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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

If you have a question about Altemus books that you'd like answered please click on the Questions link at the bottom left of this page.

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Questions & Answers:
Date Series Num Information
19 Apr 2016 75

Devotional Series

Q:  What can you tell me about this book? Pathway of Promise

A:  This book belongs to the long running publisher's series: The Devotional Series.

During its 38 year run, titles were published in ten different formats.

This volume is from Format 5 and was published between 1898 and 1924. It was originally sold within a labeled box. See here.

For other format examples, see the web page.

25 Mar 2016 75

Devotional Series

Q:  Can you help me identify this book? Holy in Christ

A:  This book is a first format book from the Devotional Series. The format was published between 1895 and the late 1890's.

It originally came within a labeled box.

05 Apr 2015 75

Devotional Series

Q:  Attached is a copy of the cover and title page of "Stepping Heavenward". Can you give me any information on the book and its value?

A:  Your book is part of the Devotional Series and was printed in the 1907 time frame.

It is a reprint and originally was published within a labeled box.

It only has nominal value.

31 Jan 2015 75

Devotional Series

Q:  Hi, I have the book in the attachment (Kept for the Master's Use). I am going to sell it on eBay for a client and I want to have an accurate listing. I have not found this cover in any of the images that I have researched. I believe that it is probably from the Nouvue series but I have found no date in the book. I would appreciate any information that you can give me. Is this book scarce?

A:  Your book is from the Devotional Series.

It was originally sold with a labeled box in the 1901-1904 era.

Interestingly, this format has been seen with different appliqué pictures within the front cover decorative design.

Although the exact title in this exact format is uncommonly found, it is also not a title that is hard to find in numerous formats and it is not a book that is in great demand.

19 Jun 2014 75

Devotional Series

Q:  I am interested in knowing more about one of my mom's books (The Prince of the House of David). I cannot find a publishing date. There is no dust cover, nor are there any other books with it.

I have seen info on your site about similar books in the Beauxarts Series (Series 47), but I have not seen a cover like the one I have.
Any info would be greatly appreciated - especially the date it was published - if possible. Thank you for your time and how much you help people.

A:  Your book is part of the Devotional Series.

This format was published between 1898 and 1924. The cover has been seen in several colors. It originally came within a labeled box. An example is shown here.

The date of publication can be approximated by analyzing the ads in the back of the book.

17 Dec 2013 75

Devotional Series

Q:  We have this book in our possession and are not able to find another like it. It is title Evening Thoughts. The inside says Evening Thoughts Philadelphia Henry Altemus Company. There is no year.
Can you share any other information with me?

Thank you

A:  Your book is part of the Devotional Series (Format 9)

The exact year of publication is unclear but it was probably in the teens.

It is a reprint and has only nominal value.

30 Jun 2013 75

Devotional Series

Q:  Hello, Thank you for your comprehensive web site...very interesting. Please at a look a the attached picture and let me know if you can tell an approximate date? Drummond's Addresses

A:  This book is part of the Devotional Series. This particular format was published between 1898 and 1924. The series was perhaps the longest running of all of the Altemus series. Between 1895 and 1933 it had nine different formats. This format is number 5. It was published in various colors. See series page for others. It also was published originally within a labeled box.

To narrow the date down further the ads in the back of the book would be helpful.

05 Mar 2013 75

Devotional Series

Q:  A friend has lent his copy of The Pilgrim's Progress to me. It is an older book. It measures 6.5 x 4.25 inches. The cover is worn but still solid in the give in the binding. I thought I should try to find an approximate value in case my friend should put it away. I can't find anything about this particular book. Inside is a date of when it was given as a gift though we have no idea if it was new at the time. I have greatly reduced the picture quality of the photos for easier mailing. The cover is green and textured.

A:  Your book is part of the Devotional Series. It is part of Format 5 in this series and originally came in a labeled box. This format was published for a number of years. I suspect that the inscription date is close to the publication date.

Because this is a reprint of a very common title, it has very limited value.

14 Aug 2012 75

Devotional Series

Q:  Can you tell me the value of this copy of "Line Upon Line"? This is book number 27 in the series, in good condition. The attached photos show a good representation of its condition. Thank you for your time.

A:  Your book is part of the Devotional Series. This series of moralistic and religious books was a long running series published between 1895 and 1933. During these years there were nine different formats published. Your book is format 7, published between 1901-1904. This format originally came in a labeled box. Interestingly several different paste-ons have been seen within the cover template.

For more information see ../series/series75.htm.

Since your book is in poor shape and is a reprint, it has only nominal value.

12 Mar 2012 75

Devotional Series

Q:  I am having a difficult time finding any information on the attached pictures of the book THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. I am only finding this title with various other covers. Could you direct me where it is that I could find the year and value of this please?

A:  This book is part of the Devotional Series (../series/series75.htm) and was published between 1901-1904.

As with all the books in this series, it is a reprint and without the original labeled box it only has nominal value.

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