published in 1893-1894.
The preface of your book states "second edition". In actuality, the book is a reprint of the second edition.

23 Dec 2010 85

Famous Red and White Books

Q:  Hi, I just bought this book at an auction. It was among a lot of books. Can you tell me anything about it?

I can send you other pictures if you need them.


A:  Your book is part of Series #85. See ../series/series85.htm

This was one of Altemus' early series. Despite its age, this book is fairly common and has only nominal value.

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