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06 Nov 2021 |
87 |
Favorite Series
Q: Hello, I was wondering if you could give me information on this Alice's Adventures in Wonderland book. All the ones I've found similar have some color this one has no colored picture and seems to have not too much info on it. I've attached some pictures.
If you could give me some information that would be great.
Thank you for your time, much appreciated.
A: Your book is from the Favorite Series, Format 2.
See: Henry Altemus Company - Favorite Series for Young People Series 87
The date of your book can be determined by following the information in Series Note 5 on that page.
The cover is the same as the one used for this title in the Young People's Library, Format 3.
Henry Altemus Company - Young People's Library Series 202
19 Jun 2016 |
87 |
Favorite Series for Young People
Q: Hello, I was cleaning out my bookshelf and found a copy of Altemus' Favorite Series Alice In Wonderland and was wondering if it held any value. I think it's a Format 1 #2 (via your ultra-informative website) and there is a light pencil inscription that reads "Glenn [S or G] Murphy, Christmas 1901" on the inside.
A: Nice book. You are right. It is from the Favorite Series. It is much less common than the Young People's Library versions that sell reasonably well on Ebay.
If you are selling it, I think Ebay is a pretty good place and I would expect $25-50 but maybe more depending how you describe it. Dating it should be easy (1900-1901) if you look at the ads in the back and then the dating information on the web page:
In an informative blurb I would stress that it is from the Favorite Series and is fairly rare etc.
The books in this series did come with dust jackets but they are very hard to find.
12 Aug 2015 |
87 |
Favorite Series
Q: Dear Sirs; Looking to your website in identification of an Altemus book I recently uncovered in an attic box at an estate sale a copy of an Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. It doesn't quite match the covers I've seen before for any of the formats of the young people's library formats. The copyright gives 1896 and it displays the binding style of format 1 but the cover I have not seen before. Book is in excellent shape, a solid piece. Found in the manner it was and my familiarity as a collector I cannot believe it is a reproduction or other. Can you please identify?
A: Your book is part of the Favorite Series. It is a Format 1 style and was published in 1900-1901.
The text of the book is identical to the Young People's Library text and why Altemus published this (and many other) titles in multiple series simultaneously is unclear.
The books of this series all came with dust jackets initially.
Although not rare, the volumes of this series are much less commonly found than those in the Young People's Library.
17 Jan 2012 |
87 |
Favorite Series
Q: Hi—Finally took some photos of the book. I would like to know if there is a market for a first edition 1896 of “Altemus' Favorite Series The Fables of Aesop.” It’s in fairly good condition, binding still fine, with beat-up but readable dust jacket. There is a raven or crow dropping a ball into an urn on the dust jacket and cover. There is a stamped name and date on the inside first blank page, but I haven’t seen any other marks except for some slight grease marks (fingers?) on a few pages. I have looked online and couldn’t find any other copies for sale or wanted, and only found it listed on your site. Please advise.
A: Your book is part of Altemus' Favorite Series. This is a series of nineteen books which are all reprints came in two different formats. The book above is a second format book (1902-1910) and the covers of this format are the same as those in the Young People's Library. See ../series/series87.htm
The date of publication can be determined by looking at the ads in the back of the book and following the information in the "series notes" on the page above. This book is a reprint.
I think it is a very nice book especially because you have the original dust jacket. It can be hard to estimate the value. Generally this book with the jacket would sell for about $15-25. Dealers might list it for much more but unless someone just has to have it, the book will remain unsold. Sometimes a similar book will not sell at all at any price. I guess you just never know.
24 Jun 2011 |
87 |
Favorite Series
Q: I was given these (Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass) a few years back when my grandfather passed away I was told they were his mothers, they seem to be in really good shape no tears in the bindings or pages what is it that I have here.
A: Your books are part of the Favorite Series (../series/series87.htm).
They are somewhat uncommon and a nice set of "Alice" books. They are reprints but since they are in nice shape they would be desirable to Alice collectors.
The title page of these books say "Young People's Library". Several Altemus series used the Young People's Library interiors with different covers. This is an example of that.
28 Jan 2011 |
87 |
Favorite Series
Q: An donation came to a local charity and I wish to possibly sell it for them. Another volunteer is also interested in it, but the charity needs a value for this book.....They have no Internet for this, so I'm volunteering my services..
One thing that was very interesting about the book is the great grandmother placed a letter inside it to give to her grandson and mentions that this was passed down through the years and she was giving it to him for Xmas. She mentioned it was a hard to find book and a valuable book. The story behind this was so sweet and it shows how some of today's youth really don't read the past history that much and treasure the past. Instead there is video games and other neat things in their life..It is a shame to not keep this old book, and he really didn't want it, so here it is at the donation site..I think that is one thing about the book more than anything was that letter and it's history and story behind the book.
Columbus and The Discovery of America..I wish to get a value on this book and where there is a good site to sell it. The only problem I see is the date page is detached, other than that it is in good condition. Any neat info would be appreciated also..I see the cover is different than what your web site pictured...
A: Your book is part of the Favorite Series and was published between 1902-1910 (Format 2). ../series/series87.htm
Even in great condition this book is hard to sell. There just is not much interest in this title.
24 Jan 2011 |
87 |
Favorite Series for Young People
Q: Hi there, We were wondering if is copy of "THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS" has any value whatsoever? The book is very worn and was given as a gift to Hugh Sefton in 1902 as Christmas present.
A: Ordinarily this title would be sought after because of the highly collectible nature of the Lewis Carroll Alice books. The books from this 19 book series
(Favorite Series for Young People ../series/series87.htm) are much less common than those from the Young People's Library and those books frequently sell for more than $50.
Unfortunately because your book is in such poor condition, only a novice book collector would pay more than a few dollars for it.
05 Apr 2010 |
87 |
Favorite Series
Q: I have a copy of Alice in Wonderland from 1897. I was wondering what you could tell me about this book. It has forty-two illustrations in it, and looks like it is in good shape. I was wondering if it worth holding on too and passing down or is it a common book?
A: Nice book. It is part of the Favorite Series (See: Series 87)
It was published in 1900 or 1901. Originally it had a dust jacket.
This Alice in Wonderland book is much scarcer than the very common Alice from the Young People's Library that seemingly is always for sale by someone on Ebay.
It's value can vary based on who sees the book advertised.
I would think $20-100 would be fair although I have seen it get no offers and have seen a price higher than $100.
15 May 2019 |
91 |
Gem Series
Q: Hello! May I have help with the year of this devotionals publishing? No ads in the back and no pages to indicate year? The Prince of the House of David
A: Your book is part of the Gem Series.
It was published between 1910-1912. It originally was sold within a labeled box.
See: Henry Altemus Company - Gem Series (earlier) 91
28 May 2014 |
91 |
Gem Series
Q: I was wondering if you could tell me anything about this book. I bought it several years ago, put it away and pretty much forgot about it. The Song of Hiawatha
A: Your book is part of the Gem Series. It was published between 1910 and 1912. Originally it came in a labeled box. An example is shown here.
It is a reprint. In this condition it has no value.