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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers:
Date Series Num Information
18 Apr 2011 47

Beauxarts Series

Q:  Hello, I have an antique copy of the light of asia, and it says it was published by henry altemus in 1842 or so. Can i have some more information on the book, along with possible worth? Thanks so much!

A:  It was not published in 1842. The 1842 refers to when the company was started by Joseph Altemus, Henry's father. Henry was born in 1833 and probably did not do much work at the age of nine.

Your book was one of many reprints of this title that Altemus published between the early 1890's and the teens. It is part of the Beauxarts Series. (../series/series47.htm)

Generally these publisher's series reprints only have more than nominal value if they have a collectible title, like Alice in Wonderland for example.

08 May 2010 47

Beauxarts Series

Q:  Hi, I did not see my book on your site. Can you tell me from these images which series it belongs to?
These images are low res. If you need better resolution let me know.

A:  Your book can be found here with the 1898 books. Series 47

It is part of the Beauxarts Series which is a publishers series of reprints. It was published in 1898.

01 Apr 2010 47

Beauxarts Series

Q:  I have this wonderful book. It does not have a date of publication anywhere that I can find.

It was given as a gift on December 25, 1897.

Could you help me with a publication date?

A:  This book was part of the Beauxarts Series. This was a publisher's series of reprints.

Your book was published in 1897.

See Series 47 for more details.

03 Mar 2010 47

Beauxarts Series

Q:  My mother sent you the below image of a book we found recently in our basement. It belonged to my late Grandfather and we were just curious to see if you could help us determine if it has any substantial worth, or if it is just a neat collectors item. I will attach the images again for clarity. The info I have from the book is that it is titled Balzac's Short Stories. Published in Philadelphia - 1895. Any info helps, thanks for your time.

A:  Your book is part of the Series 47 Beauxarts Series. This series of reprints is not rare and most of the titles (including yours) have only nominal value.
For more information see Series 47.

04 Feb 2010 47

Beauxarts Series

Q:  After attempting to identify one of my books on your website, I can see why so many people are mis-identifying their Altemus books. I would like to avoid that with your help, if possible. I am now totally confused. I have an Altemus hard cover, TWICE TOLD TALES, Nathanial Hawthorne, Henry Altemus Philadelphia, 6" x 4-1/4" x 1", dark blue cover, gold leaf floral design on cover, black & white illustrations. 4 blank pages precede the title page. Title & author name in red, framed by green flowing floral design surround with publisher & city on bottom ribbon. A Greek or Roman Head symbolic portrait at top of page. Another blank page & then a portrait of Hawthorne in black & white, opposite another title page framed in green floral motif, surrounding title, author & printer in red. Any help as to which series, year or set this belongs to would be greatly appreciated.

A:  This book belongs in the Beauxarts Series. This series published numerous reprints in the areas of the classics, fiction, poetry, etc.

Every year had a new cover. Your book dates from 1897.

27 Jun 2006 47

Beauxarts Series

Q:  I have a very old Representative Men by Ralph Waldo Emerson and am trying to verify the Henry Altemus printing date. The book is in excellent condition, but there is no copyright date printed. The only date shown is on the cover page, which simply shows “H.A.” on one side of the frame and “1842” on the other side of the frame. However I think that is the Altemus date and not specific to this volume. I know that Emerson wrote this in approximately 1850 and am wondering if I may have come across a 1st Edition?

A:  Your book (which is a reprint) was published as part of the Beauxarts Series (Series #47) in 1897 . This series was published between 1897 and 1902. It consisted of numerous reprinted titles of fiction and nonfiction by many different authors. At its peak it had 178 books. The books initially came boxed.

10 Nov 2023 48

Beauxarts Series

Q:  Trying to do research about the value/rarity of this book (Endymion). All of my searching hasn’t shown me a copy of this book exactly, but of others in the same style. Just want to know more about it!

A:  Reprint published in 1902 as part of the Beauxarts Series. Nominal value.

See: Beauxarts Series

01 Jul 2020 48

Beauxarts Series

Q:  Hello! I recently bought a copy of Paradise Lost from a seller who says it's from 1899 and I have a few questions. On one of the pages it says that my book is Volume 1, and I'm having trouble finding out what volume 2 is. Is it Paradise Regained or another additional volume of Paradise lost? I am also curious if you have any info on its value. I can send additional pictures as needed. Any information would be greatly appreciated!

A:  Your book was published between 1899 and 1901 as part of the Beauxarts Series. Henry Altemus Company - Beauxarts Series (later numbering) 48

This series has both books: "Paradise Lost" and "Paradise Regained".

This book is a reprint with nominal value.

24 Nov 2019 48

Beauxarts Series

Q:  I am Interested in learning about "Moses from an old Manse" book. I have attached a picture. If you could please give me information about it, that would be greatly appreciated. I am also looking to sell.
Thank you

A:  Your book is a reprint and was published in 1902. It is part of the Beauxarts Series
It originally came within a labeled box. See here.
It has nominal value.

01 Sep 2019 48

Beauxarts Series

Q:  I was wondering when this book (A Christmas Carol) was published and if it's worth anything? It was obtained at a tag sale. It has no information on the inside pages re: publishing date, etc. I also looked online & can find zero info about this edition of the book in particular. 

A:  Your book was published in 1902 as part of the Beauxarts Series. It is a reprint.
It originally came within a labeled box. Example here.
See http://www.henryaltemus.com/series/series48.htm
In my opinion it has nominal value.

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