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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

If you have a question about Altemus books that you'd like answered please click on the Questions link at the bottom left of this page.

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Questions & Answers:
Date Series Num Information
27 May 2016 69

Classics Series

Q:  Hello,
I went through your website, but I wasn’t able to tell what year my book might be from. Kept for the Master's Use. It’s not terribly important, but I would like to know if you are able and have the time.

Here are pictures. There is no other publisher information anywhere in it.

A:  This book is part of the Classics Series.

The books in this series were published in five different formats. This is the earliest format.

These covers were published in the 1907-1913 era.

This format was published with a dust jacket. Shown here.

11 May 2016 69

Classics Series

Q:  I found this book and was hoping you could give me some information about it. It has no publication date. Milton's Poems. Thank you.

A:  Your book is from the Classics Series.

It was published in the 1907-1909 era.

It originally came with a dust jacket. See here.

It is a reprint and only has nominal value.

18 Mar 2016 69

Classics Series

Q:  I am looking for a date on this book, I couldn’t find it on your website. Thank you for any information. A Christmas Carol

A:  This book is part of the Classics Series and is a reprint.

It originally came with a dust jacket. 1907-1909 time frame.

22 Jan 2016 69

Classics Series

Q:  Hi! Any info on this title? Macbeth

A:  Hello, This book is either part of the Classics Series or the Slip in the Pocket Series. Without the dust jacket it is impossible to tell. It was published sometime between 1907 and the early teens.

The front cover of the jacket names the series. Examples shown here and here.

All of the books of these series are reprints. Since your title is very common and not in great demand, it has little value.

16 Nov 2015 69

Classics Series

Q:  Hi- I have picked up a small book by this company titled Paradise Regained and it also has Samson Agonistes in it. It doesn't have any publishing date and was wondering where I can find more information.

A:  This book is part of the Classics Series / Slip in the Pocket Series and was published between 1909 and the mid teens. It originally came with a dust jacket. A representative jacket is shown here.

It is a reprint.

23 Oct 2015 69

Classics Series

Q:  My book cover seems to fit the 1912 Era but not sure. The Chimes. There is no publish date and no ads in the back. Would love to know more about the book please. Looking for publish date, and I guess value too etc.. Thank you so much for your time. I love old books as I do much of things from history.

A:  This format was seen with both the Classics Series and the Slip-in-the-Pocket Series. The exact series cannot be determined without a dust jacket.

This book was published in the 1907-1915 time range. It is a reprint.

In this condition it has little, if any, value.

13 Oct 2015 69

Classics Series

Q:  I have this copy of "The man without a country" by Hale. I was unable to find this date of publication and or cover design on your web-site. I purchased this in the early 70's and had forgotten about it! Any information you give would be appreciated!

A:  This book is #22 in the Classics Series and was published in 1907. It was originally published with a dust jacket. A representative jacket is shown here.

It is a reprint as are all of the title in this series.

08 Jan 2015 69

Classic Series

Q:  I have looked all over the internet for a book like this one and have had no luck. It is about 5 1/2 inches and the handwritten inscription says it was a gift in 1916. What can you tell me about this book (Rip Van Winkle)? I appreciate your time.

A:  Hello, Your book is part of the Classics Series and was published in the 1907 or so era. It originally came with a dust jacket. An example is shown here.

It only has nominal value.

29 Nov 2014 69

Classics Series

Q:  Hello, I've been meaning to look into the worth of my book, Poe's Poems. It's a small little green hardcover book without much information. I will include some photos for your review.

A:  Your book is part of the Classics Series and was published in the 1907-1909 era. It originally came with a dust jacket.

This book will be hard to sell for more than a few dollars.

19 Jul 2014 69

Classics Series

Q:  Hello, is this a valuable book (Evangeline)? It belonged to my Great Aunt Cora who was a school teacher.

A:  The Classics Series was published between 1907 and 1909 and consisted of 76 reprinted titles. Your book's format originally came with dust jackets. A representative dust jacket picture is shown here.

These books were published in a number formats and yours is the most commonly seen of the five.

Unless the title is one that is very desired and collectible, it generally is a hard sell for more than a few dollars.

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