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28 Nov 2015 |
202 |
Young People's Library, Format 1
Q: Your web page is fascinating!
I have the following book. I am less interested in getting money for it, more interested in getting it to someone who could use it. If you have any idea of how to do that I would love to know. Based on the Q&A on your page, I suspect it has a pretty small audience.
A Child's Life of Christ 208 pages.
Series 202 Young peoples Library
Spine Format 1
Blank first page (stuff written in red pen)
Second page blank on front with picture of Jesus on the flip side
I have included pictures of the Cover, Title, and Copyright pages. I think it is probably the 1897/1898 version if I followed your descriptions correctly.
4 pages of ads in the back starting with Robinson Crusoe, ending with Grandfather's Chair.
A: As you guessed, there is very little interest in this book. You could list it on Ebay with a low price and see if anyone wants it. Beyond that I have no suggestions.
26 Nov 2015 |
202 |
Young People's Library
Q: I've got a question which may be either specific or general; I don't know. I'm looking at the Altemus edition of Black Beauty from, I think, 1902 (from scans at The Internet Archive, not the physical book), though the ads at the front confuse us by saying "Copyright 1897".
Question: Was there an Altemus house illustrator? Who did the almost-fifty pictures? I can't find an illustrator's name anywhere in the book, but I also don't see any other editions with the same pictures. The cover definitely looks more like 1902 than 1897.
A: The copyright date is only indicative of when Altemus started publishing this particular version/format. It is not necessarily the publication date.
If you do not have the book, then determining the exact is difficult. With the book in hand it is quite easy.
See: to start.
Altemus generally "borrowed" the pictures it used from other sources.
I have seen several different frontispiece color illustrations in the Black Beauty Books. The internal illustrations appear to be the same between the various Young People Library editions.
Let me know how I can help you further.
16 Jun 2015 |
202 |
Young People's Library Format 1
Q: I found your website when researching a book that I found in a box in the basement. I have attached a picture for you. According to your website it seems to be a first edition because it has 341 pages. It is listed under Format 1. It says copyright 1896 by Henry Altemus. I have been unable to find how much it might be worth. Can you give me any guidance? Mother Goose Rhymes, Jingles and Fairy Tales
A: This book is part of Series 202 Format 1-Young People's Library. These books were published between 1895 and 1898. Interestingly it is the only book in this format that does not have the characteristic spine of Format 1 books. (shown here)
This title has a wrap around picture on its spine (see here). There were three editions of this book published in the Format 1 of this series.
The first and second editions have have these same cover with 341 and 252 pages respectively.
Your book has limited collector interest and only has nominal value.
19 Mar 2015 |
202 |
Young People's Library Format 3
Q: I own the hardback copy of Uncle Tom's Cabin from 1900. Henry Altemus Company - Philadelphia.
Is it worth anything? Would anyone be interested in buying it? Do you have any suggestions on what we could do with it.
A: This book is part of the Young People's Library.
This format of this series was published between 1902 and 1923. The titles in in this series are all reprints.
These volumes all originally came with dust jackets. An example is shown here.
23 Feb 2015 |
202 |
Young People's Library
Q: I was going through some old family property and found this edition of Through the Looking Glass. I was wondering if you have an insight on its value and the other books that may accompany it.
A: Your book is part of the Young People's Library, Format 2. It was published between 1898-1900. It originally had a dust jacket. Henry Altemus incorporated in 1900 so your book had to be published in 1900 or earlier.
You can date it exactly by looking at the dating information here:
This is a very collectible book although it generally does not sell for as much as Carroll's Alice book.
Even though it is quite common, I have seen it sell for anywhere between $10-100. This price range is inexplicable.
14 Jan 2015 |
202 |
Young People's Library
Q: I have attached pictures of a book (A Child's Life of Christ) I have and am wondering if you have any idea of the value. It looks like, from the description on your website, it is a 1st Edition? Anyway, please take a look and see what you think!
A: Your book is part of The Young People's Library, Format 1. It was published in 1895. There were two 1895 editions. The earlier one (yours) has only six books listed on the copyright page. Later 1895 editions have a book list that ends with Gulliver's Travels.
It is not a widely collected title and in average shape it has only nominal value.
19 Oct 2014 |
202 |
Young People's Library
Q: Hello, I found this book (Through the Looking Glass) at an estate sale and was wondering if you could give me any information about it at all? It's a hardback Blue in color. Altemus on the binding. The inside cover is dated 1895. I have attached a photo of the book and one of its title page. Thank you for your time.
A: This book is part of the first format of the Young People's Library.
It is the first of the Altemus Alice individual titles. See ../alice/alice.htm
I think you have one of the better Altemus Alice books. The later 1897 and on Young People's Library editions frequently are sold for $50 and up. Your book is scarcer and in my opinion overall nicer. It is not unreasonable to think $50 or more. But since there is no true market price, it could sell for a lot less or a lot more.
01 Jun 2014 |
202 |
Young People's Library, Format 1
Q: Rarity? Value? Thank you. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
A: I am asked about the Altemus versions of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass frequently.
All of Altemus' formats are reprints and there are quite a number of them. All are described here: ../alice/alice.htm.
These titles are very collectible. The value of course is in the eyes of the beholder. Of interest is that the format that frequently sells (and is listed) for significant money is extremely common. That cover is from the Young People's Library Format 2 and 3. This book is listed with the copyright of 1897 but most copies advertised for sale were actually published in the teens.
The very common cover 1898-1923 version here
Your book is from the first format of the Young People's Library. It is scarcer than the book with the queen on the cover.
15 May 2014 |
202 |
Young People's Library Format 1
Q: A friend has a what seems to be a Late 1895 Edition of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. We are interested in the current value. Can you help her or suggest who can? Please see the attach photos.
A: Your book is part of the first format of the Young People's Library. It was clearly published in 1895 as is noted at the base of the title page. The earlier 1895 books have a different list of books in the front advertisements. It list six books not eight as in the later 1895 ad (shown here).
There is no price guide and "experts on price" are suspect. I have seen this book sell for as much as $125 and for as little as $10 (in similar conditions). No rhyme or reason.
12 May 2014 |
202 |
Young People's Library Format 4
Q: Please place a value on my book (The Pilgrim's Progress). I have looked everywhere and can't seem to find pictures of the cover. There is no publishing date printed in the book? Images included. Thank you so very much!
A: This book is part of the Young People's Library, Format 4 and was published between 1923 and 1933. A closer publication date could be determined by studying the ads in the back of the book. Two covers of this title have been seen in this format. The other cover is also shown here.
More information as well as pictures can be found here: Young People's Library, Format 4
This book originally came with a dust jacket.
It may sell for a few dollars.