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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers:
Date Series Num Information
09 Apr 2010 57

Boys and Girls Classics Series

Q:  Hi: Can you tell me what date the book in the attachment was printed?
Thank you,

A:  Your book belongs to this series:
Boys and Girls Classics Series

It was published in the early to mid teens.

The ads in the back can give a more exact date.

03 Apr 2010 57

Boys and Girls Classics (new)

Q:  after looking at your website I decided you were the most knowledgeable one to ask about this piece of literature (Fairy Tales by the Brothers Grimm). It was a gift to my great grandma from her aunt, then to my aunt (who recently pasted), then to me. I just got it yesterday and am about to start reading it. I plan on putting it in my safe for someone told me it was a valuable book. I tried to research it and the only luck I've had is seeing pages from the book on a national geographic web page and another antique web page was selling 4 illustrated pages from the book for $10 each. I have not been able to find any other information on it. If you could tell me more about the book, what it may be valued at, and the best way to preserve it so the pages and cover don't fall out (the first page, which I sent you a picture of, is the only one that has became unattached from the binding) it'd be much appreciated.

A:  You can find your book here Boys and Girls Classics . It is a late reprint.

It is not especially rare or valuable. This particular cover was published between 1908 and the early teens.

Generally when this book sells at all, it is for less than $20. With its original box the price would be significantly more.

If you have other questions, let me know.

21 Mar 2010 57

Boys and Girls Classics

Q:  I am hoping that you will be able to tell me a little something about a book I have that belonged to my grandmother. I have been searching the internet but haven't found anything that has the same cover as mine. It is an 1897 copy of Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking Glass", cloth covered. I have attached some pictures.

Any information would be appreciated.

Thanks so much.

A:  Your book is part of the Boys and Girls Classics. See Series 57. You can see in the pictures covers that match yours.

It was published in sometime between 1908-1926. The ads in the back can help you determine exactly when.

The books of this series originally came in a floral decorated box which can be seen in the picture section.

06 Feb 2010 57

Boys and Girls Classics Series (New)

Q:  I have a family book of A Child's Garden of Verses by R. L. Stevenson that was part of the Young Peoples Library with a copyright of 1902. In looking at your website, the design of the dust jacket matches what I believe is the Series 57 Boys and Girls design with the ship pattern, however I do not see that particular book in your photographs. Could you confirm the attached photo and possibly provide information regarding its value?

A:  Yes you are correct about the series that your book is from. Your cover is not a dust jacket but rather the cover of the book. The jacket is quite different.

Not every possible title is shown on the website. Instead I have used representative pictures of each format.

The various covers from this series can be seen at: Series 57

These books generally sell for only a few dollars if they sell at all.

23 Dec 2024 58

Boys and Girls Classics

Q:  I found this book (Treasure Island) at a yard sale. It has no date. I think it might be a Vandecum series. From Henry Altemus Company. In advertisement Folly in Fairyland is a new publication so I think it is around 1910.
How much could I sell this for?

A:  Your book is part of the Boys and Girls Classics Series. You can determine the date by looking at the ads and reviewing the information on the series page. See: Henry Altemus Company - Boys and Girls Classics (old) Series 58

It is a reprint and in only fair condition. Nominal value would be my guess.

15 Mar 2024 58

Boys and Girls Classics

Q:  This is in regards to a book Fairyland Of Science that I have by Buckley. I have not seen any other prints like the cover that of the one that I have I was wondering if I could possibly find out is it rare ? And How much is this book appraised at? Also what edition print is it.

A:  Your book is part of the Boys and Girls Classics Series. The publication date can be determined by looking at the ads in the back of the book and reviewing the information provided here: http://henryaltemus.com/series/series58.htm

This book is a reprint.

Because of the condition and lack of interest in the title, in my opinion it has nominal value (A few dollars).

07 May 2022 58

Boys and Girls Classics

Q:  Recently got this book, Water Babies. There's no print date or any identifying info and I can't find it online.
Any insight as to the age and value of it?
I'm sure it's not a 1st print or super valuable but always exciting to hear when a book was made. I'm assuming early 1900s as it was with a few more books from 1890-1940s and this book was printed from what I understand 1890-1920s and then re produced later.

A:  Your book is part of the Boys and Girls Classics Series. The publication date is between 1900-1906.
For an exact date follow the chart here: Henry Altemus Company - Boys and Girls Classics (old) Series 58

Unfortunately it is not a very collectible title so it has little monetary value.

16 Sep 2020 58

Boys and Girls Classics

Q:  I am trying to find some information on two books that came into my possession.

I tried to find the information on your website about a possible publication date for both Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass. You’ve listed a much later publication date for Through The Looking Glass than what’s inscribed in the book. It has a personal inscription of Christmas 1871.

A:  These books are part of the Boys and Girls Classics Series. Henry Altemus Company - Boys and Girls Classics (old) Series 58

This series was published between 1899 and 1906.

Altemus was only publishing Bibles and photographic albums until 1889. The inscription of 1871 has no relationship to when this book was published by Altemus.

14 Sep 2020 58

Boys and Girls Classics

Q:  Hello, I have attached a photo of an Altemus copy of Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. I have searched for a similar copy in various resources and have looked through your website. There I found numerous copies but did not find an image of this edition. I suspect it is part of the Vademecum Series. Can you provide any additional info on the copy?

A:  Your book is part of the Boys and Girls Classics Series. See: Henry Altemus Company - Boys and Girls Classics (old) Series 58

It is pictured on that page as #88.
Using the chart on that page you can easily date your book.
In my opinion it has nominal value.

11 Dec 2018 58

Boys and Girls Classics

Q:  Hello,
This was our Grandfather's book. Pretty sure he bought it new when he first came to this Country from Norway, sometime around the turn of the 19/20th century.

Indications (inside) are it was printed by Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia, Copyright 1899. Size is 6.5" x 4.25". Book is complete and fully readable but in frail, degraded condition.

In looking at hundreds of covers for this title, I have not yet found one with the image shown here. Seems unique.

I'd like to know when it was actually printed and anything else you may offer, including info on the cloth-bound cover.

With much appreciation.

A:  Your book is part of the Boys and Girls Classics Series. See: Henry Altemus Company - Boys and Girls Classics (old) Series 58

The books of this series were published between 1899-1906. Altemus incorporated in 1900, so your book has to have been published between 1900 and 1906.

The cover was designed by the Decorative Designers Firm.

On the website there is a flow chart that will enable you to date the book exactly by looking at the ads in the back.

Your volume is a reprint and has minimal value.

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