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The following are questions submitted via email by our visitors.

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Questions & Answers:
Date Series Num Information
01 Mar 2021 79

Esperance Series

Q:  I am trying to get more info on a copy of Rip Van Winkle that I have. Your site is an incredible resource and I think I know where the book came from but any help would be appreciated. It is a soft suede like green cover which seems to match the Petit Trianon series 3rd numbering, format 2 but it could also be format 5. Title page says
Henry Altemus Company

I have attached a copy of the cover below. Any info regarding the books series, year or rarity would be a help to me.

A:  Your book is actually part of the Esperance Series and was published between 1905-1909.
See: Henry Altemus Co - Esperance Series 79

It originally had a little ribbon on the cover and was sold within a labeled box.

28 Aug 2019 79

Esperance Series

Q:  Hello, I picked up this book years ago and was trying to research it. I came across your excellent website but couldn’t find information about this particular type of binding, which is brushed suede or leather. The title is "The Beauty of a Life of Service" by Rev. Phillips Brooks. The copyright date is 1896. The book binding has come apart, so it probably has no value in this condition.
Any information would be appreciated.

A:  Your book is part of the Esperance Series and was published between 1905-1909.

See: Henry Altemus Co - Esperance Series 79

It originally came within a labeled box.

09 Jun 2019 79

Esperance Series

Q:  Hello, I have been searching for the published year and value for this Altemus book, Self Reliance.

The only date in the book is referenced 'Copyright 1896' Approximately 4” x 6” embossed suede cover, worn cover edges as seen in the picture, spine intact, all pages intact, no handwriting, stains or other issues.

A:  Your book is part of the Esperance Series and was published between 1905 and 1909. It originally had a ribbon on the cover and came in a labeled box.
It has nominal value.
See http://www.henryaltemus.com/series/series79.htm

23 Mar 2015 79

Esperance Series

Q:  Can't locate info on my book. Love and Friendship

A:  Your book is part of the Esperance Series. The titles in this series which are all reprints were published between 1905 and 1909.

These volumes originally came within a labeled box. An example is shown here.

29 Sep 2014 79

Esperance Series

Q:  We have an old boxed copy of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow with a nice fine leather cover and we are wondering if it is worth anything. Can you help. A picture is attached.

A:  Your book is part of the Esperance Series. It was published between 1905 and 1909. All of the twenty books in this series were reprints.

Having the original box is quite nice but the demand for this title in this format is quite limited. Getting more than $25 will be a challenge.

06 May 2011 79

Esperance Series

Q:  Could you tell me more information about this book? See attached. What series would it be? How much it might be worth? I welcome anything you know!

A:  Your book is part of the Esperance Series. See ../series/series79.htm. It was published between 1905 and 1909.

This series of twenty books originally came in a labeled box. All the books which are reprints can be found in either brown or green suede.

Generally these books sells for between $0-20.

30 Mar 2010 79

Esperance Series

Q:  I have a copy of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Altemus Esperance Series, in the original box. Henry Altemus Company 1896. Green with embossed leaves, the title in gold. Someone has inscribed it on an inside cover page "To dear Bessie with love from cousin Carrie, Christmas 1912, and included a gift card inscribed Bessie. Other than that it is in pristine condition. The box is very, very good with only one small tear to the edge. The original label is on the box in very very good condition. How would I go about finding the value and selling it?

A:  This book and series can be found at Esperance Series
Books of this series with the original box usually sell for between $10-50.

In fairness though, you really just never know regarding the top or bottom of the price range.

I have included a picture of a box and a book from this series the questioner did not provide a picture for me.

23 Jun 2007 79

Esperance Series

Q:  I am attempting to get some information about a book that was given to me many years ago by a family friend. It is a copy of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving. On the title page it says
Henry Altemus Company
On the back side of that page it says: "Copyright 1896 by Henry Altemus"

It is a small 6 1/4" long x 4 1/2" wide with a soft suede green cover with a pattern of embossed oak (?) leaves on the cover. The front cover is faded but the gilt lettering of the title is still easily readable. Inside there is a split between the lower half of the first 3 pages and the rest of the pages in the book (along the spine).

Can you give me any idea of when it was actually printed, it's orginal cost and value today?

A:  I am enclosing a picture of what I think you are describing. This book comes from the Esperance Series. If I am incorrect, let me know.

Info about this series is at:
Esperance Series

These books were published later than your 1896 copyright. The 1896 reflects when Altemus first published this title. (In a different format).

Your book originally came with a box.

Without the box the book does not usually sell for more than nominal value. Of course, you never know what someone will pay.

04 Jun 2006 79

Esperance Series

Q:  I recently came into possession of a book by Florence Ridley Havergal titled "Royal Invitation for the Kings' Children" and published by Henry Altemus Company. There is no publishing date and I am wondering who Florence Ridley Havergal was and her relation to Frances Ridley Havergal who I believe was the author of these prayers. I would greatly appreciate it if you could enlighten me.

A:  This book is part of the Esperance Series (Series #79). Published between 1905 and 1909, this 20 book series had only one format. Limp green velvet with gold gilt lettering. It originally came in a labeled box. 6.5 x 4.5.

27 Apr 2019 80

Eternal Life Series

Q:  How old and value? God's Word and God's Work

A:  Your book was published between 1896-1898 in the Eternal Life Series. See: Henry Altemus Company - Eternal Life Series 80

Nominal value considering its condition and lack of collector interest.

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