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05 Mar 2016 |
99 |
Golden Treasury Series
Q: I'm trying to track this book (Drummond's Addresses). It has copyrights and signatures dating between 1891 and 1927. According to my research, it wasn't originally published until 1894, and I can't find this particular cover. I also can't find a series number.
A: Your book is part of the Golden Treasury Series, Format 2 and was published in 1899-1900.
This format was published with several color covers.
06 Nov 2014 |
99 |
Golden Treasury Series
Q: I have a book called "Christian Living" written by F.B. Meyer and have attached a picture of cover and a few pages in the book. It has a green cover with flowers on front. There is an inscription on one of the front pages that says "Presented To Henry Bush Christmas 1906". I have been looking for a book like this on the internet for quite a while and have yet to find one. I'm hoping that you can help me with a few questions. It does not have a publish date and I also wonder if you can tell me what the value may be on it. I am interested in selling it but want to make sure I put the right price on it.
A: Your book is from the Golden Treasury Series and was published in 1899.
Although it has a nice decorated cover and is in good shape, it will be hard to sell for more than a few dollars. There is very little demand for this title.
Of interest is that the cover was published in several different colors. They are shown on the series page.
05 Oct 2014 |
99 |
Golden Treasury Series
Q: Hi, I'm a graphic designer in Michigan and have a love for print, especially old books. I recently moved and found this little treasure when I was unpacking. Would enjoy learning more about the history of this book (Morning Thoughts).
A: Your book is part of the 49 volume Golden Treasury Series.
It was published in 1899. This book, like all of the titles in this series, is a reprint.
04 Jun 2014 |
99 |
Golden Treasury Series
Q: I acquired this book (Christian Living) and was wondering if you could give me any information on it.
A: Your book is part of the Golden Treasury Series. It was published in 1899. Different color covers have been seen.
It is a reprint and has only nominal value.
27 May 2014 |
99 |
Golden Treasury Series
Q: I am curious about this book I've found (The Prince of the House of David), I couldn't find any info on your website about it. I look forward to your reply.
A: Your book is part of the Golden Treasury Series.
It was published either in 1899 or 1900.
It is a reprint and has only nominal value.
03 Oct 2011 |
99 |
Golden Treasury Series
Q: I did not see this on your website. copyright 1895
A: Your book can be found here: ../series/series99.htm. The Golden Treasury Series was published between 1899 and 1901. There are two formats. Your book is from the first format and was published in 1899.
18 Aug 2010 |
99 |
Golden Treasury Series
Q: I found this (John Ploughman's Talk) in a box of books given to me recently. It's priceless to me, since Spurgeon is one of my favorite authors. In other words, I don't care so much about whether or not it has inherent value, but I would like to know a little about it. Best I can tell, it's from the Devotional Series? 1896? The copyright date inside is 1896. Couldn't find this cover (in particular) on the Devotional Series page, but is there anything else you can tell me about it?
A: Your book can be found here: Series 99
It is not part of the Devotional Series but rather part of the Golden Treasury Series.
26 Jun 2010 |
99 |
Golden Treasury Series
Q: Hi, I recently came across your site while trying to do some research on an old book I have. I would like to know when it was published or printed. I am attaching a picture of the front cover I hope it is helpful. I went through the pictures on the website for "Line Upon Line" but didn't see a cover that resembled mine. I appreciate your time and patience with helping me, and if you have any questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks!
A: Your book is part of Series #99- Golden Treasury Series
It can be found here: ../series/series99.htm
1899-1900 publication date.
17 Mar 2008 |
99 |
The Golden Treasury Series
Q: I have included a photo of the front board of 'Brooks' Addresses'. I was able to find a similar cover on the site, but not exactly the same. I would very much appreciate your assessment.
A: Your book is part of Series #99 The Golden Treasury Series. This series was published for several years beginning in 1899. Your book was part of the 1899 edition. I have seen it in green as well as red. This series has not been added to the website as of yet.
29 Jan 2019 |
100 |
Good Time Series
Q: I recently found a book published by Henry Altemus and was hoping to get some more information on it. It is "Laddie" part 5 of the Good Times Series. I will attach pictures of the book. Any information would be helpful!
A: As you know, your book is part of the Good Time Series. This book is a reprint but with the jacket is quite nice.
Since this title is not in great demand, it has little value.