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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers:
Date Series Num Information
15 Nov 2010 186

Wee Books for Wee Folks Series

Q:  I have this book and was trying to find out information on it and to see what it's value might be. I tried looking it up on your site and really did not find much info on it so anything you can assist me with I would appreciate it. I am attaching the front cover picture as well as another from inside. It has copyright, 1920 by Howard E. Altemus on one of the pages.

thanks for any information you can give me.

A:  Your book is part of Series #186 Wee Books for Wee Folks. (../series/series186.htm)

This title was part of this series only in 1920. Thereafter it was part of Series #187-Wee Folks Bible Stories Series.(../series/series187.htm)

Yellow lettering was seen on the Wee Books between 1918-1920.

11 Feb 2010 186

Wee Books for Wee Folks Series

Q:  I am trying to find info on this book. There is no date. It has 26 illustrations with a coverslip (color)?

A:  Your book was first published in 1918. Your copy however is a later one. The 1918-1920 copies of this book had yellow lettering.

You can date your copy with the information here:

Wee Books

Series 186

It is neither rare nor valuable.

04 Jan 2010 186

Wee Books for Wee Folks

Q:  I have been trying to find info out about this book (The Little Puppy That Wanted to Know Too Much) and I can't find it anywhere.

A:  Your book is part of the Wee Books for Wee Folks Series. It was originally copyrighted 1920 and reprinted for a number of years thereafter.

In poor condition it has little value.

19 Jul 2006 186

Wee Books for Wee Folks

Q:  I have a book..... was just wondering what it is worth. I can't find the exact title on your website. The book is Piffle's ABC Book of Funny Animals, Copyright 1919 By the Howard E. Altemus Company in Philadelphia. Thank you for your help.

A:  Your book was part of the Wee Books for Wee Folk Series. It was first published in 1919 and came with a dust jacket. The earliest books until 1920 had yellow lettering on the cover.
This book has minimal value although I am surprised at times what books sell for. It is not noted on the website not because of scarcity but rather because the website only covers Altemus information not included in the bibliography.

06 Sep 2017 188

Wee Folks Cinderella Series

Q:  Can you please tell me the value of this book? Jack and the Bean-Stalk

A:  This book is part of the ten volume Wee Folks Cinderella Series. All of the books are reprints and originally came with dust jackets (see here). It originally was published in 1923 and then reprinted many times over the next ten years. In this shape this book has no monetary value.

06 Mar 2011 188

Wee Folks Cinderella Series

Q:  I am wanting to learn more about this book (Jack and the Bean-Stalk), published as stated by the Henry Altemus Company Philadelphia. I've looked around on your site, but can't find this particular book. I appreciate any information you can provide. Thank you!

A:  Your book can be found here: ../series/series188.htm

The ten books of this series-Wee Folks Cinderella Series- have the same format as the Wee Books for Wee Folks Series.

This series' little books are all fairy tales.

Without the dust jacket it has nominal value.

21 Dec 2010 188

Wee Folks Cinderella Series

Q:  Attached is a picture of the front of a book I received that was my father’s. Published in 1921 by the Henry Altemus Company the book is titled, “The Old Time Story of the Three Bears” by Kenneth Graham Duffield. It is written in rhyme. I didn’t find it in your list of books. Any info on the history, etc. would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

A:  You can find your book here: ../series/series188.htm This ten book series consisting of various fairy tales originally was published beginning in 1921. Books were added until 1923. Thereafter the books were reprinted a number of times. All the books originally came in dust jackets.

17 Dec 2018 189

Wee Folks Peter Rabbit Series

Q:  Just curious if this is a first or later edition Peter Rabbit's Christmas. Details include Copyright 1917 by Howard E. Altemus, says Wee Books for Wee Folks on the top of the title page. Page 64 has small blue & black illustration for "The End". Thank you! Kindest regards.

A:  Between 1917 (when this book was first published) and 1920 the cover lettering was red. Beginning in 1921 the cover lettering was dark green/ black.

Thus, your book is a first edition.

It did have a dust jacket. It is shown here.

20 Sep 2018 189

Wee Folks Peter Rabbit Series

Q:  I read with great interest your page on the history of the Tale of Peter Rabbit and related pages. I found an old edition among my father's papers that I want to keep it but my brother wants to sell. I'm frankly hoping it isn't that valuable so we can keep it. May I ask if I've dated it correctly? I've attached scans.

Your wonderfully informative pages suggest that it's a late version of the 3rd edition. The title page doesn't mention "Wee Books" or "Wee Books for Wee Folks", just "Peter Rabbit Series". The endpaper art suggests this is an edition from between 1926 and 1931. This would fit as my father was born in 1921 (his name is neatly written into the "This Book Belongs to..." box). It has no "Wee Books" info on the reverse cover, but rather has four pages appended after the page with "The End" listing the entire "Wee Books" series.

I attach scans of the cover, the endpaper art, the title page and the first of the closing "Wee Books" promotional pages.

If I'm correct, I'd guess is that this edition isn't worth all that much on the rare books market and is more to be treasured for its sentimental value to the family. I'd appreciate your confirmation.

A:  These "Wee" Altemus book can be dated relatively easily and you have done so. The endpapers can give a quick range. The grey ones here were used between 1926 and 1931.

For more info see: Henry Altemus Company - Wee Folks Peter Rabbit Series 189

You are correct about the value. The book has little monetary value since it is so common. The exception would be if it had the dust jacket. An example is shown here.

12 Jun 2015 189

Wee Folks Peter Rabbit Series

Q:  Hi there: I have Peter Rabbit's Holiday by Linda Stevens Almond, copyright 1927 Philadelphia by Henry Altemus Company (photo attached). I'm interested in knowing it's approximate value, which I understand is difficult without seeing the item firsthand. There is, as you can see, a water stain on the front cover.

A:  This twenty title series (Wee Folks Peter Rabbit Series) is quite a popular one. The books were published between 1917 and 1931. Your volume is #17 and was published in 1927. These titles are in demand but they are also quite common because of their initial popularity. Generally they only bring premium dollars if they have dust jackets which your book unfortunately does not have. Here is a picture of the jacket. With the jacket $50 plus is not unreasonable. Without the jacket in decent shape- $10-25.

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