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31 May 2015 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: Hello, I have Bracebridge Hall, but, some of the pages, i think, are missing. I would like to know how old the book is. It looks a bit faded, and, not in pristine condition. Thanks, in advance for any info.
A: This book is part of the Petit Trianon Series.
This format was published in 1903-1904. During this year the left side of the covers were published wit a picture of a pedestal in either white, blue or pink. On the right there is a picture of one of sixteen flower pictures.
Originally it was published in a labeled box.
15 May 2015 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: Hello I recently found this book (Uncle Tom's Cabin) published by Henry Altemus and I was wondering if you had some information on it like the published date because there isn't one stated. Any information you know regarding this book would be awesome! Thank you.
A: Your book is a reprint and was published in 1901-1902 as part of the Petit Trianon Series.
During these years the titles in this series had a stereotyped decorative pattern on the left side of the cover in either pink or beige. On the right side there was a picture of either one of sixteen flowers (lilacs here) or artwork done by Alphonse Mucha.
13 Mar 2015 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: Hello, can someone give us information on this nice little book. Title - The Song of Hiawatha
Author - Longfellow Publisher - Henry Altemus Co., Philadelphia
We were curious as to the copyright date, and basic value. Attached is a photo for your review.
A: Your book is part of the Petit Trianon Series.
It is a reprint published by Altemus in 1908-1909. Originally it was sold within a labeled box. A representative box picture is shown here.
It only has nominal value.
28 Feb 2015 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: Through some research online, I finally stumbled upon your website. Hopefully you can help. Over some time I've had this book (Uncle Tom's Cabin) on my shelf and have been trying to find exactly when it was published and if it is of any value. There's an inscription inside dating back to 1901. I hope that you will have some answers. I attached images of the cover, spine, inscription, and a few illustrations.
A: Your book is part of the Petit Trianon Series and was published in 1901-1902. It was originally published within a labeled box. During this year the lady on the left was published in blue, pink and beige. Examples here. On the right half of the cover one of sixteen flowers were pictured.
It only has nominal value.
15 Nov 2014 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: I have a hard cover copy of The Song of Hiawatha with a different cover than any you show here. It is beautiful and in excellent condition with gold details and red carnations on the cover. Does that mean it was published later that 1898? The gift message inside is dated 1907. Thank you for your time!
A: Your book is part of the Petit Trianon Series and was published in 1907. The acorn pattern surrounded one of four different flowers. All of the titles in this series are reprints.
It was originally published within a labeled box. A picture of the box is shown here.
It only has nominal value.
10 Jul 2014 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: Hello!
Re: Uncle Tom's Cabin - Henry Altemus Company
We are trying to find out information about a book. We have attached pictures of the book. We would like to know the year the book was printed and the current value.
Please let us know if you need further information.
Thank you!
A: Your book is part of the Petit Trianon Series.
It was published in 1901-1902. During this year, the left half of the front cover had the stereotyped decorative pattern in either blue, pink or beige. The right half of the cover pictured one of sixteen different flowers.
It is one of a myriad of reprints of this title. Unless someone loves the cover, it has only nominal value.
06 Jul 2014 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: When was this book published (Little Lame Prince)?
A: Your book is part of the Petit Trianon Series and was published in 1907.
These books originally came within a labeled box. All of the titles in this series are reprints.
24 Jun 2014 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: I'm wondering if you can tell me anything about this book (Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam) the picture is of the cover and the publisher page thank you.
A: Your book is part of the Petit Trianon Series and was published in 1907. It originally came within a labeled box. All of the 117 titles in this series are reprints. During this year the acorn picture cover had four different flower appliqués. The other flowers in addition to a representative box are shown on the series page.
It is a reprint and only has nominal value.
21 Apr 2014 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: Can you tell me the history of this book? Thanks
A: Your book is a part of the Petit Trianon Series and was published in 1899. During this series publication history, every year there was a new cover. This one is the 1899 format.
In 1899 the left half of the cover remained constant while the right side had numerous different decorative patterns. I have seen 27 up to this point.
These books originally came in a labeled box. (An example is shown here.)
All of the books in this series are reprints. Thus, only special collectible titles have more than nominal value.
16 Mar 2014 |
143 |
Petit Trianon Series
Q: Hi – I found this old book of my Grandmothers, and I was wondering if it’s worth hanging on to. It’s Paradise Lost Vol 1 with a copyright of 1899. It’s not in great shape. See attached picture. Thanks for your time!
A: This book was published in 1899-1900. As with most of the Petit Trianon books, the left side of the cover has a stereotyped pattern and the right half of the front cover has various different patterns. In some years it is floral and in other years more decorative. So far 27 different patterns have been seen with this format. See ../series/series143.htm for pictures. This years' titles also came in a labeled box.