Questions & Answers: |
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29 Jul 2013 |
120 |
Library of Standard Authors
Q: Would like some information on this book Tales from Shakespeare. What can you tell me?
A: Your book was published in 1897-1898 as part of the ten volume Library of Standard Authors' Series. During those years the book covers were published in various colors.
All the books, including yours, are reprints. Value is determined by the collectibility of the title and condition. Your title is not widely sought after.
17 Apr 2007 |
120 |
Library of Standard Authors
Q: We have a Library of Standard Authors book called Tales of Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb. The book is depicted on your website at It is the first cover on the left.
How do we determine if this book is a first edition?
A: It is not a first edition. Altemus first published this book in 1892 in the Altemus Library Series. The actual first edition however was published in 1807.
As a general rule all Altemus published works of fiction were reprints.
04 Jun 2019 |
121 |
Life of Service Series
Q: Hi! Just wondering if you have any info on this undated version of Daily Food for Christians?
A: Your book is from the Life of Service Series and was published in the 1920's. It originally had a dust jacket. See:
It has nominal value.
24 Sep 2013 |
121 |
Life of Service Series
Q: Good morning. Attached are two photos of a book I found (Manners). Could you please tell me about it and if it has any value. Thank you.
A: This book is part of the 28 volume Life of Service Series. It originally was published with a dust jacket which matched the front cover. It also was sold within a box that had a cover similar to the book cover.
This series was published between 1912 and 1933. Your book is part of the third (out of five possible formats). These books are not widely desired and consequently have little value. A sample box and dust jacket are shown on the series page.
08 Jun 2010 |
121 |
Life of Service Series
Q: I recently in the past day acquired a Henry Altemus Company Hard Cover book from a garage sale for .50 Cents. Here are the known specs:
Publisher: Henry Altemus Company - Philadelphia
Title: The Greatest Thing In The World
Author Henry Drummond
From what I can gleam from your website, the book I have may be apart of the 'Friendship & Love Series' or the 'In His Name Series', Because it has the Pillar Supporting the Title on the Left and a Flowery cover on the right.
But All I am sure of is that it was published some time after 1901 because of how the Publishers name is indicated. Herein attached are photos of the Book in Question.
A: Your book is part of the Life of Service Series.
See: ../series/series121.htm
As you can see it is a Format 2 book. Your book's format was published from 1915 to about 1924. I cannot narrow any particular book down further unless you have the dust jacket which has some information on the reverse.
12 Jan 2014 |
124 |
Little Bunnie Bunniekin Series
Q: I was wondering How much this book was worth? its from 1920, its called Little Bunnie Bunniekin and it still has its dust cover. Just let me know whenever you find out! thank you
A: This book is the first in the eight book Little Bunnie Bunniekin Series.
The books in this series were published in one main format. It has the appliqué on the cover surrounded by a simple drawing of a house, trees and fence. The dust jacket matches the book.
When this book was first released in 1920 it was part of the Wee Books for Wee Folks Series but by the next year (1921), it was incorporated into the newly named Little Bunnie Bunniekin Series.
In 1928 a variant format was published which has an appliqué that encompasses the entire front cover.
The jacketed books of this series generally sell for between $20-$50.
12 Jun 2011 |
124 |
Little Bunnie Bunniekin Series
Q: Hello, I am trying to find out any information you may have on this book "Little Lambie Lambkin" it was published by the Henry Altemus Company in 1921. Is this a first edition? and anything else you may be able to tell me. Thank you in advance for your help.
A: Your book is part of the eight volume Little Bunnie Bunniekin Series.
In order to determine what year your book was published in you can look at the endpapers and the advertisements. Look at the bottom book in a list of the ads and then go to the website and put in the name of that book. By doing that you should be able to determine the earliest the book could have been published.
../series/series124.htmand ../wee_books/index.htm
22 Aug 2017 |
125 |
Little Men and Women Series
Q: Dear Henry Altemus Expert,
What an amazing website you have put together! Such dedication.
I'm writing because I have a copy of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass that matches your Little Men and Women Series, Number 125, #3.
The cover has a fair amount of soil on it and the hinge is quite loose, and there are two people that have written their name on the free end paper in pencil, and then erased it. Can you tell me if there's any value to this book?
A: Between 1907 and 1925 this title was published with the same cover picture with several different color combinations. It is a combination book which contains two stories by Lewis Carroll.
Alice collectors are always looking for different formats of this title. Thus, a value of $25 or more is not unreasonable.
Several dust jackets were seen during the course of this series' life.
10 Aug 2016 |
125 |
Little Men and Women Series
Q: I have a book of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. I'd like to know if this is a first or second publishing?
A: I cannot date your book exactly. But it is neither a first or second printing of this title.
Altemus published reprints of this title numerous times. The earliest were pre-1900 publications. Your book was published by Henry Altemus Company. Since Altemus incorporated in 1900, this volume is a post-1900 book.
The format appears to be from the Little Men and Women Series. This series was published between 1907-1925. The ads in the back of the book (if any) could help date your book more exactly.
For more information about the Altemus Alice's see:
The dust jacket for this book is shown here.
22 Jun 2011 |
125 |
Little Men and Women Series
Q: Hello, I have an old book (Alice in Wonderland) that I've tried to find information about but so far I haven't had any luck with it. I'm attaching pictures of the front cover of the book as well as one of the inside pages and I'm hoping you might be able to tell me when this was published and what it might be worth.
Thank you for any information you can give me.
A: Your book can be found in the Little Men and Women Series. See: ../series/series125.htm. It is book #3. If there are ads in the back of the book, it can be dated fairly easily.
It is a reprint but even so, "Alice" collectors might be interested. Usually without the dust jacket this book will sell for between $10-35. Because your book is not in the best shape, a slightly lower price would be expected.