Questions & Answers: |
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24 Apr 2010 |
162 |
Sanspareil Series
Q: I found this in my company’s leave-one-take-one book pile. It’s one of yours. John Ruskin’s Queen of the Air. I have no use for it but if you do lemme know. I like your site.
A: Your book was published in 1898.
See Sanspareil Series
31 Mar 2010 |
162 |
Sanspareil Series
Q: I just found this book in a box of old books of my Grandmother. Title is "House of Seven Gables" published by Henry Altemus Manufacture, Philadelphia. There is no publishing date. What can you tell me about it?? Is it worth taking to a book dealer or trying to sell it on e-bay?
A: This book is part of the Sanspareil Series. The books of this publisher's series of reprints originally had dust jackets.
Your book can be found here: Series 162
It was published in 1898.
It has only nominal value.
21 Mar 2008 |
162 |
Sanspareil Series (earlier numbering)
Q: We have a book, The Autocrat of The Breakfast Table, by Oliver Wendell Holmes, copyright 1897, any help or information would be greatly appreciated.
A: Your book was published in 1898 as part of the Sanspareil Series. It is a reprint. For more information, see:
Series 162
05 Sep 2021 |
163 |
Sanspareil Series
Q: Hello found this in my uncle's things is this rare? What year is it from? Lowell's Poems
A: Your book was published in 1899 as part of the Sanspareil Series. It is a reprint. It is not a very collectible book and only has nominal value.
See: Henry Altemus Company - Sanspareil Series 163 (later numbering-1899)
12 Feb 2021 |
163 |
Sanspareil Series
Q: This is The Scarlett Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne. I am wondering if it has any value.
A: Your book is part of the Sanspareil series and was published in 1899.
See: Henry Altemus Company - Sanspareil Series 163 (later numbering-1899)
It is a reprint and unfortunately only has nominal value.
21 Dec 2017 |
163 |
Sanspareil Series
Q: A Wonder Book. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Illustrated. No publication date. Inscribed with Mary Brooks signature, class of Reduman S. S. Ephiphany 1900. Miss Banks Class.
A: Your book was published in 1899 as part of the Sanspareil Series. This is the cover pattern for all of the 110 titles of this year. All of the volumes are reprints.
Henry Altemus Company - Sanspareil Series 163
The covers have been seen in several colors and originally this book came with a dust jacket. See here.
21 Dec 2014 |
163 |
Sanspareil Series
Q: I just received this copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Louis Carroll and I am struggling to find any clues to the origins I'd this book (such as the age, series, or worth) and I was hoping you could give me some insight, I saw a copy of Black Beauty on Amazon with the same hard cover but neither have a dust cover so although I know is published by Altemus I don't know which copy this is.
A: Your book is part of the Sanspareil Series and was published in 1899. It originally came with a dust jacket.
During this year, a number of different color covers were published. Some of these in addition to a representative dust jacket picture are shown on the series page.
There are quite a few "Alice" collectors. The Altemus Alice books that have a picture on the cover seem to sell for much higher prices than the publisher's series Alice's. Thus, unless you find a collector that just has to have this format, your book will probably not sell for very much.
05 Apr 2014 |
163 |
Sanspareil Series
Q: Hello there Sir, so I'm a fairly novice book collector and recently my uncle passed and left me this beautiful Altemus book of Weird Tales. It looks like one of the later series of reprints but the 1895 copyright page confused me. Is that because when they reprinted they reprint everything including the original copyright page? Anyways any help identifying would be appreciated, thanks!
A: This book was published in 1899 as part of the Sanspareil Series. It originally came with a dust jacket, an example of which is shown here. All the books in this series are reprints.
The 1895 on the Altemus copyright page indicates either when this title was first published by Altemus or when this edition was first published by Altemus. Unfortunately this can make it difficult to know what you have in terms of whether your book is a reprint or an actual first edition. The publisher's series' titles that Altemus published are all reprints. This includes your book.
07 May 2012 |
163 |
Sanspareil Series
Q: I just purchased this book at a vintage book shop. There is no date that I can find in the book and I am curious as to when it's from.
A: Your book is from the Sanspareil Series (../series/series163.htm) and was published in 1899. It was part of this large publisher's series of reprints. During this year there were a number of different cover colors. The books of this series originally came with a dust jacket. A sample is shown below.
Because the books are all reprints, they have little value.
03 Jan 2012 |
163 |
Sanspareil Series
Q: I would like to know what series this book is or any information you can give me on this book? It's copyright date is 1895 and titled Poe's Poems. Value?
A: Your book was published in 1899 as part of the Sanspareil Series.
See ../series/series163.htm.
It is a reprint and generally sells for only a few dollars. There are a number of Poe collectors that sometimes however will pay more than I think the book is worth.