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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers:
Date Series Num Information
17 Aug 2010 58

Boys and Girls' Classics (old)

Q:  Hello,
I found your website while doing a search on the Henry Altemus book A Child's Garden of Verses. I am not a collector so I don't know much about the book. I can't find a date on this. I have attached a few pictures. Can u tell me is this rare? How much it might be worth? and maybe what year it might be?? I appreciate any help you can give me

A:  Your book was published between 1899-1902. To pin it down better see Boys and Girls' Classics Series 58

In poor shape it has no value.

28 Jul 2010 58

Boys and Girls' Classics

Q:  I have a Black Beauty book that i cannot find a match to anywhere. The cover for it looks exactly like this Twice Told Tales copy except the picture is of Black Beauty with a rider in a green riding habit. The illustration is similar to those on other Black Beauty book covers. I would like to know more about this book and if it has any value. Thanks!

A:  Your book can be found here: ../series/series58.htm with the Boys and Girls' Classics
Depending on condition it is worth only a few dollars.

27 Jun 2010 58

Boys and Girls Classics (old)

Q:  I am interested in any information about this book.
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Published by Henry Altemus Company

A:  Your book is part of the Boys and Girls' Classics Series.

You can date your book by following the information here: ../series/series58.htm

It originally came in a labeled box. It is not a first edition but rather a later reprint. When it sells, it is usually for less than $15.

01 Mar 2010 58

Boys and Girls Classics


A:  Your book is part of this series Boys and Girls Classics.

It was published between 1899-1902.

The website page above can help you date it exactly.

This book originally came in a labeled box. The Young People's Library version of Alice is much more commonly seen and generally costs more. But this book is the rarer of the two formats and in my opinion has a much more elegant cover. The cover was designed by the Decorative Designers firm.

It appears to be in nice shape and probably would sell between $10-40.

16 Mar 2009 58

Boys and Girls Classics (old)

Q:  Hello, I have a copy of a Henry Altemus Alice in Wonderland through the looking glass. I was trying to estimate how old it was out of curiosity. I was unable to find it through your website, except as a picture on the home page. It has the walrus and the carpenter on the cover. Any information would be grand.

A:  This book is part of the 40 book Boys and Girls Classics Series. The books of this series all have the same basic front cover design with different pictures. Some have gold gilt patterns within the laterally placed rectangles.
The date of an individual book can be worked out by studying the ads. This is explained at Series 58 in detail.

17 Sep 2007 58

Boys and Girls Classics

Q:  I have a book inherited from my mother, Henry Altemus Company's book of Rip Van Winkle by Irving. It's not listed on your web site and there's no date. I was wondering if you have any information

A:  This cover design was used in two different series. The first was Series #58- The Boys and Girls Classics. This series was published between 1900 and 1906 and consisted of 40 books. The other series was The Boys and Girls Own Library (#59) which was published in 1909-1910 and had 39 books. The date of your book can be determined by looking at the ads in the back and dating the books listed.

These books are not uncommon but the cover is quite nice and depending on the title there may be a little collector interest.

11 Jan 2007 58

Boys and Girls Classics

Q:  I have a Harraden text with no copyright date. I wonder if you could tell me when this Things Will Take a Turn was published. I'd like to sell it and don't know what to charge;

A:  This cover format was found in two different series. The earlier -Series #58- Boys and Girls Classics (old) was published from 1900-1906. The earlier books in this series had a gold gilt decorative pattern as is seen in the picture. By 1902the gold gilt was deleted. In 1909 the series Boys and Girls Own Library (Series #59) was published using the same cover pattern. The books originally were boxed. Distinguishing between the series can be done by an examination of the back ads.

01 Nov 2023 59

Boys and Girls Own Library

Q:  I recently acquired this copy (attached) of "Twice Told Tales" by Nathaniel Hawthorne and am having some difficulty determining any dates of publication or printing. I would appreciate any insights you can offer.

A:  This book is part of the Boys and Girls Own Library. It was published in 1909-1910.
See Boys and Girls Own Library

03 Aug 2011 59

Boys and Girls Own Library

Q:  Could you please help me with some information concerning this book (Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin)? I would like to know the publishing date and value. Thank you,

A:  Your book belongs to one of two series. Both of these series have very similar covers but the lettering of Series 59 (../series/series59.htm) is brownish (like your book) whereas the lettering on the covers of Series 58 books (../series/series58.htm) is gold.

So I think your book belongs to the later series (#59). Series 59 advertises the Little Men and Women Series in the back ads.

If you are unsure, let me know. I can easily date your book if I know what ads are in the back.

("Yes, I do find the ad for Little Men and Women.") --With this information the date of this book is 1909-1910.

19 Mar 2016 63

Children of the Bible Series

Q:  Hello there! Thank you for your valuable time! I have a book that is identified in the list of Altemus Illustrated Children of the Bible Series. Copyright 1905 by Henry Altemus Printed in the United States. (The Boy Who Obeyed). The Story of Isaac by J.H. Willard. On one page it says Philadelphia Henry Altemus Company. On the next page it says Copyright, 1905 By Henry Altemus. It is a hard back cover. The picture of this book is in the list on the web site listed as Format # 5 , volume # 1. It has no dust cover sort of speak. It just has the hard back cover identical to Format #5, volume #1. Please email me back with any information you can give me on this nice book. Any idea what it maybe worth, or where one can possibly sell it.

A:  This ten book series was quite popular during its production run. There were five formats all of which came with dust jackets. Presently however these books are not hard to find and not very collectible and thus have minimal value.

For more information see Children of the Bible Series

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